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Western Prelacy News - 11/14/2014

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  • Western Prelacy News - 11/14/2014

    November 14, 2014
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Wednesday, November 12, 2014, a military helicopter of the
    Artsakh Defense Army was shot down by Azerbaijan near the border town of
    Aghdam. The helicopter was conducting training exercises and was not armed.
    All three crew members, Major Sergey Sahakyan, Senior Lieutenant Sarkis
    Nazaryan, and Lieutenant Azat Sahakyan, were killed in the attack.
    The Bishops' Synod, headed by H.H. Karekin II, Catholicos of All
    Armenians, and H.H. Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia,
    condemned the attack and called for requiem prayers to be offered in memory
    of the pilots.
    Thus, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, has advised
    for requiem prayers to be offered in all Prelacy Churches on Sunday,
    November 16. May God rest their souls and grant comfort to their loved ones.



    On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, the second Bishops' Synod convened in
    Etchmiadzin with the blessings and presence of His Holiness Karekin II,
    Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the
    Great House of Cilicia.The Synod brought together 61 Archbishops and Bishops
    from the Armenian Apostolic Church around the world. Items on the agenda
    included the canonization of victims of the Armenian Genocide and various
    theological and ecclesiastical matters. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, who is a member of the Canonization Committee,
    participated in the Synod.
    Prior to the opening of the Bishops' Synod, a prayer service was
    held at the Mother Cathedral entreating the guidance of the Holy Spirit for
    productive proceedings. The Synod began with the Lord's Prayer, after which
    H.E. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Co-Chair, invited the two Pontiffs to
    deliver their message. The election of the divan followed; H.E. Archbishop
    Yeznik Bedrosian and H.E. Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian were elected
    Chairmen, and H.G. Bishop Vazken Mirzakhanian and H.G. Bishop Papken
    Tcharian Secretaries.
    The first two days of the Synod were dedicated to the canonization
    rite of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the canonization of Armenian
    Genocide martyrs. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and H.G. Bishop
    Papken Tcharian, members of the Canonization Committee, presented reports on
    this matter, which the participants analyzed and confirmed. The canonization
    ceremony will be held in Etchmiadzin on April 23, 2015. Committee members
    were asked to research the canonization of specific individuals, such as
    Gomidas Vartabed and others.
    The sessions on Wednesday and Thursday focused on the rituals of
    Baptism and Christening. Committee members presented their work to
    standardize the ritual among all Churches, which was approved by the Synod
    after some revisions and will be sent to the Prelacies and Dioceses of both
    Holy Sees to implement.
    The final day's session began with a prayer for the crew members of
    the Artsakh Defense Army killed in a helicopter attack the day before. The
    Synod condemned the attack by Azerbaijan and expressed condolences to the
    families and friends of the victims. During the third session, Mr. Vigen
    Sargsyan, Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Armenia,
    presented the government's plans next year relating to the Armenian Genocide
    centennial. Various issues and concerns were discussed on the final day,
    which will be followed up at the next Bishops' Synod to be held in 2016. The
    three day Synod concluded with the blessings and message of the Pontiffs.
    On Tuesday, November 11, the two Pontiffs met with President Serzh
    Sargsyan. Discussion centered on Church-State collaboration,
    Armenia-Diaspora ties, and related matters.
    On Monday, November 10, the participants of the Bishops' Synod paid
    a visit to the Dzidzernagapert Genocide Memorial where the Pontiffs laid
    wreaths and led prayers in memory of the Genocide victims.



    On Friday, November 14, 2014, Turkish lawyer, writer, and human
    rights activist Fethiye Çetin visited the Prelacy where she was greeted by
    members of the Catholicosate Central Executive, Prelacy Religious and
    Executive Councils, and Ladies Auxiliary.
    Ms. Çetin is the grandchild of an ethnic Armenian who was taken from
    her family during the Genocide and forcibly converted to Islam. She is in
    Los Angeles by special invitation of the United Armenian Council for the
    Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide (UAC). She was accompanied to the
    Prelacy by colleague Ms. Beghrin Esa, UAC representative Ms. Jackie
    Tovmassian, and Organization of Istanbul Armenians representative Dr.
    Ohannes Kulak Avedikian.
    The meeting took place at the Sulahian Reception Hall. On behalf of
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, Archpriest Fr. Vicken
    Vassilian welcomed the guests and noted that His Eminence is in Armenia
    participating in the Bishops' Synod. Fr. Vicken stated that the Prelacy
    operates under the jurisdiction of the Catholicosate of Cilicia, which was
    uprooted and exiled from Sis, adding that the Church remains committed to
    the pursuit of our properties and our rights. He commended Ms. Çetin for her
    human rights work and presented her with mementos on behalf of the Prelate.
    Welcoming remarks were also delivered by Central Executive member
    Mr. Vahe Yacoubian and Executive Council Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian, who in
    general spoke of the Armenian Genocide centennial and the Armenian people's
    pursuit of truth and justice. They commended her and her colleagues for
    their courageous human rights wok and wished them success in their
    Ms. Çetin conveyed thanks for the warm welcome. She spoke of the
    legal aspects of the Genocide and its aftermath, stating that she will not
    rest until there is a just resolution. Referencing the recent apology of
    President Erdogan, she stressed that an apology is not sufficient; that the
    guilty must accept blame, feel remorse, and teach the truth in Turkish
    textbooks, and the descendants of the victims and survivors must receive
    reparations for their losses.
    Ladies Auxiliary Chair Mrs. Dzovig Zetlian and Executive Council
    member Mr. Meher Der Ohanessian respectively addressed the guest, expressing
    pride in her work and wishing for a fitting centennial commemoration in
    Taksim Square next year by scholars, dignitaries, and the people. The
    discussion continued, during which Ms. Çetin reported that there is some
    progress, albeit slow, noting that one political party has already
    recognized the truth of the Genocide and work is underway for more
    widespread recognition.

    From: A. Papazian