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The Housing Conundrum: Syrian Armenians In Armenia

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  • The Housing Conundrum: Syrian Armenians In Armenia


    By Sarkis Balkhian // January 14, 2014 in Featured, Headline, Special Reports

    Special for the Armenian Weekly

    "My father passed away a few years before the beginning of the
    conflict. My mother works as a cook for 12 hours a day, while my
    14-year-old brother attends school," says Daron, 16, a Syrian-Armenian
    waiter in Yerevan. "I can't go to school because I have to support
    my family."

    'New Aleppo' district plan

    The 34 months of the Syrian crisis has resulted in 120,000 deaths, 7
    million internally displaced persons (IDP), and 2.3 million refugees.1
    Although the situation of the refugees across the Middle East, or
    even in certain European states like Bulgaria,2 is drastically worse
    than the circumstance of the Syrian Armenians in Armenia, nonetheless
    those who have resettled in Armenia are also facing numerous economic,
    social, and legal challenges.

    According to the Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Diaspora, more
    than 16,000 Syrian Armenians have entered the country since the
    beginning of the crisis in March 2011, and more systematically with
    the beginning of the armed conflict in Aleppo in July 2012.

    Nearly 11,000 continue to reside in Armenia (including in the Nagorno
    Karabagh Republic). The vast majority of the 5,000 who left Armenia
    have returned back to their homes in Syria,3 while a small number of
    people have become refugees in Europe and other parts of the world.4
    Due to financial constraints, more than 70 percent of the population
    has not been able to purchase apartments. This housing situation has
    been the primary obstacle to the integration of Syrian-Armenians
    in Armenia. Whereas for the past 17 months, numerous local and
    international organizations have provided stipends for rent or
    housing in shelter homes, an inclusionary housing solution has yet
    to be developed.

    Housing programs and projects

    In the early stages of the Syrian-Armenian migration to Armenia, the
    Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) provided monthly stipends
    of $100-150 to support individuals and families with their rental
    fees for a period of 3 months.5

    The Armenian Caritas (Armenian Catholic Church) in Yerevan has
    sheltered more than 45 of the most needy at its center, and
    has provided them with food and other forms of assistance.6 Most
    recently, on Nov. 27, 2013, the head of its Department for Migration
    and Integration announced that the organization would be allocating a
    significant portion of the 270,000 euros received from the Austrian
    government, via the Austrian Red Cross, toward the leasing expenses
    of 100 families for the next 6 months.7

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation's (ARF) "Help Your Brother"
    program has provided more than $32,000 to the "Kashatagh" foundation,
    to aid the construction and renovation of homes in the Kashatagh region
    of Karabagh, where more than 35 Syrian Armenians currently reside.8
    The Tufenkian Foundation, the Assistance to Self-Determined Artsakh
    Charitable Foundation, and other organizations are also supporting
    resettlement efforts in Karabagh.9

    In Yerevan, "Help Your Brother" is planning the construction
    of apartment buildings in the Davtashen district. Two-hundred
    Syrian-Armenian families will be able to purchase apartments there
    at minimal cost by submitting applications at the "Help Your Brother"
    headquarters in Yerevan.10

    Through the relentless efforts of the Minister of Diaspora, Hranush
    Hakobyan, and the order of President Serge Sarkisian, the government
    approved the construction of the "New Aleppo" district in Ashtarak
    city. On July 23, 2013, the Ashtarak City Council allocated more than
    11 acres of land to the Center for Coordination of Syrian-Armenian
    Issues NGO for the "New Aleppo" housing project.11

    As of December 2013, more than 300 Syrian-Armenian families had
    submitted registration forms to the Center for Coordination of
    Syrian-Armenian Issues, and have expressed a willingness to pay up
    to 50 percent of the construction cost for the apartments.12

    On Dec. 9, 2013, the final plan for the "New Aleppo" district was
    presented by Vahe and Gohar Tutunjians, the co-presidents of the
    Pan-Armenian Association of Architects and Engineers. According
    to the initial estimates, the project will cost around $30 million
    and will feature 22-30 apartment buildings, swimming pools, garages,
    playgrounds and other amenities. Most importantly, it will house more
    than 500 Syrian-Armenian families.13

    Analysis and conclusion

    "We came to Armenia with only a few thousand dollars, which has long
    run out," explained Daron. "My mother makes $300 per month. I make
    around $400-500 while working up to 70 hours every week. The most
    we can save up each month is around $150 because we have to pay $200
    for rent." Daron is neither the norm, nor the exception.

    Having worked with the Center for Coordination of Syrian-Armenian
    Issues for almost a year, and due to my current involvement with
    the Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization, I estimate that at
    least 15-20 percent of the Syrian Armenians in Armenia do not have
    sufficient funds to purchase apartments.

