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Over 1,000 Gather To Celebrate A Year Of Accomplishments At ANCA-WR

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  • Over 1,000 Gather To Celebrate A Year Of Accomplishments At ANCA-WR


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]

    Friday, November 7th, 2014 | Posted by Contributor


    The opening portion of the sold-out ANCA-WR Banquet

    BEVERLY HILLS-Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region
    hosted, to maximum capacity, its sold out annual gala banquet held
    on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. More than
    1,000 supporters, activists, and generous donors of the ANCA-WR from
    throughout the country were joined by dozens of prominent Members of
    Congress, state, and local legislators and officials.


    ANCA-WR Banquet Sponor Michael Sarian

    The event began at 5 p.m. with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a
    silent auction, and a VIP reception with major donors and elected
    officials. A three-course dinner followed at 7:00 p.m. with
    a powerful program and presentation of awards kicked off by the
    presentation of flags and national anthems performed by the Homenetmen
    Western USA Regional Color Guard and members of the Lark Musical
    Society’s Tziatsan Children’s Choir Nayiri Artounians,
    Nanor Deirbadrossian, Stephanie Keledjian, and Hermine Keshishyan.

    Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church,
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian conducted the invocation for the

    [ANCAWR_Legacy_Award_Vahe_Karapetian.jpg] As the crowd took their
    seats, Banquet Gala Committee Chair Arsho Beylerian took stage to
    welcome guests and thank all those that made the successful evening

    [ANCAWR_Banquet_Chair_Arsho_Beylerian_Opens_Banquet .jpg]

    Banquet Committee Chair Arsho Beylerian

    “We gather today to hold hands with the ANCA and ensure that now
    more than ever our voice is heard loud and clear. Be it on Capitol
    Hill, a town hall meeting, at our schools, within publications,
    blogs, and social media. We are here today to support the ANCA as
    it continually speaks up, stands up, and makes our collective voices
    heard 365 days a year,” said Beylerian.

    Beylerian’s remarks were followed by a powerful year in
    review video presentation highlighting the unprecedented year of
    accomplishments by the ANCA WR wrapped in the theme of counting the
    ANCA grassroots stars who were at the forefront of these efforts.

    At the end of the video presentation, ANCA WR Chair Nora Hovsepian
    stood in the spotlight to deliver the Chair’s address.

    Hovsepian opened her remarks by thanking all the guests, the Banquet
    Chair Arsho Beylerian, and her stellar team of banquet committee
    volunteers for their dedicated leadership, vision, and skill, and went
    on to express gratitude to Mr. Michael Sarian, the 2014 ANCA WR Gala
    Banquet sponsor, for joining an exemplary list of major donors and
    past banquet sponsors like the Melkonians, Shirvanians, Ghailians,
    Pilavjians, Nadjarians, Karapetians, Boujikians, Kradjians, and so
    many others whose unwavering commitment have kept the ANCA WR offices
    staffed and the organization’s lights on.


    Artsakh Representative to the US Robert Avetisyan accepts the ANCA-WR
    Freedom Award on behalf of Artsakh President Bako Sahakian

    Instead of going through a list of the organization’s
    extraordinary list of accomplishments for the year, Hovsepian asked
    guests to review the annual report and took the opportunity to speak
    frankly and openly about the harsh realities facing the community
    and the organization, calling on them to join the ANCA WR monthly
    and annual giving programs as she stated, “With the Genocide
    Centennial looming around the corner and the security of Armenia and
    Artsakh being threatened on a daily basis, our needs are greater than
    ever. While we stretch every single dollar that comes in, you may be
    surprised to learn that all we have accomplished has been achieved
    with a bare bones annual budget of less than a half million dollars,
    just a handful of paid staff, and an army of board members, committee
    activists, interns, and volunteers who leave their families and their
    paying jobs to come to the ANCA to passionately do the work of Hye
    Tahd on behalf of all of us. So if we are going to successfully meet
    the increasingly daunting challenges posed by the Turkish and Azeri
    lobbies, which literally outspend us by a ratio of at least 10 to
    1 across the board, then we are going to need to double, triple,
    or even quadruple that tiny budget of ours.”

    [ANCAWR_LegislatoroftheYear_SenatePresident_Kevin_d eLeon.jpg]

    California State Senate Pro Tem Kevin de Leon accepts the Legislator
    of the Year Award

    Hovsepian concluded her remarks calling on all Armenians to stand up,
    speak loud, and participate consistently and persistently and noted,
    “You’ve taken the step of supporting our Cause by being
    here today, but we need you every day. From Yerevan, Stepanakert,
    Western Armenia, and Javakhk all the way to our local neighborhoods:
    this is a call to action for our army of activists of all ages,
    young and old, from all walks of life. You are the second army of
    the Armenian Nation.”

    Following Hovsepian, ANCA WR Board Members Pattyl Aposhian-Kasparian
    and Haik Petrosian, and ANCA WR Advisory Board Member Michael
    Mahdesian presented the 2014 ANCA WR Legislator of the Year Award to
    CA Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de Leon for his principal role
    and outspoken position on the Armenian Genocide and the recognition of
    Artsakh’s Independence, as well as his dedication and commitment
    to advancing the fundamental principles of justice in the halls of
    the CA State Capitol.


    Near East Foundation receives the Humanitarian Award

    In his acceptance speech Senator de Leon stated, “I’m
    honored to receive the Legislator of the Year award from the largest
    and most active Armenian-American political advocacy group. As I
    lead the Senate in the next four years, I will stand in solidarity
    with the Armenian community as we prepare to commemorate the 100th
    anniversary of the Genocide. The great state of California will not
    let your demands for justice go unanswered. The passing of AB 1915
    and AJR 32 with my colleagues Nazarian, Achadjian and Gatto set a
    precedent-not only for the State of California but for the nation.

    California stands in solidarity with the people of Artsakh and their
    determination for independence.

    “I look forward to working with you all in my new position as
    Senate President pro Tem and continuing to represent Little Armenia
    up in Sacramento,” he added.


    David Balabanian receives the Advocate for Justice Award

    Prior to dinner, ANCA WR Advisory Board Member Harut Sassounian
    introduced to the crowd the 2014 ANCA WR Gala Banquet Sponsor and
    President of Prime Health Care Services Mr. Michael Sarian, who in
    his remarks stated, “Hye Tahd is dear to my heart and dear to
    every Armenian’s heart. Our cause is just, but the injustice
    against us is still going on. The latest examples are Mosul, Kessab,
    Aleppo and Der Zor. Der Zor is the most horrible name in our history,
    where thousands of innocent Armenians were marched to their deaths.

    The monument and the church to honor them has been destroyed. We will
    survive these atrocities as we survived the past ones. Not only we
    will survive, we will thrive. It is in our Armenian DNA to survive
    and thrive.”

    [ANCAWR_Chair_Nora_Hovespian_Delivering_Chair_Addre ss.jpg]

    ANCA-WR Board Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian

    “I will do my best to support ANCA’s advocacy for our
    cause and bring our demands to the political leaders’ attention,
    starting with President Obama whom I met recently and pushed our
    cause. Bring our demands to our congressional leaders starting with
    Senator Reid on the Senate side, Congressman Kevin McCarthy, House
    Majority leader. My good friend Senator Jim Brulte arranged for us
    to meet and push our cause for his support. I have no doubt that our
    flag will proudly wave on Mt. Ararat again. My dream and the dream
    of all Armenians will become a reality,” he concluded.

    ANCA WR Executive Director Elen Asatryan and Government Affairs
    Directors Tereza Yerimyan opened the second portion of the
    program by recognizing the 2014 ANCA Western Region and ANCA Leo
    Sarkisian Internship Program participants, Denise Altounian, Nelli,
    Astvatsatrian, Hakop Azatyan, Ripsime Biyazyan, Sareen Habeshian, Zareh
    Hairapetian, Gerard Khatchadourian Rudy Keshishian, Alina Sarkissian,
    Arevik Shahnazari, and Lori Sinanian, who have gone above and beyond
    the call of duty for Hye Tahd.

    Asatryan opened her remarks by acknowledging the pivotal role of the
    youth in taking the Armenian community to new heights of distinction
    and continued on and state, “But what the youth do, depends
    actually on what they think, and what they think depends on what they
    read, hear, see and the kinds of exposure and opportunities that are
    available to them.


    The Vahan Cardashian Award was presented to activists who championed
    the recognition of Arsakh's independence

    Acknowledging this very fact and that resources do matter, the ANCA
    Western Region, through its year round internship program has been
    heavily investing in the biggest assets of our community, our youth
    - providing latters of opportunities, teaching them the life skills
    they need to succeed, providing them a wide network of contacts, and
    mentors that will push them, nurture them, and guide them.”
    She went on to note the countless ways the group of youth have
    contributed to the organization’s success in the last year,
    including their involvement in the Genocide Education bill and
    Artsakh’s resolution, the organization’s Hye Votes and
    America We Thank You initiatives, and the college campus resolutions,
    which have brought genocide education and awareness to the frontline.

    She concluded by thanking the participants for their dedication and
    commitment to the advancing the Armenian Cause and asked the crowd
    to join her in welcoming to the stage “our biggest assets,
    the nerve center of the nation, the heart of our society, and the
    lifeline of our community, the 2014 ANCA Western Region Internship
    Program participants.”


    ANCA-WR interns were recognized for their dedication

    Following a heartwarming moment with the youth on stage, all eyes were
    on the 40 foot screen for a video tribute to the Near East Foundation,
    the successor to the Near Relief (NER), the United States’
    oldest Congressionally-sanctioned non-governmental organization,
    which for the first time in American history, expressed the collective
    generosity and humanitarianism of the American people.

    The video highlighted the accomplishments of the NER from 1915 -
    1930, with the backing of US President Woodrow Wilson (and thereafter
    Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge), and under the leadership of James
    L. Barton and Cleveland Dodge, whereby the organization mobilized the
    American nation, and the world, into a well-organized and well-funded
    relief effort which successfully saved 132,000 Armenian orphans and
    1 million refugees following the Armenian Genocide, while raising
    over $117 million dollars and building over 400 orphanages, food and
    clothing distribution centers, hospitals and vocational trainings
    schools throughout the Near East to house and care for the survivors.

    ANCA WR Board Members Arpie Jivalagian and Pierre Yenokian, ANCA
    WR Advisory Board Member Karo Khanjian, and Co-Chairs of the ANCA
    WR’s America We Thank You initiative Vanna Kitsinian and Hermineh
    Pakhanians then presented the 2014 ANCA WR Humanitarian Award to the
    Near East Foundation in honor of the efforts of the Near East Relief
    and the humanitarian spirit of Henry Morgenthau, Cleveland H. Dodge,
    and Jackie Coogan.

    “The legacy of the NER is not merely a part of Armenian history,
    but also a significant part of American history. In light of this and
    our upcoming centennial, the ANCA WR has launched the ‘America
    We thank You: An Armenian Tribute to Near East Relief.’ This
    initiative is our way of continuing to honor the lives of those who
    were lost, of those unsung heroes who risked their lives to help our
    people who were displaced and ultimately, as a way to give thanks
    to the American people for their ultimate act of humanity,”
    stated Jivalagian in her introductory remarks.

    “In addition to the work and efforts of the Near East Relief,
    there were many individuals who were instrumental in helping
    raise awareness, funds, and overall recognition to the atrocities
    taking place in the Near East. Although it is impossible to name
    each and every person, I would like to recognize 3 individuals in
    particular: Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Cleveland Dodge and Jackie
    Coogan..,” added Jivalagian.


