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OSCE Karabakh Group Urges Azerbaijan, Armenia To Prevent Escalation

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  • OSCE Karabakh Group Urges Azerbaijan, Armenia To Prevent Escalation


    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    Nov 12 2014

    November 12, 22:24 UTC+3 VIENNA This is said in a statement the
    organization has published at its official website in the wake of
    destruction of an Armenian military helicopter in Nagorny Karabakh

    VIENNA, November 12. /TASS/. Co-chairpersons of the Minsk group for
    peace settlement of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which includes
    representatives of Russia, France and the U.S. and reports to the
    European security organization OSCE, have called on Azerbaijan and
    Armenia to take urgent steps for preventing an escalation of tensions
    in the region.

    This is said in a statement the organization has published at its
    official website in the wake of destruction of an Armenian military
    helicopter in Nagorny Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan with the
    predominantly ethnic Armenian population and staying de facto under
    Armenia's control sing the early 1990's.

    "The Minsk Group Co-Chairs (Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian
    Federation, James Warlick of the United States, and Pierre Andrieu
    of France) express our very serious concern about the downing of
    a helicopter near the Line of Contact and the recent violence. We
    regret the loss of life and express our condolences to the families,"
    the statement says.

    "The Co-Chairs are deeply worried by the events that prompted this
    drastic incident, the first of its kind since the ceasefire agreement
    was reached," the ambassadors say. "We strongly appeal to the sides
    to avoid steps that would escalate tension along the Line of Contact
    and Armenia-Azerbaijan border."

    They go on to say that region cannot afford another round of violence
    like the one that they witnessed this summer.

    "Today's events remind us of the volatility of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict and the urgency to intensify efforts to find a lasting
    settlement. We remain resolved to assist the sides in any way
    possible," the statement says.

    "We remind the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan of their
    responsibilities to respect the ceasefire and honour the commitments
    they made in Sochi, Newport, and Paris to find a peaceful resolution
    to the conflict," the ambassadors indicate. "

    "We also encourage them to adopt confidence-building measures now
    that would increase transparency along the Line of Contact and the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan border, and reduce the likelihood of events like
    today's incident," they say.

    From: Baghdasarian