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Senator Cools Blows Hot Air...As Usual

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  • Senator Cools Blows Hot Air...As Usual

    Senator Cools Blows Hot Air...As Usual

    Editorial, 22 November 2014

    Since Canada recognized the Genocide of Armenians nearly a decade ago,
    the Turkish Embassy in Ottawa has worked diligently behind the scenes
    to have the decision reversed. The Turkish lobby has developed a
    higher profile in Ottawa by sponsoring and hosting cultural and social
    events; it has helped establish Turkish-Canadian "friendship" groups,
    boosted Turkish community organizations, erected several monuments of
    some propaganda value, courted politicians and sent them on
    "familiarization" junkets to Turkey. Embassy officials have haunted
    Parliament Hill corridors with increasing frequency. Meanwhile, the
    Armenians have assumed Canada's decision is carved in stone. They have
    thus ignored the insidious Turkish threat.

    Enter Senator Anne Cools.

    Earlier this year, during her speech as part of the senate's "Building
    Bridges: Canada-Turkey Relations and Beyond" debate, Senator Cools
    called on Canada to repeal its recognition of the Genocide. Has the
    longest-serving senator joined the tin foil-hat brigade?

    Who is Senator Cools and why she's become an apparent mouthpiece for
    the Turkish lobby?

    >From the first day she came to the notice of Canadians, Ms. Cools has
    been a controversial figure. Older Canadians remember the dramatic and
    violent launch of her "career" when she was one of the ringleaders of
    a radical posse which occupied Montreal's Sir George Williams
    University. During the nearly two-week sit-in her fellow radicals
    destroyed the computer centre causing $3-million (almost $13-million
    in today's value) in damages. After the riot police put an end to the
    varsity insurrection, Cools' "Canadian-style Black Panther" stunt got
    her convicted and jailed for four months. One of her
    fellow-conspirators was the son of Guyanese firebrand Chedi Jagan.
    Another one was from Dominica. Cools herself is from Barbados.

    What was Cools' beef? She and her cohorts alleged their teacher was
    racist who gave them low marks because of their skin color. Following
    the outrage, the committee appointed by the university found "there
    was nothing in the evidence to substantiate a general charge of
    racism" on the part of the teacher. He was also found not guilty of
    racism towards Cools and her gang.

    What made Cools crime worse was that the university was celebrated for
    its accessibility to a wide range of students from different
    backgrounds and social standing. It's possible that the university's
    easy-going philosophy enabled Cools and her fellow firebrands gain
    admission. Despite the university's generosity, Cools and her arsonist
    pals went on a rampage because they felt entitled to higher marks.

    Gnawing the hand that feeds her became a habit for Cools. The ingrate
    senator crossed swords with Prime Ministers Jean Chretien and Paul
    Martin of the Liberal Party--the same party whose leader (Pierre
    Elliott Trudeau) had, years earlier, appointed Cools to the senate,
    despite her lack of qualification.

    While playing the race card got her nowhere first time around, Cools
    benefited big time when she was--incredibly and
    controversially--appointed senator by Trudeau, the mercurial prime
    minister of Canada. Why did Trudeau hand her the sinecure? Was it
    because Trudeau wooed Jamaican leaders in Cuba and in Jamaica? Was it
    because she was black, a woman, and an immigrant? A hat trick in
    Canadian hockey parlance. Prior to getting the cushy appointment,
    Cools had been unsuccessful in her attempts to get elected to the

    In 2007 Liberal Party appointee Ms. Cools jumped ship and joined the
    Conservative Party. Three years later the peripatetic senator was on
    the road again... this time she crossed the floor to become
    "non-aligned". That wasn't the last of her peregrinations: in 2010 she
    declared herself Independent.

    Throughout her senate career Ms. Cools has tangled with feminists,
    called for the resignation of Prime Minister Paul Martin, claimed to
    have been assaulted by fellow senators, and exchanged words with Prime
    Minister Stephen Harper on same-sex marriage. She was finally turfed
    from the Tory caucus after she denounced Mr. Harper and bad-mouthed
    the government's Accountability Act. Upon her forced departure Mr.
    Harper said she had not attended party caucus meetings "for a long
    time." Leaving no stone unturned, Cools also attacked senate
    government leader Marjory LeBreton.

    Columnist Michele Landsberg of the "Toronto Star" (Canada's
    largest-circulation daily) described Ms. Cool's performance during a
    widely-publicized hearing with these words: "...when representatives of
    women's services and shelters began their allotted five minutes of
    testimony, Senator Anne Cools smiled sarcastically rolled her eyes,
    and then got up to stroll the room and work the crowd, chatting and
    joking with her supporters." She was also accused of brow-beating
    presenters to her committee.

    Ms. Cools also famously said: "Abusive mothers are responsible for
    creating violent sons...Behind every abusing husband is an abusing
    mother." It's all your fault, Ma.