    2014 ANCA-WR Banquet Committee

    As the Near East Foundation Board Chairman Shant Mardirossian and
    President Charles Benjamin, along with Ambassador Morgenthau’s
    great grandson Dr. Henry Morgenthau IV, Mr. Dodge’s
    great-grandson and current Vice Chairman of the Near East Foundation
    Johnson Garrett, and Jackie Coogan’s grandson Keith Coogan
    joined the ANCA WR leadership on stage to accept the award, the
    overflow crowd of over 1,000 greeted them with a standing ovation,
    which was perhaps the most emotional portion of the evening.

    In his acceptance speech on behalf of the Near East Foundation,
    Mardirossian stated, “For most, the story of the Near East
    Relief is largely unknown, but thanks to the ANCA and the many
    dedicated individuals and historians around the world that is about
    to change. We are pleased to have partnered with the ANCA Western
    Region’s America We Thank You initiative to raise awareness
    about this lost chapter in American history.”

    “The work of the Near East Relief is a reflection of the
    strong bonds between the American and Armenian people. Nearly 1,000
    relief workers volunteered and risked their lives to help an ancient
    civilization they knew little about; twenty-seven of them made the
    ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives. Thousands more volunteered
    around the country, raising millions in aid and supplies. Everyone from
    the President down to the school children were engaged…It is
    unimaginable to think of how many Americans responded to the call
    to duty to save the starving Armenians. I can think of no other
    humanitarian effort, which mobilized the American public for such a
    sustained period of time, nearly 15 years. Many of us, including me,
    would not be here today had it not been for this undertaking.”


    ANCA-WR Boad and Advisory Board members (partial)

    “On September 16, 2015, one hundred years to the date the
    Near East was founded, let us celebrate the altruism and generosity
    of the America people and the resilience of those, who, with their
    help had the will to survive. So today we say, America we thank you,
    Near East Relief we thank you, to our friends around the world who
    came to our aid during our darkest moments, we thank you, but most
    of all, to our grandfathers and grandmothers, a whole generation
    of orphans who instilled in us our sense of dignity, perseverance,
    and commitment to justice, we thank you too,” he concluded.

    The emotional presentation was followed by yet another with ANCA WR
    Board Member Steve Artinian and ANCA WR Advisory Board Members Aida
    Dimejian and Berdj Karapetian presenting the 2014 ANCA WR Legacy
    Award to Mr. Vahe Karapetian for his decades of community service
    and support, and for setting an example of dedication, service,
    selflessness and generosity.

    In his remarks, Karapetian reaffirmed his continued support for the
    ANCA and called on the community to become even more organized and
    united then we are today, not just in the US, but worldwide as he
    stated, “We are all here tonight as proof to the ANCA that we
    are behind you and stand in support of you. I have always supported
    the ANCA and I will be supporting more and more in the future.”

    After the acceptance speech, Artinian took the podium to proudly
    announce “Vahe follows the ANCA and all that it does from halls
    of congress to the streets of Little Armenia in Hollywood where he
    played a pivotal role in the construction of the St. Garabed Church
    and Alex Pilibos School. I’m proud to announce that today in
    support of the ANCA Western Region, he is standing up and speaking
    loud with a generous donation of $50,000.”

    This was all topped off with ANCA WR Board Members Raffi Kassabian
    and Nareg Kitsinian, along with ANCA WR Advisory Board Member Garo
    Madenlian presenting the 2014 ANCA WR Advocate for Justice Award to
    Mr. David M. Balabanian, Esq., the first President of the Armenian
    Bar Association and litigator of more than 40 years who utilized his
    legal skills, resources, and network to further advance issues of
    concern to the Armenian American community.

    In describing the selfless dedication of Balabanian to advocating for
    Armenian American rights, Kassabian stated, “David’s work
    has had a far-reaching impact in the courtroom and has brought the
    issue of genocide awareness to the forefront of the U.S. judicial
    system. Among other contributions, David has represented the ANCA,
    the Armenian Bar Association and other organizations in filing an
    amicus brief in the Movsesian/Arzoumanian Armenian Genocide-era
    life insurance case and has successfully defended the Mt. Davidson
    cross in San Francisco from Turkish attempts to silence speech on
    the Armenian Genocide. David is also currently an active member of
    the Bay Area’s Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee.”