    According to the most recent data, more than 250 individuals are
    awaiting access to free-of-charge shelter homes in Armenia, while 200
    are currently being housed in shelters that do not comply with the
    "Adequate Standards of Living" set fort by Article 25 of the Universal
    Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Article 11 of the International
    Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).

    I have been an advocate (albeit, with some reservations) for the
    construction of an Aleppo neighborhood in Armenia since the beginning
    of the process. However, in its current form, the "New Aleppo"
    district does not represent the spirit or vision of its mastermind.

    In May 2011, Ani Balkhian, a founding member of the Center for
    Coordination of Syrian-Armenian Issues and the current president
    of the Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization, introduced the
    initial plan for "New Aleppo" during the All-Armenia Fund meeting in
    Yerevan. She made a verbal proposal then to President Sarkisian. In
    August 2011, via the Armenian Consulate in Aleppo, she sent a formal
    written request to the president requesting government-designated
    land for the construction of an Aleppo Neighborhood.

    The initial plan for the project was to induce a Syrian-Armenian
    mass-migration to Armenia by allocating apartments at construction
    cost. However, for reasons yet unknown, the plan never materialized.

    After the establishment of the Center for Coordination of
    Syrian-Armenian Issues, Balkhian reintroduced the idea and, in October
    2012, through the Ministry of Diaspora, a second written proposal
    was sent to the president.

    More than two years after the initial proposal, the final plan for
    "New Aleppo" has been developed and will, as hitherto mentioned,
    feature 22-30 apartment buildings. On Dec. 7, 2013, the Center
    for Coordination of Syrian-Armenian Issues, on its Facebook page,
    announced that "individuals seeking apartments in the 'New Aleppo'
    district need to submit their applications at the organization's
    headquarter...transfer $5,000 to the organization's bank account and
    sign a preliminary agreement document."14

    There are certain social and financial flaws with the current state
    of the "New Aleppo" district. In fact, my initial concerns over this
    project have been validated on both fronts.

    Contrary to the Armenian Diaspora in Russia, Europe, the United
    States, and even Lebanon, Armenians have lived a marginalized life in
    Syria. Due to religious and cultural reservations, as well as valid
    fears of assimilation, Armenians had isolated themselves from the world
    around them. The churches, sports clubs, cultural institutions, and
    schools were used as a fortress to defend Armenian-Christian identity
    in Syria. In Aleppo, especially, most Syria-Armenian children who
    attended Armenian schools were not even accustomed to speaking Arabic
    until the ages of 12-15.

    Today, most Syrian Armenians in Armenia have continued the same
    secluding and ghettoizing strategies of self-isolation. This is not due
    to their fears of the local Armenian population, but because they are
    subconsciously programmed to operate this way. Even the amenities to be
    included within the "New Aleppo" project--swimming pools, playgrounds,
    etc.--will further contribute to the isolation of Syrian-Armenians
    from the local society, and slow down their integration process.

    On the financial front, in August 2011, most Syrian Armenians were
    able to purchase apartments in the "New Aleppo" district by procuring
    funds through the sale of real estate or other assets in Syria. Now,
    however, at least 15-20 percent do not have access to $5,000 to use
    as a down payment, nor are they capable of contributing 30-50 percent
    of the construction cost.

    I, for one, do not understand the logic behind investing funds for
    amenities--that were non-existent in the neighborhoods of "Old Aleppo"
    (Meedan, Sulamaniye, Villat, Azizie)--while so many remain excluded
    from this initiative.

    It is my belief that any housing project that seeks to provide
    durable shelter solutions for Syrian Armenians should be founded on
    the principle of inclusion rather than exclusion. It should first and
    foremost address the needs of the most vulnerable Syrian Armenians,
    rather than solidifying the bourgeois status of the middle class.

    Although I welcome any housing initiative that ensures the
    complete resettlement of Syrian Armenians and contributes to their
    full integration in Armenia, the current plan of "New Aleppo,"
    unfortunately, does not address the needs of the most vulnerable of
    the population. It is simply unacceptable.

    Finally, as a Syrian Armenian myself, I would like to express my
    gratitude to the president, the Ministry of Diaspora, the Armenian
    government, and local and international organizations, businesses,
    and foundations for their support in both Armenia and Syria. The
    criticisms presented in this piece are not intended to discourage any
    organization or to undermine any program or project. Rather, they aim
    to represent the voice of the voiceless and the face of the faceless,
    like Daron, and encourage organizations to operate based on the visions
    of the late Nelson Mandela: "Let there be justice for all. Let there
    be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all."


    [1] See

    [2] See

    [3] See

    [4] See

    [5] See

    [6] See

    [7] See

    [8] See

    [9] See h.

    [10] See

    [11] See

    [12] See

    [13] See

    [14] The full text of the announcement on Facebook: "Ô±Õ·Õ¿Õ¡O~@Õ¡Õ¯
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