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ANKARA: Playwrights Censoring Their Plays, Prominent Turkish Actor S

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  • ANKARA: Playwrights Censoring Their Plays, Prominent Turkish Actor S


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Nov 19 2014


    Turkish theater legend Genco Erkal, speaking to Ahmet Hakan of daily
    Hurriyet, has claimed that many playwrights censor their plays to
    receive support from local municipalities.

    "Many playwrights agree to meet the requirements of municipalities
    in order to receive financial support. They change the text of their
    plays; they change costumes and remove parts from the play. They make
    the plays reasonable enough," Erkal said.

    Upon a question about the withdrawal of state support for private
    theaters, Erkal said his theater had not received support for a year
    because of its support for the Gezi events, and claimed the situation
    is also the same for theaters staging political plays.

    "For example, one night the actors posted a tweet, saying 'we are
    canceling the play tonight; we will all go to Gezi together.' But
    in reality the audience number was too low - about 15-20 - in the
    theater that night and they posted it to save face," he said.

    "Censorship was excessive in the era following the Sept. 12, 1980
    coup. We wanted to perform YaÅ~_ar Kemal's 'The Legend of Mount
    Ararat.' The play did not have an element to bother the government,
    but the words 'Kurdish landlords' were used in a few sentences. The
    censorship committee examined the play's text and highlighted this
    term in red, saying 'the words Kurdish landlords cannot be used in
    this play,'" he added.

    No ministry support

    During budget talks in Parliament on Nov. 18, Culture and Tourism
    Minister Omer Celik said his ministry would not support "plays that
    have hate crimes or scenes of sexual violence," following criticism
    from opposition deputies.

    "If a privately owned theater's play [which requests the ministry's
    support] has a hate crime, scene of sexual violence or any statement
    that depicts Turks as having committed genocide, insults Kurds,
    marginalizes Alevis or has any statement that rules out the [presence
    of] Armenians, then my stance is clear. I will not spend the financial
    sources accumulated by our citizens' taxes on these plays," said Celik.

