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Hamparian: Minsk Group Co-Chairmen Fail To Condemn Artsakh Helicopte

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  • Hamparian: Minsk Group Co-Chairmen Fail To Condemn Artsakh Helicopte


    11:36 13/11/2014 >> IN THE WORLD

    In the aftermath of Wednesday's downing of an Artsakh Army helicopter
    by Azerbaijani forces, the OSCE Minks Group Co-chairmen issued an
    announcement expressing "serious concern" about the incident but,
    once again, failing to condemn Azerbaijan for its aggression.

    "The Minsk Group Co-Chairs (Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian
    Federation, James Warlick of the United States, and Pierre Andrieu
    of France) express our very serious concern about the downing of
    a helicopter near the Line of Contact and the recent violence. We
    regret the loss of life and express our condolences to the families,"
    said the Minsk Group statement.

    "The Co-Chairs are deeply worried by the events that prompted this
    drastic incident, the first of its kind since the ceasefire agreement
    was reached. We strongly appeal to the sides to avoid steps that would
    escalate tension along the Line of Contact and Armenia-Azerbaijan
    border. The region cannot afford another round of violence like we
    witnessed this summer. Today's events remind us of the volatility of
    the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the urgency to intensify efforts
    to find a lasting settlement. We remain resolved to assist the sides
    in any way possible," added the statement.

    "We remind the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan of their
    responsibilities to respect the ceasefire and honor the commitments
    they made in Sochi, Newport, and Paris to find a peaceful resolution
    to the conflict. We also encourage them to adopt confidence-building
    measures now that would increase transparency along the Line of Contact
    and the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, and reduce the likelihood of events
    like today's incident," concluded the statement.

    At around 1:45 p.m. local time, Azerbaijani forces shot an Mi-24
    military helicopter belonging to the Artsakh Armed Forces, killing
    three servicemen. The helicopter was on a training mission and
    according to the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Ministry was

    Baku claimed that the helicopter shot at Azerbaijani positions in
    Aghdam on the border of Artsakh and Azerbaijan. The allegation was
    dismissed by the Karabakh authorities, who added that after shooting
    down the helicopter, the Azerbaijani forces continued the shelling
    of Karabakh positions throughout the afternoon.

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western US Central Committee
    has condemned this latest attack by Azerbaijan and is urging the
    international community to take appropriate measures to condemn
    Azerbaijan and its continued military aggression.

    "While the Minsk Group Co-Chairs appear to appreciate the gravity of
    Azerbaijan's aggression - as reflected in their welcome expression
    of 'serious concern' over Baku's fatal attack on this helicopter,
    the OSCE's public response once again falls back into the deeply
    flawed pattern of placing equal blame on both sides for hostility
    that all the world knows is being directed by one man - Ilham Aliyev,
    the President of Azerbaijan," said Armenian National Committee of
    America Executive Director Aram Hamparian, according to Asbarez.

    The ANCA also urged the White House to condemn the attack on the
    unarmed helicopter.

    "The Obama Administration must forcefully condemn Azerbaijan's downing
    of an unarmed helicopter flying over Nagorno Karabakh, cut off all
    military aid to Baku and scale back bilateral contacts until President
    Aliyev ceases his aggression against Artsakh and Armenia. Our White
    House needs to give up on the long-ago discredited idea that there
    is some sort of parity between the parties. The facts are clear, and
    should guide U.S. policy: Artsakh is a democracy offering its hand
    in peace; Azerbaijan is a dictatorship escalating its anti-Armenian
    aggression. America should stand on the side of peace and democracy,"
    said Hamparian.

    The ANCA has initiated a video call to action to secure additional
    statements from Congress in this regard.

    Congressional reaction to Wednesday's attack, which claimed the lives
    of three Artsakh servicemen has begun to pour in.

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a statement: "The apparent
    shootdown of an unarmed helicopter over the territory of the NKR,
    demonstrates Azerbaijan's callous disregard for human life and its
    willingness to engage in provocative acts of violence to distract
    from its domestic problems," said Rep. Adam Schiff. "This horrendous
    conduct threatens to destabilize the entire region."

    The European Union also weighed in on the attack, urging "restraint"
    by the sides and failing to condemn Azerbaijan for its military

    "Following reports of a cease-fire breach on 12 November 2014 along
    the Line of Contact, in which a military helicopter is reported to
    have been shot down, it is essential that all sides show restraint
    and avoid any actions or statements which could escalate the situation.

    Furthermore, we call for an investigation into this incident," said
    a statement by the EU.

    "The European Union reiterates its full support to the efforts of the
    OSCE Minsk Group and the three Co-Chairs. Both sides have to strictly
    respect the ceasefire, to refrain from the use of force or any threat
    thereof, and to resume efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," continued the EU statement.