    “David is not only a brilliant legal scholar, a leader and an
    activist, but he is also a true Hye Tahd soldier. His body of work
    has demonstrated that the “power of the pen” can educate,
    motivate and activate our community and beyond. This man is at the very
    top of his field and instead of turning his back to the community, he
    has turned his heart and his hands towards the community to give and
    give again. David is in it for all of the right reasons, with an agenda
    none other than to elevate the Armenian Cause,” added Kassabian.

    After accepting the award, Balabanian called on the community to
    regain our history in tangible ways as he stated, “I want to
    also thank you for this opportunity to reaffirm with you the need for
    us to obtain redress for the wrongs done to our community and to put
    an end to the denial. To the denials of things that simply cannot be
    denied…The consequences of those events continue to be felt
    by nearly all of us and the pain of that loss is inflicted anew with
    each false statement about what occurred…What distinguishes
    our loss is not simply its magnitude, the obliteration of nearly the
    entire Armenian population of Asia manor, but the obliteration as well
    of its history, the wiping clean of record of centuries of peaceful
    and productive achievements by our people in all fields of human
    endeavor. Indeed, it is not too much too say that the foundations of
    what is today the prosperous Turkish Republic were laid in significant
    part by people whose very existence it denies.”

    “We must regain our history not just in words, but in tangible
    ways that not only acknowledge the heroic sufferings that our people
    endured, but that also convey recognition and respect for their
    contributions to the life in the region….It is however something
    we owe to our children and grandchildren and to Armenians around the
    world whose lives and fortunes continue to be impacted daily by these
    century old events. In accepting tonight the honor you have given me,
    I pledge to do what I can to help achieve that goal. I hope you will
    too,” he added.

    Following Balabanian’s empowering speech, ANCA WR Board
    member Souzi Zerounian Khanzadian and ANCA WR Advisory Board Members
    Mourad Topalian and Artin Manoukian presented the 2014 ANCA WR Vahan
    Cardashian Awards to a group of ANCA grassroots stars from across the
    nation, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, Ani Haroian, Bearj Barsoumian,
    James Kalustian, and Ani Martirosian, who helped lead the way in
    their respective hometowns to defeat countless anti-Armenia and
    anti-Artsakh resolutions and obtain recognition of the Genocide and
    the independence of Artsakh.

    In introducing the stars of the evening, Zerounian Khanzadian stated,
    “These five individuals braved the storms of injustice,
    misinformation, and powerful foreign lobbies working against them.

    Their legislators were told that their state’s relationship
    with Azerbaijan was a good thing. Their legislators were told that
    the Independent Republic of Nagorno Karabagh did not exist - that it
    was a fantasy. Their legislators were told that the Armenians were
    perpetrators of genocide. With odds against them, Anna, Ani, Bearj,
    James, and Ani turned the scales of justice in our favor. Thanks to
    their ability to engage their communities, thanks to their knowledge
    of the truth and their compelling personal stories of survival, the
    countries of Turkey and Azerbaijan didn’t see a victory in the
    states of Maine, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Massachusetts and Hawaii.

    Thanks to their grassroots organizing efforts, their legislative
    bodies recognized the independence of Nagorno Karabagh and rejected
    the lies being fed to them.”

    “The ability of the grassroots is to take an issue and
    educate the masses, igniting the sense of urgency, and organizing
    the community. How will you organize your community tomorrow? As you
    allow this thought to mull in your mind, remember the great words of
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ‘Everybody can be great…because
    anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree
    to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree
    to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by
    love.’ And it is that love for Hai Tahd, for the Armenian Cause
    that drives this year’s Vahan Cardashian Honorees to do daring
    things” she added.

    Attendees were then asked to direct their attention to the screen for
    a video message from the 2014 Freedom Award recipient, Bako Sahakyan,
    President of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) who in his
    remarks thanked the ANCA Western Region and the Armenian diaspora
    for their relentless efforts in fighting for the self-determination
    and the independence of the people or Artsakh.

