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MI-24 crew return internationally praiseworthy act to silence enemy

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  • MI-24 crew return internationally praiseworthy act to silence enemy

    MI-24 crew return internationally praiseworthy act to silence enemy

    15:13 * 22.11.14

    The Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army's special military operations to
    recover the dead bodies of the downed Armenian helicopter's crew
    constituted a brilliantly organized act deserving an international
    attention, says a spokesperson of Armenia's Ministry of Defense.

    "Against the backdrop of the extremely large-scale counteractions by
    the adversary in the form of fire and other [attacks], these
    operations were unprecedented in character and complexity. The
    performance was simply brilliant in light of the non-trivial losses by
    the adversary, who had prepared a trap. In the couple of few days to
    come, we will be hearing the names of those who may naturally have
    died in different casualties. The Nagorno-Karabakh special forces
    demonstrated a striking result on their [professional] holiday. Glory
    to them! It was an internationally praiseworthy brilliant act
    silencing the black cannons," Artsrun Hovhannisyan wrote in Facebook.

    The Armed Forces of Nagorno-Karabak had to launch special operations
    on Saturday to access the crash site of the downed MI-24 helicopter
    for pulling out the crewmembers' bodies.

    Speaking to, the Defense Army's Commander Movses Hakobyan said
    he expects the operations to raise the military's efficiency. "A
    soldier of the Nagorno-Karabakh army is always in a high fighting
    spirit," he said.'s sources say that the defense authorities of the two Armenian
    republics are now considering the place and the procedures of the
    martyred crewmembers' funeral.

    The special operations by the Nagorno-Karabakh Armed Forces were a
    reaction to the calls voiced by the OSCE Minsk Group in a recent
    statement, said Styopa Safaryan, the president of the Armenian
    Institute of International and Security Affairs (AIISA).

    "The situation is very much similar to the early-1990's, with the
    international community repeatedly making calls for ensuring a
    humanitarian corridor for the Nagorno-Karabakh people or ceasing the
    military operations," he told, citing a corresponding
    resolution by the UN Security Council.

    The pilots on board the crashed helicopter were Major Sergey Sahakyan,
    Senior lieutenant Sargis Nazaryan and Lieutenant Azat Sahakyan. All
    three have been honored with posthumous awards.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress