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Antelias: 2014 Bishops Conference Begins with Pilgrimage to Dzidzern

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  • Antelias: 2014 Bishops Conference Begins with Pilgrimage to Dzidzern

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
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    The 2014 Armenian Bishops Conference Begins with a Pilgrimage to the
    "Dzidzernagapert," the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument

    Antelias - The conference scheduled for 11-13 November 2014 opened on
    Monday 10 November with a visit to the `Dzidzernagapert' Monument,
    led by the two Holinesses Karekin II and Aram I.

    After laying the wreaths in silence, the two Catholicoi held a memorial
    service in front of the eternal fire burning at the centre of the

    At the end of the solemn service, the press interviewed the two
    Catholicoi. His Holiness Karekin II spoke of the conference agenda and
    the classification and the process of making the martyrs saints.
    Catholicos Aram I said that in addition to making our martyrs saints and
    organizing different events, we must, in Armenia and the diaspora,
    demand our rights. Referring to the proposed litigation demanding the
    return of the Centre of the Catholicosate in Sis from Turkey, Catholicos
    Aram I continued, `legal cases are usually complicated and difficult.
    We should work together, collect studies already undertaken regarding
    international human rights laws and identify the best legal arguments
    concerning the return of all church and community properties.'

    The Armenian Bishops Conference Condemns the Downing of the Military
    Helicopter by Azerbaijan at the Karabagh boarder

    Antelias - 13 November 2014. Upon hearing the news, the bishops prayed
    for the three-crew members, Major Sergei Sahakian and Lieutenants Sarkis
    Nazarian and Azad Sahakian, who were killed, and presented their
    condolences to their families.

    The two Catholicoi also requested that the Bishops inform their dioceses
    and hold memorial services for the three servicemen; they also
    recommended that all actions be taken on governmental and international
    levels to any actions that might undermine the uneasy peace between
    Karabagh and Azerbaijan.

    Armenian Apostolic Church the Bishops Conference


    We praise the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for
    having enabled us to meet at the Holy Etchmiadzin on threshold of the
    100th anniversary commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, under the
    guidance of the Catholicoi Karekin II and Aram I to discuss issues
    related to our Church and the people.

    We remember prayerfully our victims of the Genocide and are confidant
    that by making them Saints we will also renew our people spiritually. We
    recommend that our people actively participate in all the events
    honoring their memory.

    We invite the world Christianity to join our people in their 100th
    anniversary prayers and commemorations beseeching for God's justice
    and peace among people, asking the Almighty to help humanity overcome
    conflicts and face the new challenges.

    We call upon the international community to recognize and condemn the
    first Genocide of the 20th century committed by the Ottoman Turkey. We
    also call upon the Republic of Turkey to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide and recognize our people's snatched just rights.

    We pray the Almighty for the new victims whose helicopter was gunned
    down as they protected the boarders of their homeland Armenia and
    Karabagh. The Conference condemns this act by the Azerbaijani forces and
    considers it irresponsible and dangerous aggression.

    We express our concern for the conflicts in the Middle East, specially
    Syria Iraq and the Ukraine. We pray for our Armenian communities and all
    peace loving people who are victims of those conflicts and that peace
    may soon prevail.

    We place our hope in Jesus Christ our Lord and as we remember the
    innocent victims of the Genocide. We recommit ourselves to continue
    serving the Armenian Church, promoting the internal unity of our people
    and strengthening our homeland and the diaspora.

    Communiqué of the Armenian Bishops Conference

    The Annual Conference of the Armenian Bishops was held under the
    leadership of Holinesses Karekin II and Aram I at the Holy Etchmiadzin
    with the participation of 61 Bishops from Armenia and Diaspora.

    On 11 November the conference began with vespers at the Cathedral and
    continued with the Lord's Prayer at the meeting Hall. After the
    messages of Catholios Karekin II and Aram I, the Bishops elected their
    officers: Archbishops Yeznik Bedrossian Sebouh Sarkissian,
    Co-Presidents, and Bishops Vazken Mirkhanian and Papken Charian,

    During the opening acts the Bishops congratulated His Holiness Karekin
    II on the 15th anniversary of his consecration as Catholicos of the Holy
    See of Etchmiadzin, and they prayed for the memory of the departed

    The main agenda of the three-day conference was to adopt a process for
    classifying and canonizing the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.
    After Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and Bishop Papken Charian
    presented the report on behalf of the sub-committee, the Conference
    approved the order of service and the rites, and they decided to hold
    the canonization ceremony on 23 April 2015 in Holy Ethmiadzin.

    The Bishops decided to add 24 April to the Church Calendar as the day of
    commemoration. They adopted the testimonies of the victims and the
    canons and hymns to be included in the service and discussed the canons
    related to the canonization of Komitas Vartabed and other individuals.

    The Bishops received and studied the reports on the rites of Baptism and
    Chrismation, adopted the guidelines and proposed a process of
    communicating and teaching them. The purpose of the study report was to
    harmonize the rite and its practice across all Armenian Churches.

    The Conference also discussed current issues and challenges the Armenian
    Church and its people are facing.

    On 13 November, the last day of the conference, the bishops heard a
    presentation by Mr. Viken Sarkissian, coordinator of the 100th
    anniversary commemoration programme of the Government of Armenia.

    The conference closed with the remarks and blessings of the two
    Catholicoi, Karekin II and Aram I.

    The next Conference of the Armenian Bishops will be held in 2016.

    # #
