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=?utf-8?Q?eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/21/2014

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  • =?utf-8?Q?eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/21/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY November20, 2014
    St. Mary
    Detail of an 18th-century painting of St. Mary by an unknown artist
    (collection of the National Gallery of Armenia).

    ** Presentation of the Mother-of-God to the Temple
    On Friday, November 21, the worldwide Armenian Church will celebrate
    the Feast of the Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple.

    Shortly after Mary was born, her parents Joachim and Anna took their
    daughter to the Temple of Jerusalem to be consecrated to God in
    thanksgiving for the gift of their child. According to tradition, Mary
    remained there for a time and was given over to the care of pious
    widows and maidens who lived at the temple. Later, as a young woman,
    Mary became betrothed to Joseph the carpenter.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a video about St. Mary in the Armenian Church.


    ** Beginning of the Advent Season
    This week marks the beginning of Advent, a season of preparation for
    one of the greatest feasts of the church, Christmas. In the Armenian
    Church, Advent is a period of 50 days called
    Heesnag (from the Armenian word for fifty, heesoon). It is a time for
    prayer, reflection, devotion to Scripture, fasting, and service.

    Throughout the season, Eric Vozzy of the Diocese's Department of Youth
    and Education will be posting weekly Advent reflections on the
    Diocese's blog. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to visit our blog for this week's entry.

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 36:1-9
    1 Thes 1:1-10
    Lk 12:13-31

    ** Prayer of the Week

    Let us hold the holy Mother-of-God and all the saints as intercessors
    with the Father in Heaven, that He may be pleased to have mercy and
    compassion on us, His creatures, and save us. Almighty Lord, our God,
    save us and have mercy on us. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    21 November: Presentation of the Holy Mother-of-God to the Temple

    29 November: Holy Apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew

    Bishops Consecrated at Holy Etchmiadzin
    Bishop Berberian blesses worshipers at Holy Etchmiadzin this week.

    ** Three Bishops Consecrated at Holy Etchmiadzin
    At Holy Etchmiadzin last weekend, His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme
    Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, consecrated three clergymen
    as bishops of the Armenian Church.

    Among those receiving the episcopal rank was the Very Rev. Fr. Nareg
    Berberian, formerly a longtime clergyman of the Eastern Diocese who is
    now serving as the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Brazil. Bishop
    Berberian celebrated his first episcopal Divine Liturgy at the
    Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin on November 17. In his sermon, he
    stressed the importance of carrying forward the mission of the
    Armenian Church in Armenia and across the diaspora.

    The other newly consecrated bishops are Bishop Abgar Hovakimyan,
    Primate of the Diocese of Canada, and Bishop Vardan Navasardyan,
    director of the Christian Education Center at Holy Etchmiadzin.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view photos.

    The ceramic poppies installation at the Tower of London.

    ** "In Flanders field the poppies blow"
    How do you begin to visualize death on a mass scale? How does one
    memorialize the incomprehensible
    magnitude of such a loss?

    A monument on a battlefield may be a fitting memorial to a heroic
    individual, a lost regiment, a battalion whose individual soldiers
    made the ultimate sacrifice. But how should a country honor the untold
    thousands of combatants mowed down in the monstrous industrial manner
    of modern warfare; buried in nameless graves far from the homeland for
    which they died?

    A powerful attempt to address this question is on display in England,
    through an artistic installation marking the centennial of the
    outbreak of World War I. Its essential symbol is the poppy-or rather,
    ceramic representations of the red flower that so many English
    citizens wore to express their quiet mourning in the aftermath of the

    The memorial was inaugurated on August 5, 2014-the centennial of `the
    guns of August'-when 120,000 ceramic poppies were unveiled in front of
    the Tower of London. More were `planted' over the ensuing weeks, with
    the last flowers put in place on November 11: Britain's annual
    Remembrance Day-our own Veterans Day, marking the armistice that ended
    `The Great War.' (Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view photos.)

    The memorial now contains 888,246 poppies: one for every British
    fatality in World War I. The effect of this spectacle is poignantly
    encapsulated in the installation's title: `Blood Swept Lands and Seas
    of Red.'

