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Presentation on "Armenia Today" by Prof. Der Mugrdechian November 18

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  • Presentation on "Armenia Today" by Prof. Der Mugrdechian November 18

    Armenian Studies Program
    Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator
    5245 N. Backer Ave. PB4
    Fresno CA 93740-8001

    ASP Office: 559-278-2669
    Office: 559-278-2669
    FAX: 559-278-2129
    Visit the ASP Website:

    Photo caption: Armenian Summer Study Group students at Khor Virap
    Monastery. Mt. A rarat in the background.

    `Armenia Today: Summer Study Trip 2014'
    by Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian

    Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program
    at Fresno State will give an illustrated presentation on `Armenia
    Today: Summer Study Trip 2014' at 7:30PM on Tuesday, November 18, in
    the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on
    the Fresno State campus.

    The lecture is part of the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies
    Program, supported by the Leon S. Peters Foundation.

    Prof. Der Mugrdechian has led six student groups to Armenia over the
    past 25 years. In the summer of 2014, together with Prof. Sergio La
    Porta of the Armenian Studies Program, he led a group of nine students
    on the Summer Study Trip, from May 26-June 11. The presentation will
    discuss some of the major experiences that the group had, including
    visits with Yerevan State University college students and visits to
    the Mer Hooys-Our Hope home in Yerevan.

    Some of the students who participated in the Summer Study Trip will
    also recount their experiences, giving a different perspective to the

    Barlow Der Mugrdechian is Director of the Armenian Studies Program and
    the Center for Armenian Studies at Fresno State and has been teaching
    Armenian language, art, history, and culture courses for thirty years.

    The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available,
    with a parking code 273501, after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and
    P6, near the University Business Center.

    For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian
    Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at
