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Criminal Hacking of Canadian websites

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  • Criminal Hacking of Canadian websites

    Armenian National Committee of Canada
    130 Albert St., Suite 1007
    Ottawa, ON KIP 5G4
    Tel: 613-235-2622
    Fax: 613-238-2622
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Criminal Hacking of Canadian websites

    November 19, 2014

    Early in the morning of November 16, 2014 the websites of several
    Armenian Canadian organizations were hacked and Azerbaijani propaganda
    was placed on the sites. The ANCC deplores such despicable attacks on
    Horizon Weekly and Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC)
    Canadian websites and calls on Canadian, provincial and regional
    governments to strongly condemn such a heinous and racist act.

    ?We need the Canadian governmental actors to publicly condemn these
    acts as they are becoming more and more frequent. This is not the
    first time that Armenian Canadian websites have been violated by Azeri
    and Turkish hackers,? said Dr. Girair Basmajian, President of the
    ANCC. ?Other similar violent incidents took place in 2008, where
    members of Armenian youth organizations were threatened with a sword
    and blood by Turkish and Turkic ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves.?

    This latest attack is all the more troubling as it took place only
    days after the November 12th brutal shooting of an unarmed helicopter
    in Nagorno Karabakh Republic, killing all three Armenians on board. ?
    This is yet another example of Azerbaijan violating the peace treaty
    of 1994,? added Dr. Basmajian. ? On the eve of the Centennial of the
    Genocide of the Armenians, it is appalling that more violence is being
    directed against Armenians. We seem to be witnessing an escalation of
    violence here on Canadian soil as well.?

    With recent outbreaks of hate-speech against Armenian Canadians and on
    the eve of the 100th anniversary commemorations of the Armenian
    Genocide on April 24 in Ottawa, we are hoping that governmental and
    police bodies will take these actions directly targeting the Armenian
    community seriously and protect our community members, including
    youth, from such violent incidents.

    After last spring?s dangerous action by Ottawa police in allowing
    provocative Turkish protestors to confront and disrupt the Armenian
    community?s annual Genocide commemoration events by celebrating and
    dancing with loud music, we are particularly concerned that Canada be
    proactive in not be tolerating or encouraging confrontation. Armenian
    Genocide deniers should not be given permission by Ottawa Police to
    silence a peaceful commemoration event.

    As a country advocating peace and human rights Canada should step up,
    take action and prevent any escalation of future violence.


    Contact: R. Roupen Kouyoumdjian (514) 265-4602

    The ANCC is the largest and the most influential Canadian-Armenian
    grassroots human rights organization. Working in coordination with a
    network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout Canada and
    affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCC actively advances
    the concerns of the Canadian-Armenian community on a broad range of


    Le CNAC est l'organisation canado-arménienne des droits humains la
    plus large et influentielle. Collaborant avec une série de bureaux,
    chapitres et souteneurs à travers le Canada et des organisations
    affiliées à travers le monde, le CNAC s'occupe activement des
    inquiétudes de la communauté canadienne-arménienne.