    But that question lingers: How do you begin to visualize death on a
    mass scale? For Armenians, who are haunted by our own spectacle of
    death=80'which likewise had its beginnings a century ago-the question
    has a special resonance.

    In Armenia, another flower-the forget-me-not-has been adopted as the
    symbol for our 100th year of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. One
    can only imagine the endless sea of violet that would result from a
    million and a half such flowers festooning a vast field. What a
    reminder that would be of the magnitude of our loss. What a way to
    visualize an incomprehensible number, made up of countless
    individuals: each as distinct as a single flower. And almost as

    Orphan Rug
    Stitched on the back of the rug is the inscription "In Golden Rule
    Gratitude to President Coolidge."

    ** Armenian Orphan Rug on Display
    A rug woven by Armenian orphans in the aftermath of the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915 went on display at the White House Visitor Center in
    Washington, DC, this week.

    The rug, which was a gift to President Calvin Coolidge in 1925 in
    gratitude for American relief efforts during the Genocide, is part of
    the White House collection. It was initially scheduled to appear at
    the Smithsonian Institution in 2013 in conjunction with the launch of
    Dr. Hagop Martin Deranian's book President Calvin Coolidge and the
    Armenian Orphan Rug
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    , but the White House declined to lend the rug for last year's

    The rug will remain on display through Sunday, November 23. The White
    House Visitor Center is located at 1450 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, and
    is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Dr. Edgar Housepian
    Dr. Edgar Housepian.

    ** In Memoriam: Dr. Edgar Housepian (1928-2014)
    The Eastern Diocese mourns the passing of Dr. Edgar M. Housepian, an
    internationally-renowned neurosurgeon and a founding member of the
    Fund for Armenian Relief, who passed away on November 14. He was 86.

    Dr. Housepian was heir to a remarkable family tradition of
    compassionate involvement in Armenian life. In an earlier era, his
    parents Dr. Moses and Makrouhi Housepian were pioneers in humane
    outreach to our homeland. The warmth of their family life in New York
    was memorably portrayed in the novel A Houseful of Love, by Dr. Edgar
    Housepian's late sister Marjorie Housepian Dobkin.

    Days after the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, Dr. Housepian joined the
    late Archbishop Torkom Manoogian and the late Kevork Hovnanian on a
    visit to our homeland to assess the damage and formulate a
    response. From that trip, the seeds of the Fund for Armenian Relief
    were planted.

    For more than 20 years, Dr. Housepian led FAR's effort to restructure
    the health care system in Armenia. Thanks to his foresight, a new
    generation of Armenian physicians would enjoy invaluable opportunities
    for training and education.

    `In the life of Dr. Edgar Housepian, we witnessed an example of the
    Armenian heritage at its best,' wrote Diocesan Primate Archbishop
    Khajag Barsamian in a message this week. `Our Diocese was blessed to
    enjoy his incisive counsel, his visionary leadership, and his gentle,
    down-to-earth presence for many years.'

    Dr. Housepian's wife Marion predeceased him last
    November. Dr. Housepian is survived by his children Stephen, David and
    his wife Leah, and Jean and her husband Bart Costello.

    A memorial service for Dr. Housepian will be held at St. Vartan
    Armenian Cathedral on Saturday, February 14, 2015, at 11:00 a.m. It
    will be followed by a hokejash (memorial luncheon) and a special
    program of remembrance.


    ** FAR Mourns Founder's Loss
    On the occasion of the passing of Dr. Edgar M. Housepian, the Board of
    Directors and staff of the Fund for Armenian Relief express their
    profound sorrow at the loss of one of FAR's visionary founders and the
    guiding light of its humanitarian mission for the past quarter

    `Every now and then you meet someone who is truly a great person with
    tremendous accomplishments, wrapped up in a veil of humility and
    self-deprecating humor. Edgar Housepian-`Dr. Ed'=80'was that
    man. There was nothing he wouldn't do to help an individual, a
    community, or a country,' said FAR's board chair Randy Sapah-Gulian.

