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Turkish Constitutional Court Urges Investigation Of Civil Servants F

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  • Turkish Constitutional Court Urges Investigation Of Civil Servants F


    10:16, 13 Nov 2014

    Civil servants and institutions allegedly implicated in the murder of
    the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink should be investigated, the
    Constitutional Court stated in its detailed ruling on the case on Nov.

    12, the Hurriyet Daily News reports.

    The top Turkish court said the case was not probed efficiently and
    the victim's rights were violated, in a ruling issued last July.

    In its detailed ruling, the Court insisted that civil servants should
    not be spared from the investigation, a thorny issue that has long
    been one of the backbones of Dink's lawyers' criticism regarding the
    judicial process.

    The court stressed that "despite a long time having passed since the
    murder, civil servants who allegedly committed negligence regarding the
    incident and whose identities were revealed have not been interrogated
    and there responsibility regarding the incident was not determined."

    The ruling added that because of this, it should be accepted that the
    investigation was not conducted with a "reasonable care and speed,
    therefore was inefficient."

    The detailed ruling comes only three weeks after nine key civil
    servants, including the former police chief of Istanbul, were
    authorized for investigation by the Justice Ministry almost eight
    years after the murder.

    The move may shed light on many aspects of the murder that remain
    unknown. Dink had been called to a police department and warned
    about a possible plot against him, and it is therefore thought that
    the murder was known about within some state institutions before it
    happened. Up to now, the investigation has failed to focus on the
    links between suspects and state officials.

    "In this kind of cases, the conditions in which the incident took
    place and flaws in the monitoring system should be tackled first.

    Secondly, an ex officio investigation should be launched to determine
    the institutions and civil servants that were responsible," the
    detailed ruling stated.

    Dink was shot dead by Ogun Samast in broad daylight on a busy street
    outside the offices of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos,
    in central Istanbul on Jan. 19, 2007. The assassination caused outrage
    across the country, sending hundreds of the thousands to the streets
    in mass rallies.

    Samast was sentenced to over 22 years in jail for the murder, but
    lawyers representing the Dink family have repeatedly expressed their
    dismay over the lack of investigation regarding individuals or groups
    who allegedly commissioned the murder.

    After a long battle, former Istanbul Police Chief Celalettin Cerrah,
    former Istanbul Deputy Governor Ergun Gungör, former Istanbul Police
    Department Intelligence Head Ahmet Ä°lhan Guler and six other officials
    are set to testify at court.

    From: A. Papazian