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Russian-Turkish Alliance Is A Chance For Armenia

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  • Russian-Turkish Alliance Is A Chance For Armenia

    Russian-Turkish Alliance Is A Chance For Armenia

    Igor Muradyan, Political Analyst
    Comments - 23 August 2014, 17:15

    The American analytical community is experiencing a serious genre
    crisis because succession of not only people but also ideas has not
    been ensured. International politics has stepped far ahead and a lot
    has changed in the world while most American analysts are faithful to
    old patterns and clichés which were developed in the period following
    the "cold war".

    Crises in American analytics were observed in different geopolitical
    directions, primarily regarding the Near East where developments
    expected in wide public circles had not been predicted. Political
    scientists and analysts working in the direction of Eastern Europe and
    Eurasia are traditionally experts on Soviet Union which see the
    problems of this vast and diverse region as a mechanical counteraction
    of two or three "poles" of power.

    These specialists, as always, enjoy great respect in the U.S.
    government agencies, and their opinion remains a key issue in the
    public context of discussions but at the same time new experts working
    on political research have emerged in the United States.

    It should be noted that part of traditional analysts are openly
    working for the interests of Azerbaijan, receiving considerable
    amounts, including funding for institutes and think-tanks which they
    represent. This circumstance does influence their activities but in
    the public aspect the opinion of experts who are better funded and
    cherish their professional position prevails because there have been a
    lot of examples when engaged experts quickly lost their authority and
    positions in the analytical community.

    Now practically all analysts who are experienced Sovietologists and
    speak Russian well could offer Armenia only one recommendation - fast
    normalization with Turkey. In addition, normalization of relations
    with Azerbaijan is seen as something secondary. They think
    normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations is the most effective and
    comprehensible way of achievement of independence for Armenia.
    Furthermore, such recommendations are not found in the circles of more
    actual analysts doing research for the key U.S. government agencies.

    However, since the "special" sphere of researchers is not dealing with
    the problems of Armenia at full, opinions and assessments of
    traditional analysts prevail in the public sphere and corridors of the
    government, which does influence the general discussion on the South
    Caucasus and entire Eastern Europe. Now practically all the
    Sovietologists have already expressed their opinions on one idea or
    another. One has to understand that if no new ideas are born in the
    State Department in the nearest future, this archaism will be
    considered as topical.

    The idea of normalization of Turkish-Armenian relations as a means of
    ousting Russia from the South Caucasus does not contain anything
    realistic or topical because Turkey is no longer seen as a reliable
    partner for NATO and the United States and conducts an independent,
    control-free policy on behalf on the side of the Western community. In
    the West, Turkey is viewed as a possible close partner of Russia, and
    it is impossible to associate with it fulfillment of interests of the
    West either in Eastern Europe or the Near East.

    It is well-known that now, as the next NATO summit is coming up, the
    majority of member states of the alliance are expecting problems with
    Turkey's position. If the State Department considered the settlement
    of Turkish-Armenian relations a real means of achievement of the goal,
    these initiatives would have been brought to being. For the time
    being, nothing is seen.

    Nevertheless, the attempts at normalization of the Turkish-Armenian
    relations, initially a failure, automatically increase Armenia's
    dependence on Russia because every time after failure the Western
    community does not offer Armenia alternatives in the sphere of

    No doubt this situation occurs thanks to the positions of Armenia and
    the West. Armenia, directed by Russia, continues to distance from the
    West, and the West cannot make up its mind to offer alternative
    solutions to Armenia. It occurred in a more salient form in the
    process of Armenia's attempts to integrate with the European Union
    which ended up in the failure of 3 September 2013.

    In addition, nobody in the West, not even the United States tried to
    look into the reasons of failure of attempts at normalization.
    Failures of these attempts are mostly explained by the content of
    relations and consultations between Turkey and Russia which will
    always find common interests on the basis of the "Armenian topic".

    The signing of protocols in Zurich was cartoon diplomacy with shadow
    participation of Russia. However, Russia is not the only problem. For
    Turkey the "Armenian factor" is an effective lever of development of
    relations with Russia and the West simultaneously.

    It should be noted that any initiative aimed at normalization of
    relations with Armenia is highly useful not only for Turkey but also
    Azerbaijan, especially if these initiatives come from the United
    States. This enables Turkey to manipulate this topic and eventually
    outline its additional advantages on the condition of thwarting these
    attempts. This failure is political capital in the baggage of Turkish
    and Russian politics. Upon observation of this situation even Georgia
    understands to what these initiatives lead to when Turkey and Russia
    join their efforts.

    The researchers who are dealing with the problems of foreign policy in
    government agencies see Turkey's role in the destiny of the countries
    of the Black Sea and the South Caucasus differently. Turkey is being
    viewed as a big problem for the United States in all the geopolitical
    aspects, and they prefer conducting a "containment" policy on it.

    In addition, considering the similarity of interests and styles of
    Turkey and Russia, they have to conduct a policy of "dual containment"
    and the countries of the Black Sea and Caucasian region and the Near
    East, together with Iran, are viewed by the United States and their
    partners as a factor of "containment" of Turkish expansion.

    The tendency of turning Turkey to a Russian partner in the Atlantic
    field is observed because Turkey is becoming interested in limiting
    expansion of NATO composition and missions and the movement of the
    alliance towards Eastern Europe, as well as strengthening of the
    military-political presence of the United States and NATO in the Black
    Sea and the South Caucasus.

    In fact, Turkey and Russia are allies in the Black Sea and this
    circumstance will certainly develop. Some controversies in the
    Turkish-Russian relations relating to the processes in Syria have not
    become any factor of their confrontation except phenomena with
    indirect importance.

    But now as the importance of Russia in the Near East is minimized, it
    will find out that Turkey can be its only ally in this region.
    Besides, the role of the south Caucasus is strengthening in bringing
    closer and agreeing the interests of Turkey and Russia. Soon Turkey
    will no longer demonstrate even in terms of demagogy that it has
    controversies with Russia.

    Not a long time ago the Americans and Europeans were worried about the
    possibility of rapprochement of Turkey and Russia though they
    predicted difficulties in this direction for both sides. Now on both
    sides of the Atlantic Ocean they are interested in the Turkish-Russian
    "association" because it allows putting forth claims to Ankara in
    terms of possible discussions and lead the two states into one camp
    against which joint efforts can be planned.

    All this seems questionable but only for one banal reason - Turkey
    remains a NATO member, which irritates the Western community.

    The functions and role of Armenia in such arrangement of forces are
    obvious and practically such a situation allows hoping for genuine
    sovereignty. Armenian diplomats have no idea of such realities and
    relevant tasks. One can hear them say: "Analytics annoys, too much
    analytics does not allow concentrating, when there is too much of it,
    it hinders to work." This has been stated recently and absolutely
    frankly. Who has flooded weary Armenian diplomats with analytics?
