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BAKU: Downed Armenian Helicopter Consequence Of Yerevan's Military-P

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  • BAKU: Downed Armenian Helicopter Consequence Of Yerevan's Military-P


    APA, Azerbaijan
    Nov 14 2014

    Baku. Rashad Suleymanov - APA. The Mi-24 strike helicopter
    (NATO-Codename Hind) of the Armenian Armed Forces was shot down on
    November 12 by Azerbaijani soldiers while attacking the positions of
    the Azerbaijani Army located in Aghdam region.

    An analytical article prepared by APA-Analytics envisages the essence,
    chronicle of the incident, as well as its compliance with Azerbaijan
    legislation and international legal norms.

    Firs of all, it is noted that after a few hours, the OSCE, NATO,
    European Union and U.S. Department of State that have for days,
    even for years no reacted to Armenian provocations on the frontline
    expressed their "concerns" over the incident and made various
    statements such as this step will "escalate tension on the front line"
    and "undermine the negotiation process".

    In fact, the statements of concern were supposed to be made earlier -
    last week when Armenian armed forces started military exercises in
    Azerbaijan's territories.

    It would be better for the international organizations, which are
    urging the sides "to show restraint" and Azerbaijan to turn a blind
    eye to what is happening in its lands, to probe the factors that
    caused the incident a few days ago.

    Last week the Armenian Army and the separatist regime established in
    occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan started "Unity-2014"
    military exercises.

    According to the official information released by Armenia, 47,000
    personnel, 2100 artillery systems, 850 armored vehicles, 450 units
    of various air defense systems, 1600 anti-tank weapons, 260 special
    equipment and 4200 vehicles were involved in the exercises.

    6 Armenian helicopters (2 Mi-8 and 4 Mi-24) were reportedly involved
    in the exercises.

    In response to the exercises, Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry announced
    on November 6 that the conduct of military exercises in the occupied
    territories of Azerbaijan by the Armenian Armed Forces is the next
    stage of aggressive policy of Yerevan against our country. The Republic
    of Armenia is directly responsible for the occupation of our lands and
    responsibility for possible future events in the region unconditionally
    lays on Yerevan's leadership.

    The exercises are being held in the training ground established in the
    Azerbaijani settlement abandoned during the war in Uzundere village of
    Aghdam region. The air distance between this area and the frontline
    is 3000 meters. According to the residents of frontline villages of
    Aghdam region, fires opened by the Armenians during the exercises
    are heard clearly.

    The statement, issued by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry immediately
    after the incident, says that during the recent exercises conducted
    by the Armenian Armed Forces, Armenia's military aircraft have been
    implementing provocative flights over the frontal area for three days:
    "The enemy military aircraft, performing combat maneuvers over the
    Azerbaijani positions, today attempted to open fire at our positions.

    On November 12 at about 1:45 pm, the Mi-24 helicopter of the Armenian
    Armed Forces flying 1700 meters north-east of Kangarli village of
    Aghdam region attacked the Azerbaijani positions. The enemy helicopter
    was shot down by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces."

    The military helicopter, downed in the occupied territories while
    performing combat maneuvers, belongs to the 15th air base, stationed
    at military airfield Erebuni in Yerevan. All three crew members of
    the downed helicopter were the officers of the Armenian Air Forces.

    As a continuation of Yerevan's provocations, on November 13,
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan visited the occupied territories
    of Azerbaijan, Khankendi city by helicopter flagrantly violating
    the airspace of Azerbaijan for the next time. Armenian President's
    website's spreading Serzh Sargsyan's photos in military uniform who
    visited the occupied territories of Azerbaijan by helicopter can be
    regarded as a sign to continue the provocative steps.

    In 2010, the Azerbaijani government stated that the flights in the
    airspace over the territories occupied by Armenia. Flights over
    these territories are the violation of Azerbaijan's internationally
    recognized air borders and measures will be taken against such actions
    perpetrated by all air tools, regardless of their destination. Even
    their physical destruction is not excluded. In its appeal to ICAO,
    IATA, ECAC and other international organizations, Baku officially
    stated that it doesn't guarantee the security of the flights over
    the occupied territories.

    In January 2013, the Cabinet of Ministers passed a decision to allow
    shooting down the airplanes which violate the airspace of Azerbaijan.

    The document determines 13.5/25km-wide borderline strip used in the
    special regime along the state border.

    According to the document, banned zones and limited zones can be
    determined in the airspace of Azerbaijan. When necessary, taking into
    account the state interests the State Civil Aviation Administration
    can determine certain parts of the airspace as banned or limited zones
    basing on the proposals of the relevant executive authorities. Use
    of airspace in the banned and limited zones is prohibited.

    The violations of the rules of use of Azerbaijan's airspace were
    found. The use of air space without sending poll (table, graphic),
    warning military air forces' bodies, the poll before coming into
    force and after ending of period of poll's validity and without
    the permission of relevant operative body, non-fulfillment of
    teams of flights governing bodies and fighter-interceptor aircraft,
    implementation of the flights for monitoring, use of airspace of banned
    and limited zones without special permission etc are considered the
    violation of airspace's rules.

    It's not the first time Armenia has attempted to violate Azerbaijan's
    borders and escalate the situation. The plans of flight to the Khojaly
    airport under occupation and an Armenian helicopter with Armenia's
    defense minister on board attempting to violate Azerbaijan's state
    border in the direction of Gazakh District in May 2013 can be the
    examples. During the last inciden, the helicopter carrying the Armenian
    defense minister tried to violate the air border but was forced to
    fly back with warning fire.

    We have enough facts.

    When international law and the national legislation are taken into
    account, the following questions emerge and these questions can be
    answered with simple logic:

    - In which country's territory was the helicopter of the Armed Forces
    of the Armenian Republic downed?

    - What was the purpose of the helicopter of the Armed Forces of
    the Armenian Republic flying over the territory of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan?

    - Under what circumstances was the helicopter shot down?

    That's the reality; the downed is a Mi-24 (NATO codename: Hind) strike
    helicopter of the Armenian Air Forces. This helicopter is designed
    to provide fire support to infantry units, destroy the enemy's
    manpower, positions, armed and unarmed vehicles. It's armed with a
    12.7 mm-caliber machine gun, anti-tank guided missiles, and unguided
    57 or 81 mm-caliber missiles. And the whereabouts of the shooting of
    the helicopter are Aghdam District, the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The helicopter was involved in the military exercises conducted by
    the Armenian army in the occupied Azerbaijani district of Aghdam

    The helicopter was downed while attacking the Azerbaijani army's
    positions and not involved in any humanitarian or civil operation.

    Those who accuse Azerbaijan of "taking a wrong step" by shooting down
    the Armenian helicopter should be reminded of a few facts.

    We have facts regarding the shooting of Azerbaijan's civil helicopters
    by the Armenians back in 1992-1994.

    On 28 January 1992, the downing of a Mi-8 civil helicopter of
    Azal by the Igla man-portable missile system while landing in the
    city of Shusha resulted in the death of 30 persons, including the
    crew. On 3 March 1992, a Mi-26 helicopter of Russia, presumed to
    be of Azerbaijan, was shot down by the Armenians while flying over
    the Gulustan village. As a result, 12 persons delivering aid to
    the Armenians were killed in the incident. On 12 May 1992, a Mi-26
    helicopter flying from Nakhchivan to Vaziani with the families of some
    Russian officers leaving Azerbaijan on board was downed over Armenia.

    3 crew members and 6 passengers were killed in the accident.

    These are history and facts. This is the truth!
