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Caliphate--A Century, Compact and Simple

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  • Caliphate--A Century, Compact and Simple

    Caliphate--A Century, Compact and Simple

    By Garen Yegparian on August 22, 2014

    We often forget that the Islamic Caliphate last resided in
    Constantinople in the person of the ruling sultan of the Ottoman
    Empire. With Ataturk's abolition of the Ottoman monarch and state, the
    caliphate, too, disappeared, only to "reappear" a few weeks ago in the
    proclamation of the (Sunni) "Islamic State" as the latter's murderous
    minions swept out of the territories they had occupied in Syria and
    "conquered" a significant segment of Iraq.

    How did all this happen? What are the precedents? What connects these
    two caliphates? Who shares responsibility for these developments? How
    is all this connected, or relevant, to Armenian concerns (beyond the
    obvious immediate threat to the lives of those Armenians who fall
    under the rule of the "Islamic State")?

    A century ago, as its dying act, the last caliphate liquidated the
    Armenian population under its control. Far more than any other
    massacre of Christians by Muslims (or even vice-versa), this was a
    precedent-setting policy. It screamed, "From now on, states may
    eradicate human beings as suits their needs." Thus was modern genocide
    born. No longer sufficed the slow-moving, decades- or centuries-long
    process of decimating the native populations of the Congo or Americas,
    nor the ancient "tradition" of wiping out the population and physical
    existence of city-states (think of what Rome did to Carthage), nor
    even the Mongol/Turkish tradition of conquest-by-carnage.

    Unfortunately, the winners of World War I were still in a colonialist
    mindset and created artificial states over the ruins of the Ottoman
    Empire to suit their divide-and-conquer needs. Not only did the
    Armenians get shafted, but so did the Kurds, Arabs, and everyone else.
    I suspect part of the reason that Armenians were treated relatively
    well in the Arab countries was the budding Arab nationalism and its
    attendant decency. It was a non-religious movement, but a threat to
    European colonialists who set up monarchies and pseudo-democracies in
    countries constructed to maintain mutual tension. One need only look
    at Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq to see this reality. Then came Israel,
    established (at least partially) as atonement for the genocide Jews
    had just suffered.

    After some three-quarters of a century of triple indignity, Arab
    populations have had enough. First, their legitimate national
    aspirations were perverted, strangled, and/or subverted through the
    bogus state boundaries created to divide them. Second, they were
    subjected to misrule in those states by tyrants (often successive,
    where a revolution promising liberation was co-opted by darker forces)
    who were often puppets of one or more of the great powers. Third, they
    perceived the creation of Israel (rightly or wrongly is not relevant
    at this point) as a dagger in their heart.

    In tandem, Iran's people experienced similar disappointments. The
    pre-World War I constitutional revolution (in which Yeprem Khan, an
    ARF member, played a key role) ultimately was subverted with any
    progress/modernization made by the Pahlavi dynasty being rendered
    meaningless by the 1953 American-British engineered coup that toppled
    Prime Minister Mosaddegh. This ultimately led to religious forums
    becoming the venue and source of hope for liberation, as people saw
    nowhere else to turn, leading to the creation of an Islamic republic.

    Similar religion-oriented ferment was present in the Arab world,
    probably inspired to some degree by the "progress" made in Iran
    through religion. In the Arab case, the most extreme ideologies had
    the most financial support because of the oil wealth of the countries
    hosting them (e.g., Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabis). Plus, the less
    extreme Muslim Brotherhood was brutally and repeatedly "contained" in
    Egypt and Syria. Add to this the context of the Cold War in which the
    West saw an advantage to using radical Islamists as proxies against
    the Soviet Union (primarily in Afghanistan), and you get a perfect
    storm developing.

    People's frustration (failure of Arab nationalism, despotic rulers,
    aborted "Arab Spring"), battlefront experience (Afghanistan, Iraq, and
    Syria), ideological context (decades of religion-based inspiration),
    financial support (Arab Gulf states), and rivalries among Arab states
    plus between Shias and Sunnis (and, in parallel, with Iran) led to the
    mess in Syria. Of course, Turkey, with its reborn Ottomanism (starting
    in the days of Prime Minister Turgut Ozal) being implemented as policy
    over the past decade by the AKP's Erdogan and Davutoglu, had its
    fingers in the Syrian pie. It supported the Islamist radicals (think
    Kessab) and probably has a good relationship with them, much as it may
    be diplomatically convenient to pretend otherwise.

    Now, we have Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi anointing himself as caliph. His
    forces are doing rather well, using the same murderous terror tactics
    (might we be witnessing the beginning of a genocide of Christians?) as
    the last caliphate (Ottoman) did to spread and maintain its control.
    Erdogan is president of Turkey, and likely will be for the next
    decade. How far can a rapprochement between Turkey and the "Islamic
    State" go? Consider that the latter is also fighting the Kurds who are
    also the Turkish regime's perceived enemy (regardless of recent
    improvements and ongoing negotiations with jailed PKK leader Apo

    If the West and current Arab leadership don't wake up to this danger,
    there's a good chance the latter will be wiped out and a new monster
    empowered by oil wealth, Turkey, and sheer enthusiasm born of ongoing
    victories will be pounding at the gates of Kurdistan, Israel, probably
    Iran, and possibly even further. The new caliphate's overt and covert
    supporters will live to regret their support of the Ottoman Empire's
    new heirs, and Armenians will continue to be "collateral damage" in
    the Middle East, and may even confront some problems on our twin
    republics' borders as a result of this resurgent religious extremism.

    Let's start getting the word out before it's too late for all concerned.
