09:25 * 22.08.14
Azerbaijan's recent armed attacks against Armenian border villages
have reportedly caused the Ministry of Defense to actively commit
itself to recruiting commanders.
The paper says that military registration and enlistment offices have
been actively sending notices to many over the past days. Citing its
sources, it claims that the Ministry has spent about 3 milllion Drams
(approx $7,500) to supply food to the participants of a commanders'
meeting. The money was reportedly spent on buying food for 600 people,
the costs per capita being 5,000 Drams ($12).
Armenian News - Tert.am
From: Baghdasarian
09:25 * 22.08.14
Azerbaijan's recent armed attacks against Armenian border villages
have reportedly caused the Ministry of Defense to actively commit
itself to recruiting commanders.
The paper says that military registration and enlistment offices have
been actively sending notices to many over the past days. Citing its
sources, it claims that the Ministry has spent about 3 milllion Drams
(approx $7,500) to supply food to the participants of a commanders'
meeting. The money was reportedly spent on buying food for 600 people,
the costs per capita being 5,000 Drams ($12).
Armenian News - Tert.am
From: Baghdasarian