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ANKARA: Prime Minister's Armenian Advisor

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  • ANKARA: Prime Minister's Armenian Advisor


    Daily Sabah, Turkey
    Nov 12 2014

    Etyen Mahcupyan 12 November 2014, Wednesday

    A common view is shared among the Armenian diaspora and the
    intellectuals of the Armenian community nowadays: "It is a tactical
    move for Turkey's prime minister to appoint an Armenian as his chief
    advisor with the 100th anniversary of the 1915 incidents approaching.

    Moreover, it is obviously a move for the denial of the Armenian
    genocide." Like many other aggrieved minority communities, a vast
    majority of Armenians feel assured that the world revolves around
    their own issues. This view is also common among the Kurds. They
    think all the initiatives of the government are directly related to
    them, regardless of what the government does. And they interpret the
    government's actions accordingly. Consequently, Davutoglu's assigning
    of me as the chief advisor has drawn the attention of many Armenians
    to my Armenian identity. What really matters for them is not the
    advisor's political tendencies, but the fact that an Armenian was
    appointed. One is naturally obliged to ask this question when looking
    from this perspective: Why did the prime minister choose an Armenian?

    Then you have to answer it as part of the definitions of Armenian
    identity. In this way, you inevitably make a remark that manipulates
    Armenian identity. And most of the Armenian intellectuals in Turkey
    are desperately wallowing around this vicious circle. As soon as you
    define the others based on what you have been subjected to, you can
    assume that all the deeds of the others are done for or against you.

    Giving prominence to the identity of an Armenian advisor also has
    another interesting outcome: If this advisor was really chosen for his
    Armenian identity, then he is supposed to act like an Armenian and his
    deeds will be evaluated from a criteria that accords with his Armenian
    identity. Those with this perspective are not even aware that they have
    a somewhat racist perspective since expecting me to unconditionally
    act like an Armenian is not, in principle, different from a negative
    implementation conducted against me since I am Armenian.

    The fact is, one does not become more or less Armenian just because
    he is appointed as the chief advisor. Moreover, when my case is
    considered, it cannot be said that you are against a proper Armenian.

    In this case, we are talking about a man who has never considered
    himself as part of the community in social terms, and a man who has
    never stood out as an Armenian, with his identity defining him. The
    matter comprises of contributing to the creation of a shared wisdom
    and influencing the government that, as much as possible, is working
    among a major reform process and is in a tangle of serious issues
    that are waiting to be resolved.

    Being an Armenian only refers to a trivial sphere within the overall
    mission. If we attempt to list the issues Turkey needs to resolve, the
    Armenian "issue" or "genocide" is only in the middle of the list. And
    my duty as chief advisor is giving advice to promote democratization
    while paying the required amount of attention to each subject.

    Expecting me to pay more attention to that issue than it really
    deserves in terms of the current and future conditions of Turkey
    might lead to disappointments.

    In the meeting where Davutoglu offered me this position, the word
    "Armenian" was not mentioned once and the prime minister did not
    imply that he would charge me with a specific duty. On the contrary,
    he focused on the general picture and needs of Turkey. For some,
    it might be hard to accept but this is the reality: There are many
    people in Turkey who are not trapped within their ethnic or religious
    identities and sometimes life can bring some of them together.

    From: A. Papazian