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Divas, spies and first ladies of their ilk

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  • Divas, spies and first ladies of their ilk

    The Times of India
    Jan 12 2014

    Divas, spies and first ladies of their ilk

    Ratnottama Sengupta,TNN | Jan 12, 2014, 02.26 AM IST

    KOLKATA: When they died, both Gauhar Jaan and Noor Inayat Khan were
    laid to rest in unmarked graves. Other than this, they had another
    thing in common - Kolkata. This emerged on the fourth day of AKLF, on
    at The Park, in association with The Times of India.

    Gauhar Jaan 'Kalkattewali', the first Asian to be recorded on 78 RPM,
    was the toast of this city's upper crust. They were mad about her
    ghazals and thumris; she was mad about her cat and hosted lavish
    parties for their litter. Born to a Hindu grandmother, British
    grandfather, and Armenian father, she would ride down Red Road on her
    four-horse buggy and wave at the viceroy if he happened to pass by,
    even if that spelt a thousand-rupee penalty. Inevitably, she was
    paupered and had to seek employment with the Wodeyars of Mysore. Two
    years later when she died, childless, no one bothered to place a
    tombstone on her grave.

    Noor was daughter of Hazrat Inayat Khan, a descendent of Tipu
    Sultanwho died fighting the British rulers. Being a Sufi, Inayat
    didn't care for fights: When his murshid told him to travel west, he
    arrived in California with his veena and his chelas. There, he fell in
    love with this beauty called Ray Baker, married her and headed for
    London. When he realised he was being trailed, he fled to Moscow where
    Noor was born full 100 years ago, on January 2. When the October
    Revolution happened, Inayat returned to London where they stayed
    through WW1. Again, when he was followed, he moved to Paris where he
    suddenly died. Noor, all of 13, took charge of her mother and

    In 1939, with war clouds hovering over them, Noor's brother Vilayat
    said, "Though Sufis, we must fight fascism." So they're back in
    London, he joins RAF, she its women's wing. The war had empowered the
    women in many ways: Noor learnt radio transmission and became the
    first woman wireless operator. Soon she was inducted into the secret
    service: one day a young man unilaterally informed her in French:
    "You'll be sent to Paris. If you're caught you'll be killed. Are you
    ready?" Noor didn't think even once, she simply said "Yes".

    Nora or Madelaine - as she was known - had an appetite for adventure.
    But the job at hand was full of danger - she could decode in less than
    72 hours but her circuit was broken in less than a week. She rebuilt
    it and had a busy time for three months. But her beauty proved her
    undoing: She was betrayed by an informer whose infatuation she didn't
    reciprocate. The feisty spy found herself in Dachau, condemned to
    'disappear without trace'.

    Spy or diva, both citizens of the world had to get the better of
    logistical challenge. Noor, wherever she went, had to carry the
    transmission machine in a box, plug it electrically, transmit and
    scoot - with the box! And Gauhar? Since there were no microphones
    then, she had to scream at the top pitch into a horn, with two
    technicians standing by her to hold back her hand if she lifted it to
    her ears, Hindustani-vocalist style! Don't you see? It'd disturb the
    recording - that ended with the declaration 'I am Gauhar Jaan!' -which
    would then be cut into a disc by a technician in Hanover.

    Screechy, even funny to our stereophonic-and Dolby-attuned ears, these
    recordings still bring us the story of the diva who led the vinyl
    recording movement that went unnoticed in its 100th year - 2002.
    That's why Vikram Sampath has taken up the task of making available to
    everyone who's interested in the 'Voices of India.'

    Noor? She was decorated by the Brits with a George Cross and the
    French with a Grand Croix. But India did not know of her. Full 50
    years after WW2 had ended, when the secret service records were
    declassified, details of her war against fascism surfaced. And
    Shrabani Basu picked up her trail. Besides penning down her
    impassioned story, she even raised 100,000 pounds for a bronze bust
    that was unveiled in London 2012 - by Princess Anne!

    From: Baghdasarian