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Florida Armenians Endorsed Candidates Overwhelmingly Win on Election

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  • Florida Armenians Endorsed Candidates Overwhelmingly Win on Election

    November 5, 2014

    Contact: Taniel Koushakjian
    Email: [email protected]

    Florida Armenians Endorsed Candidates Overwhelmingly Win on Election Night

    By Taniel Koushakjian
    FLArmenians Managing Editor

    Florida Armenians is pleased to announce that 38 out of 39 candidates
    endorsed by Florida Armenians have won election to various offices across
    the State of Florida. The 97% success rate of Florida Armenians endorsed
    candidates illustrates the power and effectiveness of the Armenian American
    community in Florida at the federal, state, and local level.

    All thirteen Florida Armenians endorsed candidates for United States
    Congress were elected, including Republican challenger Carlos Curbelo who
    defeated Democratic incumbent Joe Garcia in FL-26, which covers southwest
    Miami-Dade County and all of Monroe County.

    In the state legislature, all four Florida Armenians endorsed senate
    candidates won election. In the state house, fifteen out of sixteen Florida
    Armenians endorsed candidates won election, including HD-67 Republican
    Chris Latvala who easily defeated Democrat Christopher Shepard in the
    open-seat contest. Christ Latvala is the son of State Senator Jack Latvala
    (R-Pinellas), who introduced and managed the successful passage of the
    first Armenian Genocide resolution in the Florida State Senate in 2013. The
    only loss of all Florida Armenians endorsed candidates in the 2014 election
    cycle occurred next door to Chris Latvala, in HD-68, where Bill Young lost
    his challenge to Democratic incumbent Dwight Dudley (D-Pinellas). Bill
    Young is the son of the late C.W. Bill Young III (R-FL), who represented
    Florida in the United State Congress from 1971-2013.

    At the state executive level, all three Florida Armenians endorsed
    candidates coasted to victory. Although Florida Armenians withheld our
    endorsement in the hotly-contested Florida Governor race, we would like to
    congratulate Governor Rick Scott on his reelection victory. We look forward
    to working with him and his administration as we approach the Armenian
    Genocide centennial in April 24, 2015.

    Florida Armenians also endorsed Garo Artinian, the sole Armenian American
    on the ballot in Florida. He won an uncontested race and is now the North
    Palm Beach County Improvement District Seat 2 Board Member-elect.

    Florida Armenians would like to congratulate all of our endorsees across
    the Sunshine State on their election victory.

    Available online at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress