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Yezidi HR defender: Armenia can save more Yezidis in this dire situa

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  • Yezidi HR defender: Armenia can save more Yezidis in this dire situa

    Yezidi human rights defender: "Armenia can save more Yezidis in this
    dire situation".

    Friday 22 August 2014 14:22
    Mirza Ismail

    On 3 August 2014, Islamic State (IS) militants attacked and took over
    Sinjar, a Kurdish-controlled town that was home to Yezidis.

    As a result, there were over 800 killed, thousands of captives and
    missing people and dozens of thousand migrants.

    Mirza Ismail is the Chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization
    based in Canada. Nowadays he is in Washington DC, meeting with
    different US officials, therefore trying to find solutions to save
    Yezidi population of Iraq.

    Mediamax presents its exclusive interview with the Yezidi human rights defender.

    -Was the IS attack on Yezidi population of Iraq a surprise for
    Yezidis or was it an expected act?

    -This is not the first time the Yezidis have faced genocide. There
    have been 74 genocides against the Yezidis, just because we Yezidis
    practice ancient faith that is different from Islam. The IS attack was
    expected, when they took control over Iraqi-Syrian border, Baaj town
    (34 km south of Sinjar) and Talafar city (about 37 km east of Sinjar).

    Prior to the IS attack against the Yezidis in Sinjar region on July
    17, we (a Yezidi Delegation) came to Washington, DC, had meetings with
    three House of Representatives and U.S. State Department Office of
    Religious Freedom. At the meetings, we explained the situation of
    Iraqi Yezidis and the fact that they were surrounded by IS who had
    already killed many of them.

    For the Yezidis themselves the attack happened suddenly, but the
    Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) officials were aware of it, and
    their militias did not fight against IS. The KRG also withdrew its
    militias from the Sinjar region just prior to the attack and they also
    refused to give Yezidis any weapons to defend themselves against the

    -KRG has called on the international society to deliver military aid
    for fighting against IS. Should KRG expect positive answer from the

    - That is true, the KRG has asked the U.S., UK and EU as well for
    support with high technology weapons. I think EU has already agreed,
    but U.S. is still thinking about it. However, this was a plan by the
    KRG to leave the Yezidis and Christians' areas of Sinjar region and
    Nineveh Plain in order to get support with good weapons, by convincing
    the West that if they had good weapons they would be able to protect
    the minorities. But it is not true at all, because KRG has been able
    to defend Erbil and take the Mosul Dam back from the ISIS with same
    weapons. So here is a question: why did the KRG not fight against ISIS
    in Sinjar and Nineveh Plain regions?

    -According to a well-spread view IS is sponsored by Turkish state.
    What goal is Turkey trying to achieve by these kind of actions?

    - Turkey has a very good relationship with the KRG. I think Turkey has
    sponsored the ISIS because they are Sunnis and that they are against
    the Regime of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. This is not something new, the
    conflict between the Sunnis and Shiites has been there for centuries.
    >From my own perspective the Sunnis are scared of the Abbasi State
    (including Iran, Iraq and Syria) to come back. If these three
    countries unite under the Shiite Islamic State, it could become very
    powerful and later could destroy the Sunni countries such as Saudi
    Arabia. That's why these Sunni countries created the IS or Islamic
    Khalifat that would fight against Iran, Iraq and Syria not to become a
    strong Shiite State.

    - Are Yezidis happy with reaction of international community or do
    they think that international society could do more?

    - No, the Yezidis are not happy with the International community's
    reaction. Of course, they could do more. They have not stopped the IS
    from killing the Yezidis. The situation gets worse day by day.
    Presently, there are hundreds of thousands of displaced Yezidis in the
    KRG regions, who sleep in streets, parks, schools, open fields, etc.
    The International aid has not reached 50% of those displaced Yezidis.
    Young babies die every day of starvations and lack of medical care.

    -Armenia is the 5th country with biggest Yezidi population (35
    thousand). How can Armenia help Iraqi Yezidis?

    - We think that Armenia should be the first country to send
    humanitarian aid to Iraqi Yezidis, because the Armenians and the
    Yezidis, Chaldo-Assyrians in past have gone together through many
    difficult times and Armenians know how does it look like to face a
    total genocide. Any humanitarian aid is greatly appreciated. The
    Yezidis and Armenians have saved each other in the past and I think
    Armenia can save more Yezidis in this difficult and dire situation.

    - What is happening nowadays with Yezidi population of Iraq, is often
    compared with the Armenian Genocide in 1915. Does the history repeat
    100 years later?

    - Well, at the same time with the Armenian Genocide in 1915, there was
    a genocide against Yezidis, during which 350 thousands Yezidis were

    My grandfather was from Urfa and he escaped the genocide and fled to
    Syria and then to Iraq. Though at that time (1915), the Turkish and
    Kurdish did not have that high technology weapons, there is no much
    difference between the past and current situation. That time's
    killings and beheadings are being repeated by the IS today. But in
    1915 we did not have UN and NATO, who are nowadays responsible for the
    World Affairs and they are still failing to protect the Yezidis.

    -While raising awareness about the recent tragedy of Iraqi Yezidis,
    what would you like to address the international society at this

    - The whole world is aware that total genocide against the most
    peaceful nation is taking place nowadays. We can't force the
    international societies to do more. As Yezidis maybe we deserve this
    74th genocide in the 21 century or maybe God created us (Yezidis) by
    mistake, so that Islam is trying to correct God's mistake... maybe that
    is why the world is not taking our issue seriously.

    By the way, Yezidis who were able to escape the IS and have reached
    the KRG controlled area, are facing assimilations into Kurdish

    Narine Daneghyan talked to Mirza Ismail.
