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Armenia Warns Azeris Over Helicopter Shooting

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  • Armenia Warns Azeris Over Helicopter Shooting


    MWC News
    Nov 12 2014

    Wednesday, 12 November 2014 12:47

    Armenia's Foreign Ministry has threatend "grave consequences" after
    Azerbaijani forces shot down one of its military helicopters.

    Wednesday's development will fuel fears of a major escalation of the
    long-standing conflict over Nagorny Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan
    controlled by ethnic Armenians.

    The downing is the most serious military incident along the Karabakh
    frontier since the 1994 ceasefire that ended a bloody war that cost
    30,000 lives over the disputed region.

    Armenian media reported that the helicopter's three crew members were
    all killed.

    "A MI-24 combat helicopter attempted to attack positions of the
    Azerbaijani army near [Karabakh's] Agdam district," Azerbaijan's
    Defence Ministry said in a statement.

    "The helicopter has been shot down by the Azerbaijani army."

    The ministry said the wreckage fell on territory held by ethnic

    The Azeris also said that an army officer had been honoured for
    shooting down the aircraft.

    The officer "has been awarded a third degree medal 'For Distinguished
    Military Service' for shooting down the enemy's Mi-24 helicopter, and
    for vigilance and heroism on combat duty", the Defence Ministry said.

    'Unprecedented aggravation'

    The attack drew threats of retaliation from Armenia.

    "Consequences for this unprecedented aggravation of the situation
    will be very painful for the Azeri side," Artsrun Hovhannisyan,
    Armenian defence minister, said on his Facebook page.

    Armenia said Azerbaijan will face "grave consequences".

    "This is an unprecedented escalation and the consequences for
    Azerbaijan will be grave," Artsrun Hovannisyan, Armenia's Foreign
    Ministry spokesman, told AFP.

    "Azerbaijan's claim that the Armenian helicopter attacked its positions
    is not true. Examination of the wreckage will prove that the helicopter
    carried no weapons."

    The separatist Defence Ministry in Karabakh confirmed that its
    helicopter was downed by Azerbaijani forces "while conducting a
    training flight as part of military drills", adding that a firefight
    began after the incident and was continuing.

    "The enemy is continuing to fire intensively in the direction of the
    site of the incident with small arms of various calibre," it said.

    Since Thursday, Karabakh forces have been conducting joint drills
    with Armenia coordinated by the Armenian army chief of staff.

    Festering conflict

    Two decades after a ceasefire agreement ended their bitter war over
    Karabakh, Azerbaijani and Armenian forces regularly exchange fire
    across their frontier and along the Karabakh frontline.

    Last month Europe made a fresh push to end the festering conflict.

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany's foreign minister, visited both
    countries in October to facilitate a negotiated solution to the

    French President Francois Hollande also hosted leaders from Armenia
    and Azerbaijan for Karabakh talks but the meeting ended without any

    Tensions between Azerbaijan and Russia-allied Armenia are escalating
    as Russia confronts the West over Ukraine, where government forces
    are battling pro-Russian separatists.

    "What happened in Ukraine has had a direct impact" on the Karabakh
    conflict, a source in Hollande's entourage said in October, adding
    that Russia's annexation of Crimea "exacerbated the climate".
