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ANKARA: Turkish & Azeri Academics Seeks To Boost Ties

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  • ANKARA: Turkish & Azeri Academics Seeks To Boost Ties


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Nov 5 2014

    Ali Unal

    BAKU -- "We aim to strengthen Azerbaijani-Turkish relations in various
    fields, which are already strong," Dr. Farhad Memmedov said at a
    press conference, while evaluating the results of an event, "Days of
    Turkey in Azerbaijan," jointly organized by the Turkish Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs Center for Strategic Studies (SAM) and the Azerbaijan
    Presidency Strategic Studies Center (AzerSAM) on Nov. 5 in Baku. "It
    is gratifying for me to say that bilateral cooperation with Turkey has
    reached a certain point and we would like to expand this cooperation
    level to trilateral cooperation by adding countries in our region,"
    he added. AzerSAM Chairman Memmedov also underlined the importance
    in expanding cooperation with countries in the region to ensure peace
    and stability in the Caucasus.

    SAM chairman, Professor Ali Resul Usul, on the other hand, described
    the motto "One nation, two states," as their main vision for bilateral
    relations and said, "Azerbaijan's border is the border of Turkey,
    Turkey's borders is Azerbaijan's border," to indicate the solid
    relationship between the two countries. Usul also underlined that
    from now on they should focus on activities to improve synchronization
    between the two countries.

    Answering a question regarding Turkey-Armenia relations, Usul stressed
    that it is not possible to open the Turkish-Armenian border and
    normalize relations as long as Armenia continues to occupy Azerbaijani
    lands, which has continued for more than 25 years. "This problem must
    be solved in a fair manner, and Armenia's withdrawal from the occupied
    Azeri territories is the only way to do that. Turkey supports the
    concluding of political negotiations, but the solution must be fair,
    Usul added.

    Activities for "Days of Turkey in Azerbaijan" were jointly organized
    by SAM and AzerSAM and took place Nov. 3-5. As a part of the event,
    a group of Turkish academics along with their Azerbaijani colleagues
    paid a visit to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan and then moved on to
    two other cities, Qebele and Aghdam.

    Participating in panel discussions titled "Political Security
    Dimensions of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations" and "Azerbaijan-Turkey
    economic relations and economic future of the region," academicians
    from both countries debated issues that are of importance in boosting
    bilateral relations. A day after the panel discussions in Baku, a round
    table meeting co-moderated by Usul and Memmedov took place in Qebele.

    "Days of Turkey in Azerbaijan" came after "Days of Azerbaijan in
    Turkey," which was held last year and a series of academic events
    took place in the provinces of Edirne, Yalova, Bursa, Bandırma and
    Ankara on Nov. 18-20, 2013.

    Turkey and Azerbaijan have a close relationship in various fields, and
    since the early 1990s, the relationship between the two countries has
    been described as "one nation, two states." As in the previous event,
    this years' jointly organized event aimed to help the countries to
    better understand each other and enhance current cooperation areas.
