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ANTELIAS: HH Aram I Receives Students from Europe and the US majorin

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  • ANTELIAS: HH Aram I Receives Students from Europe and the US majorin

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
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    His Holiness Arm I Receives Students from Europe and the United States of
    America majoring in Middle East Studies

    Anteilas - 26 June 2014. On Thursday 25 students from Germany, the United
    Kingdom and the United States of America majoring in Middle East Studies and
    accompanied by their professors met with His Holiness Aram I in Antelias.

    Catholicos Aram I introduced them to the Armenian Orthodox Church and
    spoke of the Christian presence in the Middle East . He also addressed the
    issue of ecumenical relations both regionally and globally. During the
    question and answer period the Catholicos also spoke of the Armenian
    Genocide and Armenian-Turkish relations.

    At the end of the meeting, the professor from the Middle East Studies
    Department of Oxford University invited His Holiness to Oxford to lecture on
    the topic, "The Middle East Today and its Challenges to Christians."

    The Representative of Maronite Patriarch and the Apostolic Nuncio to
    Assess the Vatican visit with His Holiness Aram I

    Antelias - Upon return of His Holiness Aram I oliness AAafrom the Vatican,
    Archbishop Paul Sayyah, the Patriarchal Vicar, visited the Catholicos to
    discuss the visit.

    His Holiness also received Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia, the
    Apostolic Nuncio, to hear the impressions of His Holiness Aram I and
    proposals for a follow-up with some of the concerns.

    On both occasions the guests discussed the situation in Lebanon and the
    status of Presidential elections.

    The Leadership of the Social Democrat Henchak Party meet with His Holiness
    Aram I

    Antelias - On 19 June 2014, a delegation led by the President of the
    Central Committee of the party, Hagop Tikranian, and the Vice- President and
    Lebanese Member of the Lebanese Parliament, Sebouh Kalpakian, met with
    Catholicos Aram I in his office in Antelias. They discussed issues related
    to the Armenian community in Lebanon and the forthcoming commemoration of
    the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. They agreed that all parties
    and interests should coordinate efforts towards the Armenian Cause and adopt
    a common strategy.

    The Ceremony in Antelias to conclude the 2013-2014 Bible Study Course for

    Antelias - The annual Bible Study Course for women, organized by the
    Christian Education Department, ended on 17 June 2014. On this occasion His
    Holiness Aram I attended the closing ceremony and addressed the 150 women
    who followed the course.

    The Catholicos quoted 2 Thessalonians 2: 15 ".. stand firm and hold to the
    traditions which you were taught, whether by word or mouth or by letter from
    us." He then explained the importance of holding strongly to the traditions,
    because, he said, "according to the Apostle, traditions embody Christian
    values and ideals that shape identity." He then noted that Christian
    identity is expressed through culture, which is the manifestation of the
    social behavior of a people. His Holiness concluded with the following
    message: "Our Armenian values, ideals and identity are shaped by our
    Christian faith, which the Apostles brought to our country. The Armenian
    family, the Church and the school are the social units that guard our
    Armenian identity and, therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to
    safeguard our Armenian Identity by bringing up their children within these

    Renovations and New Construction Projects in Bikfaya in Prepartion of the
    100th Anniversary Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

    Antelias - A committee of architects and engineers nominated by His
    Holiness Aram I have been working on transforming the monastery in Bikfaya
    to receive the pilgrims, who, in 2015, will come from the diaspora to join
    the commemorative events. The area around the Genocide monument is being
    expanded and new monuments are being erected to recall the history of the
    Genocide and the sufferings of the Armenian people caused by Turkey. New
    buildings are being erected to provide space for the clergy as well as for
    commemorative activities. Some projects have already been completed and
    others will be ready for April 2015.

    # #

    From: Baghdasarian