    `His soft spoken voice on the FAR board was a powerful one that
    commanded attention and respect from the rest of us. With his passing,
    I feel that we have all lost a great leader and humanitarian. May we
    all aspire to be half the man he was.'

    The Housepian family has asked that in-lieu-of-flowers donations may
    be directed to the Fund for Armenian Relief (630 Second Avenue, New
    York, NY 10016).

    St. Kevork Church, TX

    ** Primate to Visit St. Kevork Church
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will visit St. Kevork
    Church of Houston, TX, as the parish celebrates the 40th anniversary
    of its Armenian School on Sunday, November 23. The Primate will
    celebrate the Divine Liturgy, with the Rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyan,
    parish pastor, assisting.

    Following services, the parish will inaugurate its new Shahan
    Vartivarian Playground, in memory of the late Dr. Shahan Vartivarian,
    a young podiatrist and former St. Kevork Church parishioner who passed
    away last March.

    A banquet and program of songs and poetry recitations by the Armenian
    School students is scheduled for the afternoon. Several parishioners
    will also be honored for their service. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to visit the parish website for information.

    Ambassador Tigran Sargsyan
    Community members greet Ambassador Sargsyan at St. Mary Church.

    ** Armenia's New Ambassador Welcomed in Washington
    On Monday, November 17, St. Mary Church of Washington, DC, hosted an
    evening to welcome Tigran Sargsyan, Armenia's new ambassador to the
    United States. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, traveled
    to Washington to take part in the evening's program.

    The Rev. Fr. Hovsep Karapetyan, pastor of St. Mary Church, said it was
    a good opportunity for the local Armenian community to meet Ambassador
    Sargsyan and to learn about Armenia's diplomatic efforts in
    Washington. Archbishop Barsamian welcomed the ambassador and wished
    him a productive term. Ambassador Sargsyan thanked the parish for the
    warm reception and said he looked forward to getting to know the

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view photos.
    New Archbishop of Chicago
    Fr. Aren Jebejian and Archbishop Blase Cupich.

    ** New Roman Catholic Archbishop Installed in Chicago
    On Monday, November 17, the Very Rev. Fr. Aren Jebejian, pastor of
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Church of Chicago, IL, took part in the
    service of installation for Archbishop Blase Cupich, the newly
    appointed Roman Catholic Archbishop of Chicago.

    Ecumenical and civic leaders gathered at Chicago's Holy Name Roman
    Catholic Cathedral for Monday's service. In a sermon that touched on
    the importance of transmitting valuable lessons to the new generation,
    Archbishop Cupich said, "Young people have always been attracted to
    authenticity, where words match deeds. Let's not be afraid to let our
    young people know about our life with God and how it began."

    Fr. Jebejian congratulated Archbishop Blase Cupich, who shared with
    him that he is named after the early Armenian church father St. Blaise
    of Sepastia. Archbishop Cupich succeeds Francis Cardinal George, who
    has retired.


    ** Primate to Ordain Seminarians at St. Leon Church
    On Sunday, November 30, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate,
    will ordain three St. Nersess seminarians to the ranks of deacon and
    sub-deacon at St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ.

    Saro Kalayjian, who graduated from St. Nersess Seminary last spring,
    will be ordained to the diaconate. Current seminary students Levon
    Asdourian and Eric Vozzy, who also works in the Department of
    Christian Education at the Eastern Diocese, will be ordained as

    Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
    The tower of the Armenian monastery in Bethlehem.

    ** Armenian Christmas Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
    The Eastern Diocese is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the
    Holy Land, which will run from January 12 to 22, 2015. The pilgrims
    will visit some of the most inspirational sites in the Holy Land:
    Jerusalem, Jericho, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, the
    Jordan River, Tiberias, and Qumran. Participants will explore
    Jerusalem's Armenian Quarter and the Sts. James Armenian Monastery and
    Armenian Patriarchate, and will have an audience with His Beatitude
    Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

    The pilgrims will also travel to the city of our Lord's
    birth-Bethlehem-to celebrate Christ's Nativity with a Christmas
    procession and a midnight Divine Liturgy on January 18-19.

