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Artashes Shaboyan: Reduction in consumer demand has a negative effec

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  • Artashes Shaboyan: Reduction in consumer demand has a negative effec

    Artashes Shaboyan: Reduction in consumer demand has a negative effect
    on supermarkets
    ArmInfo's Interview with Artashes Shaboyan, Senior Research Specialist
    at Ameria Group

    by Gayane Isahakyan

    Sunday, July 27, 14:22

    Retail trade has always been one of the most dynamic sectors of world
    business. Retail trade operators are developing intensively. This
    trend does not pass by Armenia, where retail chains are also
    developing dynamically. There are already over 10 retail chains in the
    country and their number keeps growing. The process of development is
    accompanied by mergers, acquisitions, entry of new players and
    withdrawal of old ones, which eventually determines the dynamics of
    the retail trade market. Ameria Advisory Company has conducted the
    second research in the retail trade sector in Armenia, with main focus
    on fast moving consumer goods market (FMCG). According to the findings
    of the research, in 2012-2013 the large retail chains reduced the
    coverage of Yerevan's FMCG market by 5 pct points. Now supermarkets
    and hypermarkets occupy only 47% of the FMCG market in Yerevan versus
    52% in 2012. The research explains this by the fact that the residents
    of Yerevan considerably reduced their FMCG expenses and started doing
    more shopping at minimarkets and food stores. Furthermore, two years
    ago STAR, a major trade chain in Armenia, quitted. This toughened the
    competition among the market participants, which should keep placing
    their stake on the customer perception and innovation management to
    enhance the customer loyalty and engagement. Below is ArmInfo's
    interview with Artashes Shaboyan, Senior Research Specialist at Ameria
    Group, who shares his opinion on possible problems, trends in the
    retail trade sector, as well as the steps that can help retailers to
    their boost sales.

    Mr. Shaboyan, according to Ameria Advisory Company's research, the
    fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market of Yerevan has shrunk over
    the past 2 years due to the changes in consumer behavior. How and why
    has the consumer behavior of the Yerevan residents changed?

    Ameria conducted the first research in the retail trade sector in 2012
    and the second one in 2014. In both cases we studied the households'
    FMCG expenses in Yerevan. In nominal terms, over the past two years
    the Yerevan residents' monthly FMCG expenses have dropped by 4% in AMD
    terms and by 6% in USD terms, having averaged 143.9 thsd AMD. In fact,
    the dynamics is not so tangible but given the two-year rise in the
    consumer price index, the Yerevan residents' FMCG expenses dropped by
    16% in real terms, and this is a rather big figure. In fact, this is
    how much the residents have reduced physical consumption of FMCG over
    the past two years. If the FMCG prices in 2014 were the same as two
    years ago, the residents' monthly expenses on FMCG with the current
    physical consumption would be 126.1 thsd AMD instead of 143.9 thsd
    AMD. Our research has revealed two reasons why the residents of
    Yerevan have started spending less. The first reason is that over the
    past two years the household incomes have not grown, to put it mildly.
    The income of some social groups has not changed, and the income of
    others has declined to some extent. The second reason is that the
    expenses on other goods and services (including gas and electric power
    supply) have considerably grown. People had to spend less on their
    food, detergents, personal hygiene means, alcohol and cigarettes.

    Your research has found out that the residents of Yerevan have started
    spending less on FMCG. In case of overall price boost, people
    certainly have to tighten the purse strings. What goods do people save
    on and what goods enjoy little demand?

    In nominal terms, the monthly expenses on food and soft drinks per
    household in Yerevan have dropped by 1%. In 2012 those expenses made
    up 109.3 thsd AMD monthly versus 108.5 thsd AMD in 2014. The
    difference between these amounts is not big. But as I have already
    mentioned, the situation becomes absolutely different given the
    two-year tangible inflation - the population spends the same amount
    but buys fewer goods, i.e. people save on food. Over the past two
    years, food and soft drinks have risen in price by 16.3%. So, the
    Yerevan residents' expenses on food and soft drinks have fallen by
    15%. By the price calculation of 2012, the physical consumption of
    these goods in 2014 would be 93.3 thsd AMD monthly (instead of 108.5
    thsd AMD). As regards alcohol and cigarettes, their consumption would
    decline by 8% to 17.9 thsd AMD in nominal terms and by 18% in real
    terms given the 12.1 inflation (to 16 thsd AMD by the price
    calculation of 2012). The biggest decline fell on the households'
    expenses on detergents and personal hygiene products. In nominal
    terms, the expenses on the specified goods per household have fallen
    by 17% to 17.4 thsd AMD monthly. In real terms, the expenses have
    fallen by 20% given the 4.2% inflation and totaled 16.7 thsd AMD by
    the price calculation of 2012. So, people have mostly saved on
    household goods, alcohol and cigarettes.

    How have FMCG expenses changed for low-income and high-income
    households? How have the households ensured the cost optimization?

    We have classified the households into 5 groups by their monthly
    incomes. The first four groups feature families whose monthly income
    per family member is no more than 124.9 thsd AMD. Over the past two
    years, the expenses of these groups have not changed so much as the
    expenses of the fifth group, whose monthly income per family member is
    125 thsd AMD and more. In nominal terms, this group's FMCG expenses
    have risen by 11% to 210.2 thsd AMD per month. The first group
    (families with no more than 30 thsd AMD monthly income per member) has
    increased the FMCG expenses by 4% to 105.2 thsd AMD per month. The
    second group (families with 30.1-45 thsd AMD monthly income per
    member) has increased the monthly FMCG expenses by 3% to 128 thsd AMD.
    The third group (families with 45.1-62.5 thsd AMD monthly income per
    member) has decreased the expenses by 4% to 131.4 thsd AMD per month.
    The fourth group (families with 62.6-124.9 thsd AMD monthly income per
    member) has increased the expenses by 1% to 155.8 thsd AMD per month.
    The figures demonstrate that in the first four groups the monthly
    expenses have undergone almost no changes given the 5% deviations,
    which are admitted in statistical surveys. These families had to
    reduce the FMCG expenses in order to pay for the electric power and
    gas supply services. To ensure some cost optimization, people have
    started buying cheaper goods, which have lower quality and lower brand
    popularity than their expensive analogues. The fifth group also had to
    spend less, but not on the FMCG but on trips or meals at the
    restaurants, for instance. It is much easier for this group to scrape
    through, because in their case to optimize costs does not mean to make
    two ends meet.

    You say that over the past two years the residents of Yerevan have
    started buying the FMCG at minimarkets and big food stores rather than
    supermarkets and hypermarkets. Why have the residents' buying
    preferences changed so much? Are they displeased with the prices
    offered by the large retailers or... ?

    This is the most noteworthy fact revealed by our research. The share
    of supermarkets and hypermarkets in the world retail sector was
    prevailing and steadily growing before the crisis, but over the
    post-crisis period the share of retail chains ceased growing and even
    dropped worldwide, especially in the countries of Central and Eastern
    Europe. These countries experience growth in the consumer demand for
    stores. In Armenia's case the reasons are more mundane. One of the
    reasons of shopping reduction at supermarkets is their inconvenient
    location. As you know, in 2012 the STAR retail chain withdrew from the
    market by closing all its supermarkets (over 30). STAR had
    supermarkets in all the administrative districts of Yerevan. The
    geography of the current retail chains is not so wide and people visit
    the nearby stores instead of going to a remote supermarket. The second
    reason is that it takes people more time and money to do shopping at
    supermarkets than at small stores. As a rule, goods are cheaper at the
    small stores, because the assortment consists of cheaper items.

    How do you think the situation will change in the future? Won't the
    large retail chains be driven out of the market by small stores?

    I think the given market participants will shortly recover their
    pre-crisis positions, because the current decline is not permanent and
    it is only the consequence of the economic downturn. As soon as the
    global financial crisis is over and new supermarkets are opened, the
    share of the large retail chains in Armenia will go up again. The
    current retail chains are making attempts to extend their geography.
    Furthermore, with the entry of the new player Carrefour, especially if
    the latter ensures a wide geography in the local market, the share of
    retailers in the aggregate public demand for purchases will skyrocket.
    On the other hand, the wide chain of Carrefour will aggravate the
    competition among the leading players.

    What measures should the current retailers in Armenia take to
    withstand the upcoming stiffer competition?

    According to the research findings, the residents of Yerevan give high
    priority to the wide assortment of goods when choosing a supermarket.
    The second important thing is the service quality, and the third one
    is the adequacy of the prices to the quality of the goods.

    Each of the current retail chains has its own niche. Some of them
    focus on wide assortment and raise the prices. Consequently, these
    supermarkets offer their services to the category of the customers who
    have specific requirements to the assortment. Other supermarkets make
    the service quality their main trump card. Over the past 2 years some
    supermarkets have boosted their sales due to low prices, because amid
    the declining personal revenues they enjoyed big demand among the
    customers. These supermarkets lacked a wide assortment of goods and
    the quality of their services was not that high.

    Amid the toughening competition, supermarkets should strengthen the
    three abovementioned factors and decide more precisely what group of
    customers they should work for, what buying preferences the customers
    have, what age group prevails in their customer base, etc. Our
    research has demonstrated that youth prefer doing shopping at
    supermarkets rather than small stores and stalls. The choice of the
    supermarket also depends on what exactly the customer wants to buy.
    For instance, alcohol is usually bought at the supermarkets and
    cigarettes are bought at the stalls. Elderly people buy fruit and
    vegetables at the agrarian markets more often than at the
    supermarkets. To withstand the competition, the large retail chains
    should find out what for the customers visit their sales outlets. In
    addition, they had better speed up efforts to maintain the customer
    loyalty and to attract new customers, because a new player will soon
    launch activities in Yerevan.