    Predictably, Ms. Cools has been described as a renegade, anti-feminist
    maverick, fruitcake, wing nut, loose cannon, among other epithets. Her
    long tenure has elevated her superior airs. Cools carries the
    distinction of being the longest-serving senator of recent decades.
    Why would anyone loiter at Canada's Foggy Bottom for four decades? In
    Cools' case, why not? Considering the perks, pomp and power... and
    considering her non-existent political career prior to the Trudeau
    gift. Her mandated retirement comes up in four years. There's no doubt
    she wouldn't leave a minute sooner. Then, of course, she will
    luxuriate in her generous pension, if not become consultant to... say,

    There you have it: the life and times of the notorious senator who
    wants Canada to repeal its recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    Her recent pitch on behalf of the Turkish lobby is, of course, full of
    untruths and misdirection. To be kind Ms. Cools is simply ignorant.


    She said that she had doubts about the resolution which recognized the
    Genocide. But she was a senator then. Why didn't she raise her voice
    when the senate voted? The Armenian National Committee of Canada
    (ANCC) met her at least twice. She didn't object to the motion or
    raise any concern.


    In her recent pronuncimento (the Latin word is apt since Ms. Cools
    likes to impress people by tossing Latin words) she alleged that when
    the government was considering the Genocide resolution, Liberal leader
    in parliament Sharon Carstairs had opposed its passage. Contrary to
    what Ms. Cools alleges, Ms. Carstairs met the ANCC delegation and said
    she would talk to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) regarding the
    issue. On a subsequent meeting Carstairs' senior policy advisor told
    the ANCC that the PMO did not have any objection to the motion.


    In her anti-Armenian outburst Ms. Cools uttered: "The resolution was
    adopted, though it was never referred to or studied in a Senate
    committee. No witnesses were heard and no evidence was received or
    tested." This is also far from the truth. Otherwise why would the
    motion "languish" in the senate for over six months? The fact is the
    motion was debated, studied, and evidence was presented. As well, the
    ANCC representatives were called to the senate's Liberal caucus to
    examine the motion with the senators and answer their questions.
    Senator and lawyer Jerry Grafstein, one of the most trusted and
    experienced legal minds in the senate and in the Liberal Party, was
    the lead legal expert in the Liberal caucus who examined the legal
    aspects of the recognition. He was supportive of the motion. Serge
    Joyal, another leading senator, worked hard for the motion's approval.


    The motion was also debated in the Conservative Party and caucus.
    Raynell Andreychuck and Consiglio Di Nino were the lead MPs who
    handled the file on behalf of their party. They were powerful
    supporters of the motion. The PMO and Foreign Affairs also debated the
    issue. Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy told ANCC representatives in
    his office: "If you are coming to convince me with historical facts of
    the Armenian Genocide, don't waste your time. I know it happened." He
    then added: "Unfortunately, there are other players in town [Ottawa]
    and they are very influential." It's a safe bet he was referring to
    the Turkish lobby.


    Rather than encountering difficulties, the motion passed almost
    unanimously. The single objection came from Liberal senator (Lorna
    Milne) who was involved with the Canada-Turkey Friendship Group.


    Hard to believe but in her misguided mission on behalf of Turkey, Ms.
    Cools incredibly said Canada is the only country in the world which
    recognizes the Genocide.


    Ms. Cools also insulted Senator Raymond Setlakwe when she alleged the
    senator was a crypto-Armenian who had lobbied Prime Minister Chretien
    without identifying his ethnic origins.


    Describing the Genocide resolution, Ms. Cools said: "This is not
    proper, fair, just, or consistent with our common law." What, pray
    tell, is not proper, fair or just in calling a spade a spade or should
    it be yataghan?


    The resolution "was driven by local politics at the riding levels..."
    said the voluble senator. So...fewer than 70,000 Canadian-Armenians had
    a decisive voice in Canada's relations with Turkey. Perhaps it's the
    same omnipotent Canadian-Armenians who have failed, after years of
    effort, to persuade Ottawa to establish an embassy in Armenia.


    Ms. Cools quoted Raphael Lemkin to define "genocide", but somehow
    didn't mention that the Polish juror had coined the word to describe
    what Turkey had done to Armenians.


    Ms. Cools went on to narrate Dogu Perincek's case at the European
    Court of Human Rights. This is opportunism par excellence. She didn't
    mention that the case has been appealed by the Swiss government and
    that many international human rights and genocide experts, including
    Turkish organizations, have condemned Perincek. She didn't mention
    that Perincek is a notorious racist. Ms. Cools' champion was
    convicted in Turkey for his ultra-nationalist and racist activities.
    The 60,000-page transcript of his trial is replete with his venomous
    declarations against Armenians and other minorities.

    And what's the superannuated senator's reason for repealing the
    Genocide resolution? Why, to avoid "future conflict and pain." The
    arsonist senator has a burning desire for peace.

    The ball is in the Canadian-Armenian community's court. In addition to
    a collective effort to discourage Ms. Cools from fronting--knowingly or
    unknowingly-- the Turkish lobby, Canadian-Armenians should make
    certain no opportunistic politician will ever contemplate repeating
    the erratic senator's outburst to repeal the Canadian government's
    honorable and courageous decision to stand firm against Turkey's

    It's redundant to mention the damage to Canada's image if a future
    government contemplates reversing its decision which the erstwhile
    convict is preaching.