    The all-inclusive package for this 10-day pilgrimage (departing from
    JFK airport) is $2,598 per person (double occupancy, plus a $50
    administrative fee). Questions about the trip can be directed to the
    Rev. Fr. Mardiros Chevian, the pilgrimage coordinator, at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Click on the following links to view a flyer
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and to access an online registration form
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    Annual Appeal

    ** Support the Diocese's 2014 Annual Appeal
    The Eastern Diocese's 2014 Annual Appeal is underway and building
    momentum in these final months of the year. The Appeal is the only
    Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each year to help the Diocese
    undertake the many ministries, programs, and resources that enrich
    life in our parishes.

    Your thoughtful gift brings light to our local churches. It supports
    Christian education, Armenian language instruction, summer camps,
    youth programs, mission parish outreach, and the use of new
    communication technologies.

    To our past and prospective donors, we are deeply grateful for your
    support of the creative, educational, and inspirational programs that
    lift up Armenian communities throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    Please accept this invitation to strengthen our efforts. Your generous
    contribution to the 2014 Annual Appeal will help spread the good work
    of the Armenian Church across our local communities-and across the

    Follow this link to donate now
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to the 2014 Annual Appeal.

    Giving Stocks

    ** A Creative Way to Contribute
    If you're considering whether to give cash, stock, or other
    appreciated assets, financial experts have a recommendation for you.

    Give stock.

    You'll avoid having to book a taxable gain when you sell-and instead
    you can deduct the inflated value of your stock against your taxes,
    the Wall Street Journal
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    The timing can be critical. Many longtime Medtronic shareholders are
    donating some or all of their shares to charity this year in order to
    wipe out a potentially large tax bill on the gain in value of their
    stock, says the Minneapolis Star Tribune
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    With tax-smart giving, you can get your financial house in order by
    New Year's Day-and make more of a difference to the Armenian Church.

    St. Gregory of Narek, Cleveland, OH
    Archbishop Barsamian ordains Ari Terjanian to the diaconate.

    ** Cleveland Parish Marks 50 Years
    St. Gregory of Narek Church of Richmond Heights, OH, celebrated its
    50th anniversary on November 15 and 16. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
    Diocesan Primate, traveled to Cleveland to take part in the weekend's

    At a banquet on Saturday evening, speakers reflected on the vision and
    legacy established by the church's founders. Also taking part in the
    celebration were some of the parish's former pastors: the
    Rev. Fr. Nersess Jebejian (who served at St. Gregory 1961-64); the
    Rev. Fr. Diran Papazian (1972-85); the Rev. Fr. Arshag Khatchadourian
    (1967-72); and the Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian (1992-99).

    Each of the clergymen was presented with a plaque in appreciation of
    his years of service to St. Gregory of Narek Church. In addition, a
    plaque was dedicated to the entire community for their dedication over
    the last five decades; it will be displayed in the church narthex.

    On Sunday morning, Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy,
    with the Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, parish pastor, assisting. During
    the service, parishioner Ari Terjanian was ordained to the diaconate.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    Armenian Language Seminar in Providence, RI
    Gilda Kupelian (far right) presents Armenian School resources.

    ** New England Armenian Schools Seminar
    The Armenian School of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI,
    hosted the New England Armenian Schools Seminar on November 15. Gilda
    Kupelian, the Diocese's Armenian Studies director, traveled to
    Providence for the seminar events.

    Participants reviewed new resources and best practices, heard from
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian School principal Nvard Danayan about
    local programs, and shared concerns and suggestions. Longtime educator
    Hagop Ghajanian was honored for more than 35 years of service to the
    Armenian School and Marie Ghajanian was honored for more than 20 years
    of service. The Ghajanians also received a certificate on behalf of
    Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian.

    On Sunday, the Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, parish pastor, celebrated the
    Divine Liturgy. Following services, Gilda Kupelian gave a presentation
    on Armenian proverbs and sayings. Her talk followed the chronology of
    Christianity in Armenia, starting with the invention of the Armenian
    alphabet, the translation of the Bible, and moving toward the spread
    of Christianity and its influence on Armenian folklore and popular
    expressions. The interactive talk was enhanced by illustrations by
    well-known Egyptian-Armenian artist Saroukhan, as well as new
    illustrations by graphic artist Linda Ganjian.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view photos.

