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Story Of The Mayfair Palm Beach Resort

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  • Story Of The Mayfair Palm Beach Resort


    Orissa, India
    Nov 7 2014

    Friday, November 07, 2014

    Bhubaneswar: By the year 1830 ,an Englishman by the name of John Spence
    had established the Spence's hotel in Calcutta, making it perhaps
    the oldest western style hotel outside Europe, which tragically has
    since been demolished, as the Government had encroached and eventually
    brought down most buildings around the official 'Government House'
    including the historic 'Spence'.

    In 1841 David Wilson built the 'Wilson Hotel' now known as 'Great
    Eastern Hotel',also ,in Calcutta, which had started out as a bakery
    and then became a chronic non- paying hotel but later turned into
    a thriving prosperous one, where the Hoi Polloi' made it a part of
    their everyday life and soon established it as the best of it's kind,
    in this part of the world.

    In far away Simla, a place not unknown to many, two intrepid hoteliers
    from Italy, Signor Faletti and Signor Pelitti had already established
    'The Cecil', and 'The Grand', which had already set the benchmark
    in hotels. At that moment a 20 year old, from New Julfa, Armenia,
    was struggling to sell his wares from a wheelbarrow in the streets
    of Calcutta. By the year 1911, that Armenian, Stephen Arathoon,
    had built the 'Grand' now known as the 'Oberoi Grand 'Hotel, on the
    foundation of the burnt down 'Theatre Royal', making sure that it
    was better than its two rivals, 'The Spence's and Wilson Hotel.

    No one had really by then heard of Gopalpur and Gopalpur returned
    the compliment. Barely 16 kms from Berhampore, the commercial hub
    of Southern Orissa, in the Bay of Bengal, it was extremely uncanny
    of a young Italian Signor Maglioni ,to mysteriously find home all
    the way from Sicily, and establish the 'Palm Beach' in 1914 making
    it the oldest hotel of the State and probably the first beach resort
    of the country.

    'Gopalpur-on-Sea', how very British the suffix 'on- sea' like
    'Middleton- on- Sea', 'rankton-on- Sea', was a palm fringed beach and
    Maglioni's dream fused with the sepia and romance of the langorous
    town ,where the silence was broken only by the breakers and the
    occasional coconut thudding on the ground.

    Originally a small fishing village on the coast of Odisha when it
    was so named, after a temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, the 'Krishna
    Gopal' temple which was built in the 18th Century. Legend has it that
    Gopalpur's sands had witnessed maritime ventures at a much earlier
    age when Odisha had flourished as part of the Kalinga Kingdom in the
    4th and 5th century B.C. Early colonists to Java, Bali and Sumatra
    were supposed to have sailed from here, carrying the seeds of Indian
    civilization with them. We, in Odisha, still celebrate this as
    'BALI YATRA' in November each year, coinciding with the festival of
    'Kartik Purnima'.

    Between the two World Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) Gopalpur was
    overrun by the men in Khakis and became the eastern sectors' base
    for ferrying out troops and supplies to Rangoon. The commercial port
    became the living symbol of its grandeur and the pulsating lifestyle
    was evident in the packed dance floors of the hotel 'Blue Haven'. In
    1945. the World War II came to an end and India inched towards being
    an independent, sovereign republic.By 1947 the British had left the
    Indian shores and the commercial activity of Gopalpur had dwindled
    to a trickle. The once vibrant, emblazoned ball rooms gaped at
    open skies. The noisy wharfs moulted and the warehouses became seedy
    gateways for derelicts. Gopalpur's importance dwindled when trade with
    Burma abruptly ceased during the war. When the British left India, even
    members of rich Bengali homes preferred to holiday in other places and
    Gopalpur began to revert to what it originally was -a fishing village.

    In 1938,another enterprising ,courageous Indian Hotelier, Rai bahadur
    M.S Oberoi had already taken over a closed down 'Grand' hotel from
    the Armenian Stephen Arathoon and reinvented it with trademark Oberoi
    elan' as the 'Oberoi Grand',to make it the most sought after address
    in Calcutta. In 1947, on a chance visit to Maglioni's 'Palm Beach'
    hotel, his keen eyes did not miss the state of disrepair that the hotel
    had fallen to. His instinct smelled a bargain and Maglioni was only
    too happy to sell it to the Oberoi's for a paltry 3.0 lacs rupees.,
    thereby enabling the Oberoi legend to root itself as the 'Oberoi Palm
    Beach'. As its doors opened, the who's who of the country ,from Prime
    Ministers,to celebrities and royalty left their impressions behind,
    along with their footprints on the sands of time.

    History was being created every day, as the hotel played host to the
    history makers.

    Maglioni's Mediterranean Architecture had undergone a makeover by
    the Oberoi's ,but the core of the structure was slowly but surely
    giving way to the vagaries of nature and the corroding effects of
    the saline sea breeze. The erosion had begun and no amount of hasty
    repairs could make it anymore safe for its guests. The Oberois closed
    gates in 2002 and decided to distance themselves and sell this piece
    of Odisha's history to any worthy taker.

    It was at this time, 2011, that 'Mayfair hotels and resorts' stepped
    in.To protect, renovate and restore the' Palm beach', where history
    echoed from every cobble stone, lured by the fact that Gopalpur-on-sea
    still stood untouched by the concrete commercialism that had destroyed
    nearby Puri's equally pristine beach and also because Gopalpur had
    actually wrapped itself in a romantic mysticism that tugged at history
    but refused to drown in its excesses.

    While the Resort captures the appearance and feeling of old
    colonial with a Mediterranean touch, the outcome is far from simple
    reconstruction, renovation or reproduction. To preserve the essence
    of the past but blend it seamlessly with the demands of contemporary
    life required many original designs and creative re-imaginings.

    The blue fret work patterns, rafters, white furniture and artifacts
    are all of new design but inspired by and in keeping with historical
    antecedents. Through these tasteful and practical adaptations we hope
    that the "Palm Beach" will serve a valuable role in preserving of
    the best of Colonial, Mediterranean Architecture, religious leaning
    and cultural heritage for future generation.

    Mayfair has now breathed new life to the 'Oberoi Palm Beach' in its
    all new avatar- 'THE MAYFAIR PALM BEACH RESORT'. Its the ultimate
    tribute to your senses and helps in stealing your time and mind in
    order to find your DNA and recreate you for future generations...Where
    always, every time, any day, 'sometimes the sky looks like the sea
    and sometimes the sea looks like the sky'.
