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Finding New Friends

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  • Finding New Friends


    The Economist
    Aug 21 2014

    In their desperate search for sanctuary, Iraq's Yazidis ask Turkey
    for salvation

    Aug 23rd 2014 | YOLVEREN, TURKEY |

    A CENTURY ago, the Yazidis of Sinjar saved hundreds of Armenians and
    Assyrian Christians as they were being slaughtered by the forces of
    the Ottoman Turks and their Kurdish proxies in what a growing body
    of scholars considers the 20th century's first genocide. "They built
    a colony for these people, with houses, a church and a clinic," says
    David Gaunt, a British historian. In 1918 the Ottomans retaliated by
    sending a small army to Sinjar, destroying the buildings and capturing
    a revered Yazidi leader, Hamo Sharro, who was sentenced to five years
    of hard labour.

    Now, in an ironic twist, thousands of Yazidis are seeking refuge in
    Turkey as they flee the savagery of the jihadists who overran Sinjar on
    August 3rd. Some 2,500 members of this ancient sect, whom Muslims label
    "devil worshippers" because of their adulation of an angel in the guise
    of a peacock, are said to have crossed into Turkey. Most are in a camp
    erected by Turkish authorities in Silopi, a border town in the mainly
    Kurdish south-east. But a growing number are heading to villages
    dotting the barren plains around Batman, a province that hosted a
    vibrant mix of Christians and Yazidis before the bloodshed of 1915.

    One of these is Yolveren, where some 31 Yazidi refugees are crammed
    into a house with four rooms. Little Yazidi boys, wearing a single
    golden earring to protect them from the evil eye, cling to their
    mothers, their eyes filled with fear. "Three of my cousins, all of
    them girls, were kidnapped," says Harbiye Khalil, who escaped with
    her three children. Hundreds of others were less lucky. "Our women
    are being paraded on the streets, sold to Arab men and raped by Daish
    [the Kurdish and Arabic term for Islamic State]," says a teacher of
    English. "We are helpless."

    Many blame Iraq's Kurds for failing to protect them. "We begged them
    to give us weapons so we could defend ourselves. They refused and
    abandoned us without firing a bullet," says a Yazidi economist. Others
    point fingers at their Arab neighbours. "Muhammad al-Aser, the sheikh
    of [a neighbouring Arab] Hasawij village, led Daish to our homes to
    kill us," rasps an elderly carpenter. "We feel utterly betrayed. But
    the YPG, God bless them, they have a permanent place in our heads," he
    adds, patting his white turban. He is referring to the People's Defence
    Units, a Syrian Kurdish militia allied to the Kurdistan Workers'
    Party (PKK) in south-eastern Turkey. The YPG has been battling IS in
    northern Syria for two years and has led tens of thousands of Yazidis
    stranded on Mount Sinjar to safety in the past few weeks.

    Batman's Kurdish mayor, Gulistan Akil, promises to build homes for
    the Yazidis. "We must make amends for the past."