    St. Georg Church, Hartford, CT
    >From left: Alexander Demircan, Angel Zohrabian, and Veronica
    Sardaryan as King Vramshapuh, Catholicos Sahag, and Mesrob Mashdots.

    ** A Lesson on the Holy Translators in Hartford
    On Sunday, November 16, St. George Church of Hartford, CT, organized a
    program dedicated to the Holy Translators.

    Stepan Piligian of Holy Translators Church of Framingham , MA, led an
    interactive talk on the lives of St. Mesrob and St. Sahag. Sunday
    School students Alexander Demircan, Angel Zohrabian, and Veronica
    Sardaryan took on the roles of King Vramshapuh, Catholicos Sahag, and
    Mesrob Mashdots. Donning costumes, they brought the story of the Holy
    Translators to life for the younger Sunday School classes.

    Sunday School co-superintendents Virginia Wasynczuk and Cynthia
    Messikian said the presentation was well received by students and
    parishioners alike.

    `The central role of the Armenian language in uniting our people in
    their faith is an important message for our students and
    parishioners,' said the Rev. Fr. Gomidas Zohrabian, parish pastor. `We
    are grateful to Stepan for sharing his wonderful program with our

    Veterans in Racine
    Veterans pose for a group photo at St. Mesrob Church.

    ** Giving Back in Racine
    Parishioners of St. Mesrob Church of Racine, WI, participated in a
    "Sleep Out" to benefit a local homeless shelter this fall. On November
    7, they spent the night in cardboard boxes and raised $1,400 for the
    shelter, which also provides drug counseling, job placement,
    assistance for victims of domestic violence, and other services. In
    addition, a portion of the church's festival proceeds were donated to
    the cause.

    Later that weekend, on Sunday, November 9, the St. Mesrob Church ACYOA
    chapter honored the veterans of the parish. The community gathered to
    remember all of its vets-both living and deceased-for their patriotism
    and self-sacrifice.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view photos.

    St. John Church, Detroit, MI
    Sima Trio members with Michael Randall Hawes (far right).

    ** A Classical Concert in Detroit
    The Music Guild of St. John Church of Detroit, MI, opened its third
    season with the Sima Trio of New York on Sunday, October 26. The trio
    is comprised of Armenian musicians Ani Kalayjian (cello), Sofya
    Melikyan (piano), and Sami Merdinian (violin).

    The program featured works by Hovhaness, Babadjanian, Tchebodarian,
    and Haydn. Local musician Michael Randall Hawes, the grandson of the
    late St. John parishioner Michael Minasian (to whom last month's
    concert was dedicated) performed `The Prayer of St. Gregory' by Alan

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to read more.

    Hye Pointe Church
    Children at Smolak Farms.

    ** Hay Ride at Hye Pointe
    The ACYOA of Hye Pointe Church of Haverhill, MA, sponsored a `Hay
    Ride' at Smolak Farms in North Andover, MA, on October 25. Families
    enjoyed a pumpkin patch, hay ride, and a campfire.

    ACYOA members said `the group had an amazing afternoon filled with
    fellowship, laughs, and treats. We look forward to organizing a
    similar event next year.'

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Sts. Vartanantz Church | Chelmsford, MA
    Sts. Vartanantz Church of Chelmsford, MA, will host its annual bazaar
    on Friday, November 21, and Saturday, November 22, from 10 a.m. to 8
    p.m. on both days. Lunch and dinner-featuring lamb shish kebab,
    chicken kebab, and losh kebab-will be served from 12 to 7 p.m.;
    takeout will be available. Other highlights include homemade Armenian
    pastries; an Armenian Country Store offering a wide variety of dry
    goods and jewelry; white elephant tables; arts and crafts; silent
    auctions and raffles. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to visit the church website for information.

    Holy Resurrection Church | New Britain, CT
    The Women's Guild of the Church of the Holy Resurrection of New
    Britain, CT, will host a Holiday Fair on Saturday, November 22, from
    10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come early to purchase Armenian pastries and
    foods. Lunch will be available all day in the `Kitchen Café.' Other
    highlights include vendors' stations; LD's Chocolates of Southington,
    CT, will be taking holiday pre-orders. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information,

    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church | Wynnewood, PA
    The Women's Guild of St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood, PA,
    will host a Thanksgiving Family Night on Friday, November 21, at 6:30
    p.m. Enjoy a rich Thanksgiving meal and help support a church
    project. This is the second in a series of family nights the Women's
    Guild plans to organize each fall and spring on the third Friday of
    each month. Proceeds go towards the renovation of the church's
    Hayatian Hall. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church will host Hye Hop 2014 on Saturday,
    November 29. Started by Arik `Ott' Kazanjian in the 1960s as a youth
    dance, the Hye Hop was revived last year. This year's dance will be a
    tribute to Ott who passed away in May 2014. The Vosbikian Band and DJ
    Adrian Hardy of Revel's HQ will provide entertainment. Partial
    proceeds from the event will support local centennial Armenian
    Genocide commemorations. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Cross Church | Washington Heights, NY
    Holy Cross Church in New York City's Washington Heights neighborhood
    will host its annual bazaar and food festival on Sunday, November 23,
    from 1 to 6 p.m. Enjoy traditional Armenian dishes and pastries, a
    country store, Armenian music, and a tavloo tournament. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to visit the parish website for information.

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    The front plaza of Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will be named
    the `Garabed Bagdasar and Haiganoosh Hagopian Hollisian Plaza' in a
    dedication ceremony on Sunday, November 23, at the conclusion of
    church services. A a pre-Thanksgiving Day luncheon will follow. Click
    (`9342cc92&e=3a a2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    for more information.

    Holy Trinity Church will host its Trinity Christmas Bazaar
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    on Friday, December 5 (12 to 9 p.m.) and Saturday, December 6 (10
    a.m. to 7 p.m.). The bazaar will feature Armenian food and sweets,
    vendors, and raffles. On Saturday, children can enjoy carnival games
    at Santa's Playland
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and encounter live animals at `Curious Creatures.'

    St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ
    The Cultural Committee of St. Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ, and the
    Society of Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR-NJ) will present a screening
    of the movie Music to Madness: The Story of Komitas on Sunday,
    November 23, beginning at 1 p.m. A talk with writer and director David
    Robert Deranian will follow the screening. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ, will host its Food Festival and
    Holiday Bazaar on December 6 (12 to 9 p.m.) and December 7 (12 to 6
    p.m.). Enjoy traditional Armenian food and dessert, Armenian music,
    and vendors. Activities for children will include a clown, face
    painting, video games, and more. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ
    St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, will host an ACYOA Reunion Dance on
    Saturday, November 29, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The evening will be held
    in the church's Haroutioun and Siranoush Toufayan Hall. Enjoy music by
    the Gostanian Ensemble and reconnect with old friends. Reservations
    are required by November 22. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Martyrs Church | Bayside, NY
    Holy Martyrs Church of Bayside, NY, will host its annual food fair on
    Saturday, November 22 (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and Sunday, November 23 (12
    to 4 p.m.). Homemade foods and desserts will be available for
    purchase. Hot lunch will be available on Sunday. To view a flyer click
    ( fdfbec419b&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    The Women's Guild of Holy Martyrs Church will host its annual
    fundraising event on Thursday, December 4, at North Hempstead Country
    Club in Port Washington, NY. The afternoon will feature musical
    entertainment, raffle prizes, and other activities. For reservations,
    call Claire Bardakian at (516) 248-1166, or Takouhi Tateosian at (516)

    St. Peter Church | Watervliet, NY
    St. Peter Church of Watervliet, NY, will host its annual Holiday Food
    Bazaar on December 6 and 7. Enjoy popular Armenian foods, vendors,
    musical entertainment, and a visit from Santa. Click on the following
    links to read more
    ( E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and to view a flyer
    ( cese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    ACYOA Central Council
    ACYOA members in Stony Point, NY.

