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Who Blew Up The Armenian Genocide Memorial Church In Deir El-Zour?

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  • Who Blew Up The Armenian Genocide Memorial Church In Deir El-Zour?


    Nov 12 2014

    by Sam Hardy on November 11, 2014

    Fifty days after the destruction of the Armenian Genocide Martyrs'
    Memorial Church in Deir el-Zour, Robert Fisk has reported it in the
    Independent, but his article is riddled with peculiarities, mistakes,
    and historical inconsistencies.

    Peculiarities and mistakes

    For one thing, the report feels strangely timed. It declares that
    the "act of sacrilege will cause huge pain" to Armenians around the
    world -- seven weeks after the attack was lamented by political and
    religious representatives of the aggrieved community.

    For another, Fisk writes searingly of Armenian suffering during the
    Ottoman genocide and its exacerbation by Turkish state denial ever
    since, then misplaces Armenian Genocide memorial day, saying that,
    every year, "thousands of Armenians ... gathered at their church in
    Deir el-Zour on 25 April," when it was on April 24.

    Most unsettling, though, one gonzo narrative within Fisk's new
    Independent story concerns his exhumation of human remains. Moreover,
    it directly contradicts another narration of the story that he
    published in the Independent less than a year ago. This November,
    he wrote:

    When I investigated the death marches in this same region 22 years
    ago with a French photographer, we uncovered dozens of skeletons in
    the crevasse of a hill at a point where so many Armenian dead were
    thrown into the waters of the Khabur that the river changed its course
    forever. I gave some of the skulls and bones we found to an Armenian
    friend who placed them in the crypt of the Deir el-Zour church -
    the very same building which now lies in ruins.

    And last December, he wrote:

    Just over 30 years ago, I dug the bones and skulls of Armenian genocide
    victims out of a hillside above the Khabur River ... It was difficult
    to find these bones because the Khabur River ... had changed.

    So many were the bodies heaped in its flow that the waters moved to
    the east. The very river had altered its course. But Armenian friends
    who were with me took the remains and placed them in the crypt of
    the great Armenian church at Deir ez-Zour.

    Confusingly, Fisk dates the building itself to 1846. Vartan Matiossian,
    an historian and director at the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America, told Hyperallergic that there was a
    church, St. Hripsime, at the site in 1931 and a preliminary Armenian
    Genocide monument in 1936, but no apparent evidence of a 19th century
    structure on the site. The Armenian National Institute in Washington,
    DC dates the current complex's construction to the 1980s and its
    dedication to 1990.

    Jabhat al-Nusra or the Islamic State?

    At the time of the attack, Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of
    Cilicia and the Holy Sees of Etchmiadzin and Cilicia blamed the Islamic
    State, as did others who investigated the attack independently. Thus,
    the centrepiece of Fisk's report is his apparent scoop that the
    al-Nusra Front, "Jabhat al-Nusra [JaN] rebels appear to have been the
    culprits." (Many thanks to a Syrian archaeologist and to the CEO of
    the Association for Research into Crimes against Art, Lynda Albertson,
    who drew my attention to the Independent article.)

    Fisk also notes that, "since many Syrians believe that the [JaN]
    group has received arms from Turkey, the destruction will be regarded
    by many Armenians as a further stage in their historical annihilation
    by the descendants of those who perpetrated the genocide 99 years ago."

    Again, it feels as if it were written seven weeks ago. An Armenian
    Turkologist Andranik Ispiryan and Arabist Armen Petrosyan had already
    blamed Turkey indirectly, and refused to rule out the possibility
    that "Turk[ish] soldiers, who are among the terrorists, played a huge
    [direct] role," within two days of the attack.

    Even the scoop itself is somewhat confused and confusing. Fisk
    variously attributes the attack to "Jabhat al-Nusra" and "the
    Islamists," where the generic term most immediately refers back to
    "Isis and its kindred ideological armed groups," while he explicitly
    acknowledges that the attack occurred in an "Isis-controlled area."

    The report details that Deir el-Zour district priest Monsignor
    Antranik Ayvazian "revealed to [Fisk] that before the explosions
    tore the church apart ... he received a message from the Islamists
    promising to spare the church archives if he acknowledged them as
    the legislative authority in that part of Syria. 'I refused,' he said.

    'And after I refused, they destroyed all our papers and endowments ...

    [and] destroyed the church.'"

    Fisk then adds that "Ayvazian later received a photograph taken in
    secret and smuggled to him from the Isis-controlled area, showing
    clearly that only part of the central tower ... remains."

    Who was in control of the territory at the time of the attack?

    As I have discussed on Conflict Antiquities after the verification of
    the attack, Islamist organizations had long fought over Deir el-Zour.

    But, through May, June and July, the Islamic State subjugated or
    expelled Free Syrian Army (FSA) factions, such as the Jaysh Al Qasas
    Brigade, and Islamist paramilitaries such as Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra
    Front) and Ahrar al-Sham. They were forced to pledge loyalty to IS
    or withdraw from the city.

    Since then, Deir el-Zour has remained "part of the Islamic State" --
    in August, by which time JaN was "nowhere to be seen," throughout
    September and into October, when the Islamic State battled over
    territory with the Assad regime, but not with Jabhat al-Nusra. The only
    authorities in Deir el-Zour before, during and after the destruction
    of the church were the Islamic State and the Assad regime.

    And Assad's forces were only in two neighbourhoods -- al Qusour and
    al Joura -- while the church was in al Roshdeyah neighbourhood. So,
    though weaker groups may have remained in the city under Islamic
    State authority, the territory was under Islamic State control when
    the church was destroyed. (Furthermore, rival Islamist coalitions have
    split up -- it is unlikely that they achieved an effective momentary
    resurgence and dedicated it to the destruction of the church.)

    It is possible, and intriguing, that the agents who implemented the
    attack may have been subjugated former Jabhat al-Nusra fighters who
    served under the flag of the Islamic State. But they would still have
    been Islamic State fighters. It seems unlikely that Jabhat al-Nusra
    itself snuck into IS territory, extorted Antranik with the demand that
    he recognise their sovereignty over the territory from which they had
    had to withdraw themselves, then destroyed the church and snuck out.