    I should mention that the research features the portraits of the
    customers of each of the leading chains. The location of the
    supermarket is of certain importance, as I have already said. Many
    communities of Yerevan have lacked supermarkets since the withdrawal
    of STAR from the market, and the residents have to do their shopping
    at the minimarkets and food stores adjacent to their houses. So, the
    large retailers should pay attention to the correct location of their
    supermarkets when expanding their chains. Our research also includes
    data on how many supermarkets there are in the administrative
    districts of Yerevan and whether they are in demand. Other factors
    such as discount systems, advertising, brands, possible noncash sales
    and online purchases are of no much significance yet. It should be
    noted that the price level is a priority for the customers, who choose
    specific stores and minimarkets.

    You have mentioned that the price level is the third important factor
    for the respondents. Won't this approach change in the future, since
    the customers start paying more and more attention to the cheapness of

    According to the previous research conducted by Ameria, 2 year ago the
    price level was the fifth important factor in the choice of the
    supermarket. In 2012-2013 the given factor became more crucial,
    because as I have already mentioned, the revenues of the major part of
    the population dropped, whereas the prices went up. The future changes
    in the customers' approach directly depend on the changes in the
    socio-economic condition of the population. If it changes for the
    better, the price factor in the choice of the supermarkets will become
    the fourth or the fifth important factor.

    By our classification, for the first three groups of households with
    relatively low incomes the price level is almost as important as the
    wide assortment and the customer quality and the importance ratios of
    the three factors in these groups do not differ very much, unlike
    those for the households with relatively high incomes. It should be
    noted that the importance of the factors in the choice of the
    supermarkets depends not only on the incomes but also on the age and
    sex. For instance, middle-aged and elderly people pay more attention
    to the prices than youth. To female customers prices also matter more
    than to male ones.

    Your research has revealed one more interesting fact: the residents of
    Yerevan have reduced the expenses at agrarian markets and especially
    fairs. Though the service quality here is lower than at stores, the
    agrarian markets and fairs have a very important advantage for
    Armenians - one can abate the price here. Given that the needy people
    have reduced their expenses most of all, what's the dynamics of the
    needy people's expenses at the agrarian markets and fairs? Why have
    the needy people sharply changed their approach to the agrarian
    markets and fairs and where do they prefer doing shopping now?

    Our research demonstrates that the agrarian markets are mostly the
    preference of the older generation. 45-55-aged women constitute the
    major part of the customers. The youth do not visit the agrarian
    markets and, as a rule, do not change their buying preferences in the
    future. In other words, the agrarian markets are becoming irrelevant
    due to the alternation of generation. A similar trend is being
    observed in other countries as well. Furthermore, the attendance is
    seasonal here. In summertime the agrarian markets have more customers
    than in other seasons, because in summer the preference is given to
    fresh fruit and vegetables. I think if the current tendency goes on,
    the role of the agrarian markets as trade outlets will diminish or
    they will become an attraction for travelers. As regards fairs, the
    residents have reduced their expenses here because the number of such
    outlets has sharply decreased over the past two years rather than
    because people are reluctant to visit these outlets. In addition, the
    fairs cannot withstand the competition with the stores where the
    prices are much lower and various discount campaigns are launched from
    time to time. Besides, it takes people too much time to attend fairs.

    People are doing less shopping at the stalls and hardware shops. Why?

    The range of goods is too narrow here. In addition, the stalls have
    sharply decreased in number due to the regulatory standards and
    toughened requirements to them. As regards the hardware shops, I can
    say that here the shopping is declining because the assortment is
    restricted to detergents and personal hygiene means, whereas people
    are inclined to purchase everything at single shopping. So, the
    problem is the narrow assortment again and the need to save time. It
    is noteworthy that though the share of supermarkets in the Yerevan
    residents' FMCG expenses has dropped, nevertheless, on a single visit
    to a supermarket customers spend more money and buy more goods than
    they did a few years ago. In other words, people seek to spend less
    time on shopping.

    How popular and applicable are the loyalty cards provided to the
    customers by the supermarkets in Yerevan?

    During the public opinion poll, we asked the respondents what for they
    need these cards most of all. Some of them need these cards to
    accumulate bonus points, some respondents need them to make use of the
    discounts, for others the loyalty cards raise their image, but most of
    the respondents failed to answer this question. They did not know how
    to use the cards or they did not know what mattered more to them -
    discounts, bonus points or the image. This means that the customers
    are not well aware of the idea of loyalty cards. To note, more people
    made use of such cards in 2012 than now not least because of STAR's
    withdrawal from the market. It should also be noted that the loyalty
    cards are more popular with women than men.

    So, what major problems can endanger the development of the retail
    trade sector and what trends may hinder the regular business course in
    the future?

    The key problem is the demographic condition of Armenia. The given
    segment is population-oriented and the retail sector suffers a
    quantitative and qualitative shortage of customers. The continuous
    reduction in the country's population has a direct negative impact on
    the retail trade sector. The major risks in the given segment are the
    steadily shrinking number of the customers and and/or the insufficient
    growth of revenues of the remaining customers. No matter how well the
    retail chains work and no matter how much they enhance their
    competitiveness, the shortage of customers remains an urgent problem.
    In the course of time, this problem will become even more topical
    given the high migration rates.

    Thank you for the interesting and informative interview.ò9EEA70-1577-11E4-818D0EB7C0D21663