    ** ACYOA Hosts Leadership Conference
    Young people across the Eastern Diocese gathered for the annual
    Leadership Conference hosted by the ACYOA Central Council at the Don
    Bosco Retreat Center in Stony Point, NY, from November 14 to 16.

    Themed `Know Thyself: Responding to Life's Challenges,' the conference
    program was prepared by the ACYOA Central Council to help ACYOA
    members learn more about themselves as individuals and as members of
    the Armenian community, and to encourage them to take up leadership
    roles in their parishes.

    The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan served as the chaplain for the
    weekend. On Sunday, he celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with ACYOA
    members assisting on the altar and singing in the choir.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    ACYOA Chapter Workshop

    ** Register for ACYOA Chapter Workshop
    The ACYOA Central Council will sponsor an ACYOA Seniors Chapter
    Workshop at St. Hagop Church of Pinellas Park, FL, from January 9 to

    Current and prospective ACYOA members ages 18 and older are invited to
    gather for a weekend of discussion and worship. Participants will also
    take part in a `Faith in Action' service project to benefit a local
    Florida charity.

    Click on the following links to view a flyer
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and register online
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    . The registration deadline for the discounted fee of $150 is December
    22. For information, contact Lorie Odabashian at (212) 686-0710, or
    via e-mail at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    One Conference

    ** Orthodox Youth Conference to be Held in New Jersey
    The Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
    is organizing a conference for young parishioners of Oriental and
    Eastern Orthodox churches. The `One Conference' will be held on
    Saturday, November 29, at Sts. Nicholas, Constantine, and Helen Greek
    Orthodox Church (80 Laurel Ave. in Roseland, NJ).

    Themed `Fear No Evil,' the daylong gathering will focus on violence
    facing Christian communities in the Middle East. The conference is
    open to young people ages 16 and older.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information. To register, visit

    ** EVENTS
    Christmas Tree Lighting

    ** Children's Christmas Concert at St. Vartan Cathedral
    New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral will host a children's
    Christmas concert and tree-lighting ceremony on Saturday, December 6.

    The Zangakner Children's Choir of Boston will perform Christmas songs
    in the cathedral sanctuary beginning at 2 p.m. They will be
    accompanied by master pianist Å=9Eahan Arzruni and violinist Simon

    This will be followed by a tree-lighting ceremony on the cathedral
    plaza at 3:30 p.m. Admission is free. Click here
    ( n+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=c631a00e65-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Zulal Concert
    The Zulal a cappella folk trio.

    ** Music to Soothe the Soul
    Seeking a little harmony this holiday season? St. Vartan Cathedral may
    have just the ticket.

    On Sunday, December 14, the Zulal a cappella folk trio will offer up
    its lovely renderings of Armenian songs in a soul-stirring concert in
    Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium, beginning at 2 p.m.

    For concert tickets click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    and select `Events.' For concert details see the attached flyer
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)

    Naturally, the day will begin in the cathedral sanctuary with the
    magnificent Divine Liturgy, beginning at 10:30 a.m.-to which everyone
    is always invited. It will all happen at the Diocesan Center, located
    at 630 Second Avenue (at 34th Street), in New York City.

    Hermine Kalustyan.

    ** Remembering Hermine Kalustyan
    The Esayan-Getronagan Alumni of New York will celebrate the 100th
    birthday of the late educator Hermine Kalustyan, who had a long
    teaching career in Istanbul and served as principal of the Esayan

    This Pajagi Or event will take place on Sunday, December 7, at 1
    p.m. It will be held in Kalustyan Hall at Holy Martyrs Church in
    Bayside, NY. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    ** note to our readers
    The Diocese's e-Newsletter will not be published on Thanksgiving Day,
    Thursday, November 27. We look forward to resuming e-Newsletter
    publication on Thursday, December 4.

    We wish our readers a happy Thanksgiving. To send a Thanksgiving
    e-card to your family and friends, visit our website
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-c631a00e65-159688434)
