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Karabakh authorities have been taking all the necessary steps for re

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  • Karabakh authorities have been taking all the necessary steps for re

    Karen Mirzoyan: Karabakh authorities have been taking all the
    necessary steps for returning of the bodies of the members of MI-24

    by Nana Martirosyan

    Friday, November 21, 20:35

    Karabakh authorities have been taking all the necessary steps for
    returning of the bodies of the members of the helicopter MI-24 crew,
    shot down by the Azerbaijani party and for ruling out of provocations
    in future, the NKR Foreign Minister, Karen Mirzoyan, said over today's
    meeting with participants in the project "Voice of Artsakh".

    Touching on the process of international recognition of the NKR, Karen
    Mirzoyan, said that its progress is first of all the result of success
    reached by the people and authorities of Karabakh in the matter of the
    state building.

    To recall, the Azeri armed forces downed an Armenian Mi-24 while it
    was conducting a training flight near the Line on Contact on 12
    November. Three officers of the NKR Armed Forces, Sergey Sahakyan,
    Sargis Nazaryan and Azat Sahakyan, were on board. The NKR State
    Committee for POWs, Captives and the Missing has requested the ICRC
    assistance in returning the crewmembers of the downed helicopter. The
    Azeri officer that shot the helicopter down has been awarded a medal.

    The Armenians are still able to find out what has happened to the crew
    because the Azeris keep firing at the site. Nor have they given any
    security guarantees to OSCE observers wishing to monitor the area.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress