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Police Controls Assemblies in Shnogh

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  • Police Controls Assemblies in Shnogh

    Police Controls Assemblies in Shnogh

    Nov 5, 2014

    On November 1st, 2014, several members of Save Teghut Civic Initiative
    visited Shnogh community where they planned meetings with community
    members to present information about Danish investments in the
    copper-molybdenum mining project.

    When we entered the village, the police patrol was parked in the main
    square and there were a few police officers in uniform and others
    without uniform.

    We were preparing for the meeting in the culture house of the
    community, when the district police officer (without uniform) entered
    and without presenting his position started interrogating what we were
    doing, what kind of topics were we going to discuss etc. Some time
    later he entered the meeting room with another man, who did not
    present himself and said that he is interested in the meeting as a
    community representative.

    For the community participation in this public meeting was made
    impossible in the presence of the police and allegedly also the
    national security services. Many villagers felt constrained to even
    enter the building of the meeting because their public appearance in
    that venue was going to be recorded by the police and Vallex workers
    who were also around.

    Control and environment of fear obstruct organization of public
    discussions in Shnogh and Teghut communities. Residents we talked to
    said that they have relatives or family members who work in the mine,
    and if they speak to us about Vallex or complain, their relatives will
    be fired.

    Save Teghut Civic Initiative condemns the approach of the policy and
    calls upon them not to serve the interests of Vallex Group.