    ANCA National Board Members Raffi Hamparian and Steve Dadaian, ANCA
    WR Advisory Board Member Levon Kirakosian, and ANCA National Board
    Chair Ken Hachikian then presented the award to Robert Avetisyan,
    Permanent Representative of Artsakh to the United States who accepted
    the award on behalf of His Excellency.

    The 2014 ANCA WR Gala Banquet concluded with powerful remarks by
    Hamparian who stated, “We are the sons of Ararat, we are the
    daughters of Artsakh, we are the children of our proud past, and
    we are the fathers of our future. We are united tonight in support
    of the ANCA, which mans the watchtower of the Armenian Cause. We
    provide 360 degree coverage of the Armenian Cause. We plow the
    field, we plant the seed, we beat the drum, we turn the wheel, we
    cut the thorns, we slash the weeds, we harvest goodwill, we dream,
    we compromise. Sometimes we fail. We work in fair weather, we work
    in stormy weather. We work when it is convenient and we work when
    it is inconvenient. We work before a thousand people, we work before
    just one. We defend our community and we are unafraid to attack our
    enemies. We always fight the good fight and we fight for all the right
    reasons. We man the watchtower of justice. The watchtower that your
    grandmother and grandfather believed in, the watchtower that your
    parents had faith in, the watchtower that we, the ANCA, stand ready
    as the second army of the Armenian Nation. Vigilant, with fidelity,
    with honor, with courage, without fear, and with love.”

    The ANCA-WR Annual Banquet is the largest event of its kind and
    helps raise funds to operate the nation’s largest and most
    influential Armenian American grassroots and political advocacy
    organization. Through these funds, the ANCA-WR is able to educate the
    general public about the Armenian Genocide, the Republic of Armenia,
    Artsakh, and other vital issues of concern to the Armenian American

