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Maneuvers Of The Armed Forces Of Armenia And Artsakh

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  • Maneuvers Of The Armed Forces Of Armenia And Artsakh



    Armenian armed forces of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh are engaged
    in maneuvers, military excercises large-scale multi-day, confirmed
    Thursday, November 6th spokesman of the Armenian Defense Ministry in
    Yerevan. Artsrun Hovhannisian said that these exercises followed a
    well-established organizational structure and were designed to assess
    the fighting Armenian forces. "Year after year, these exercises fool
    ever more sophisticated in their form and in the skills they require,
    and reflect a professionalism meets the requirements of the time,"
    he has said.

    Responsible of the Department of Defense designated the military
    exercises as "multifaceted and diverse," adding that they involved
    both the size of the armed reservists forces. "The goal of any such
    exercise is to enhance the combat capability of the armed forces"
    and test their responsiveness, added Mr. Hovhannisian. However,
    the spokesman of the Ministry neither confirmed nor denied reports
    circulating in the press concerning the mobilization of reservists,
    merely designate the reserves as an integral part of the armed forces.

    Moreover, it has to link these Avitus manouevres to observed tensions
    for several months on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He
    even believed that the border situation could be currently considered
    relatively quiet. Azerbaijan, meanwhile, regularly conducts military
    exercises extensive along the contact line between Armenian forces in
    Karabakh and Azerbaijani armed forces. The Baku authorities regularly
    threaten recpurir the use of force to regain control of areas that
    have been freed from the control of Azerbaijan in favor of the war in
    early 1990. While uttering threats and developing his martial rhetoric,
    Baku pretends to solve the conflict through diplomatic channels, by
    continuing the dialogue with the Armenian side under the auspices of
    the Minsk Group of the OSCE.

    In early August, after renewed tensions in the conflict zone, which
    caused the death of twenty soldiers, especially in the ranks Azeri,
    Armenia and Azerbaijan were about to restart hostilities when meeting
    between Presidents Aliyev and Sarkissain led by Putin in Sochi has
    helped bring relative calm. The two leaders sat at the table a few
    weeks later, on October 27, this time in Paris, under the auspices of
    French President Francois Hollande, who threw them an invitation to
    this effect at its South Caucasus tour in May. During the party talks
    in Paris, international mediators have urged the warring parties to
    demonstrate their 'political will' to overcome their differences and
    prepare their peoples to embark on the path of sustainable peace.

    While the Armenian armed forces are involved in these maneuvers to
    avert the possibility of a conflict with neighboring Azerbaijan,
    a group of parents of Armenian soldiers killed in their barracks,
    away from the battlefield, said that the problem abuse within the
    national army still called a solution. The Armenian government had
    considered this problem and implemented measures to limit abuse and
    mistreatment in the ranks of the army, with some success as figures
    show a reduction in the number of soldiers killed out of combat .

    However, the associations of relatives of soldiers killed in these
    circumstances threatened on November 6 to start a protest campaign,
    with a sit-in near the presidential palace in Yerevan if the head
    of state does not receive personally. These associations, which had
    alerted the public to this problem by mobilizing for several weeks,
    in the years before the ministries and agencies, indicated that
    they had lost all hope of having their applications reviewed by the
    government and were more important than the president for justice. The
    main issues defended by these associations relate to complaints from
    angry mothers of soldiers killed in the armed forces, including the
    suspicious death was assigned by the military hierarchy to suicides
    or accidents. Disputed by relatives of the victims, some of whom may
    have been driven to suicide because of the abuse and humiliation they
    suffered when their death was not disguised as suicide or accident,
    in their versions for cover the "blunders" of officers or fellow
    soldiers tarnishing the image of the military.

    Nana Muradian, the mother of one of these conscripts Valerik
    Muradian, who died five years before, had said after a meeting with
    Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan last summer that it had obtained the
    promise that President Serzh Sarkisian and receive the other mothers
    of soldiers. "Qannd we showed Abrahamian photographs and highlighted
    the contradictions of investigations, he showed surprise as simple
    as files have not been a serious investigation and have not been
    resolved," she had then reported, adding that the Prime Minister had
    promised his personal mediation in order to organize the meeting with
    President Sargsyan, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
    selo the Armenian Constitution.

    Gohar Sargsyan (no relation to the president), who is the mother of
    Tigran Ohanjanian died in suspicious circinstances the army in 2007,
    on his part said the government had indicated that such a meeting was
    already placed on the president's agenda and mothers of dead soldiers
    would soon be invited to meet the president in his office. "That
    leaves the commander-in-chief of the armed forces to bring us a
    response and tell us why our son's killers have not been brought to
    justice." The police allowed the mothers of soldiers gather near the
    presidential palace, but at a distance, however, forbidding them to
    approach. President Sargsyan was that day working visit to Moscow.

    Friday, November 7, 2014, Gari ©
