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Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by State

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  • Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by State

    Gulen-Linked Schools in Calif. to be Investigated by State

    Friday, August 15th, 2014

    Magnolia Science Academy 6 in Palms is one of the schools cited for
    financial mismanagement

    SACRAMENTO, LOS ANGELES--The Joint Legislative Audit Committee on
    Thursday approved a statewide audit of the Magnolia Science Academies
    of California, which runs 12 tax payer-funded charter schools in the
    state that have ties to the Gueln Institute, affiliated to the Turkish
    cleric Fettulah Gulen.

    The audit, requested by State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, brings
    forth major concerns of misappropriation of tax payer funds of the 12
    Magnolia charter schools and their parent company, the Magnolia
    Education and Research Foundation (MERF).

    In August of 2012, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD),
    Office of Inspector General's (OIG) audit on Magnolia Science
    Academies revealed major irregularities and misappropriation of funds
    for two of eight Magnolia Charter Schools in their jurisdiction;
    Magnolia Charter Schools number 6 and 7. In March of 2014, the LAUSD
    granted a conditional renewal of the Charter agreements, with
    reauthorization pending the results of the OIG's findings.

    "Charter Schools play an important role in the public education system
    by delivering a high quality education to our students. I am deeply
    troubled that public education funds are being abused by the Magnolia
    Academies. It was important to bring this request forward to ensure
    that our tax payer dollars aren't being misspent, at the expense of
    the students, and the taxpayers who support public education." said

    The audit, which doesn't have an official start date, will take 7-10
    months to complete.

    On June 27, the Los Angeles Unified School District issued findings
    indicating that Magnolia Charter School Academy 6 and 7's conditional
    renewal were rescinded based on material fiscal and operational
    findings and fiscal mismanagement based on a forensic review of the
    schools and Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation. Magnolia
    sought a preliminary injunction to block the District from
    implementing the nonrenewal of the two schools.

    During a July 25 hearing, Judge Luis A. Lavin granted the injunction
    in order to not disrupt the student community, but ordered a strict
    investigation into the finances of the MERF and the Magnolia schools.

    The LAUSD said it viewed Judge Lavin's protective orders as
    affirmation of the serious conditions the District faced with
    Magnolia. "Our primary concern has always been the students who attend
    Magnolia," Superintendent John E. Deasy said. "While it is never an
    easy decision to disrupt a school community, Magnolia's fiscal
    mismanagement and serious fiscal issues gave the District no choice.
    Now that Judge Lavin has provided these additional protective
    measures, the schools can remain intact while the administrative
    appeals process reaches its inevitable conclusion."

    Throughout the hearing on the preliminary injunction, Judge Lavin
    repeatedly indicated that the preliminary injunction is in no way a
    ruling on the merits of whether Magnolia should continue to operate. A
    trial setting conference will be held on October 14, 2014, and a
    hearing on the merits will be set sometime in January 2015.

    If Magnolia fails to comply with any of the conditions outlined above,
    LAUSD can petition the court on an ex parte motion to dissolve the
    preliminary injunction.

    On the national level, Gulen-affiliated schools have come under
    investigation for questionable financial practices, to filling teacher
    positions with often unqualified people brought in from Turkey.

    Gulen-affiliated charter schools in Arizona, Louisiana, Pennsylvania,
    Texas and New Jersey have been under investigation by the FBI since