    In addition to the dignitaries, elected officials, community leaders
    and representative who took the stage also in attendance were: Primate
    of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church His Eminence Archbishop
    Hovnan Derderian, Former Minister to the Armenian Evangelical Union
    of North America Reverend Joseph Matossian, Representing the Armenian
    Catholic community the Very Reverend Thomas Garabedian, Representing
    the Armenian Evangelical Bretheran Church Father Hendrik Shanazarian,
    Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles & Mrs. Sergey
    Sarkisov, Consul & Mrs. Artak Galstyan, Chair of the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee, United States Congressman Ed Royce, Congressman
    Adam Schiff, Congressman Brad Sherman, Congresswoman Judy Chu,
    Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, California
    State Controller and ANCA-Western Region Endorsed Candidate for
    California State Treasurer John Chiang, CA State Superintendent
    of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, CA Senator and Ricardo Lara,
    CA Assemblymembers Katcho Achadjian, Adrin Nazarian, Scott Wilk,
    Ian C. Calderon, Mathew Dababneh, and Marc Levine, Los Angeles City
    Attorney Mike Feuer, Los Angeles City Councilmembers Paul Krekorian
    and Mitchel Englander, Los Angeles City Controller Ron Gaprin, ANCA
    WR endorsed candidate elect for the LA County Assessor Jeffrey Prang,
    LAUSD School Board Member Steve Zimmer, Mayor of the City of Burbank
    Dr. David Gordon, Vice Mayor of the City of Burbank Bob Frutos,
    Burbank City Council Members Emily Gabel-Luddy and Jess Talamantes,
    Mayor of the City of Glendale Zareh Sinanyan, Glendale City Council
    Members Paula Devine and Dave Weaver, Pasadena City Council Member
    Gene Masuda, Mayor of Sierra Madre John Harabedian, Mayor Pro Tem of
    the City of Montebello Jack Hadjinian, Montobello City Council Member
    Vivian Romero, Santa Monica School Board Member and ANCA Western Region
    Endorsed Candidate for California Senate District 26 Ben Allen, Artesia
    City Council Member Victor Manalo, Rolling Hills Estates City Council
    Member Frank Zerounyan, Norwalk City Council Members Marcel Rordarte
    and Leonard Shyrock, Pico River City Council Member Bob Archuleta,
    Glendale City Clerk Ardashes “Ardy” Kassakhian, Glendale
    City Treasurer Rafi Manoukian, President and Superintendent of Glendale
    Community College Dr. David Viar, Glendale Community College Board
    of Trustees President Dr. Vahe Peroomian, Glendale Community College
    Board of Trustees Member Anita Quinonez Gabrielian, Superintendent
    of the Glendale Unified School District Dr. Richard Sheehan, Members
    of the Glendale Unified School District Board of Education Nayiri
    Nahabedian and Dr. Armina Gharpetian, Crescenta Valley Town Council
    President Harry Leon, Montebello School Board and Grand Teton National
    Park Superintendent David Vela, Former Assemblymember of the 41st
    Assembly District Anthony Portantino, Former California State Senator
    and Past Chair of the California Republican Party Jim Brulte, Burbank
    Police Chief Scott LaChasse, Board Member of the Greater Griffith
    Park Neighborhood Council Christina Khanjian, Members of the Glendale
    Planning Commission Greg Astorian, Arthur Devine and Erik Yesayan,
    Chair of the City of Glendale’s Community Development Block
    Grant Commission Zanku Armenian, Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee
    Chair and Glendale Civil Service Commissioner Garo Ghazarian, Pasadena
    Recreation and Parks Commissoner Ciran Hadjian, Los Angeles Police
    Permit Review Panel Commissioner Lara Yeretsian, North Valley Planning
    Commission Oshin Harootoonian, Director of the City of Los Angeles
    Bureau of Street Lighting Ed Ebrahamian, Los Angeles County Superior
    Court Judges Greg Keosian, Zaven Sinanian, and Armen Tamzarian,
    A.R.F. Western USA Central Committee Chairman Dr. Viken Hovsepian
    and members of the Central Committee, Armenian Relief Society Central
    Executive Board Chairperson Vicky Marashlian, Armenian Relief Society
    Regional Executive Board Co-Chair Becky Berberian, Armenian National
    Committee of America Board of Directors Chair Ken Hachikian, Chair
    of ANC Canada - Western Region Vahe Andonian, ANC Australia Executive
    Director Vache Kahramanian, Hamazkayin Central Executive Board Member
    Dr. Viken Yacoubian, Hamazkayin Regional Executive Board Chairman
    Manoug Joukhajian, Homenetmen World Committee Viggen Davidian,
    Armenian Bar Association, Armenian American Chamber of Commerce
    Chair Alissa Asmarian, Armenian Medical Association, Armenian Youth
    Federation of Western USA Central Executive Chair Arpa Hatzbanian,
    Western Prelacy Board of Regents Co-Chairs Sako Berberian and Maggie
    Sarkuni, Asbarez Editor in Chief Apo Boghigian, Asbarez English
    Editor Ara Khachatourian, Chairman of the Board of Ararat Home Los
    Angeles Joseph Kanimian, Kessab Education Association of Los Angeles
    Chair Esther Chelebian Tognozzi, Organization of Istanbul Armenians
    Chair Edvin Minassian, major philanthropist and business leader from
    Armenia Ruben Vardanyan, among others.

    Corporate sponsors of the 2014 Annual Gala Banquet included: Silver
    Level Sponsors Commerce Casino, Keosian/Berberian LLP, Attorney at
    Law, Southern California Edison, Bronze Level Sponsors Comcast Cable,
    EH National Bank, Mr. Garo Mardirossian, Southern California Gas
    Company, Sun Dairy, Inc., and Youth Sponsors Altounian Family Trust,
    Bank of the West, Anita Q. Gabrielian.

    To financially assist the ANCA WR in its work, community members
    are encouraged to enroll in the newly launched Friends of the ANCA
    WR Monthly Giving and/or the ANCA WR Founders’ Circle Annual
    Giving programs by visiting
