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Armenian-Canadian Conservative Association Launched

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  • Armenian-Canadian Conservative Association Launched


    Toronto Nov. 22, 2014--The Armenian-Canadian Conservative Association
    (ACCA) was launched with great enthusiasm and optimism as more than
    80 people attended the auspicious occasion here. Attendees included
    Minister Jason Kenney, Costas Menegakis the federal Parliamentary
    Secretary, five Members of Parliament, two candidates for the
    next parliamentary elections, civil society organizations, ethnic
    community representatives, and various representatives of local
    Armenian community organizations.

    After welcoming the guests and ACCA members, master of the
    ceremonies and member of the board Diran Tutunjian made a brief
    introduction of the Association's purpose and philosophy. He said:
    "The Armenian-Canadian Conservative Association is a pan-Armenian
    association established to work with all Canadians to build a stronger
    Canada, and to make sure our values and our goals, such as equality,
    justice, freedom of speech, thought, and religion are reflected in
    our relationships with one another."

    After introducing the newly-elected board, Mr. Tutunjian invited
    Vice-chair Sevan Hajinian to introduce keynote speaker the Hon. Jason
    Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for
    Multiculturalism. "Through his strong faith and moral fortitude not
    only did Mr. Kenney shape his future and his political career, but he
    also shaped the future of the Conservative Party and touched everyone's
    life he worked with and associated with him. His humanitarianism,
    straight talk, and sincerity are other remarkable aspects of the man,"
    said Ms. Hajinian.

    Hon. Kenney talked about the current concerns of Canadians, next
    year's federal elections, economic prosperity, the steadfast stand
    of the government about the challenges Canadians and the civilized
    world face vis-a-vis religious extremism, the fate of Middle East
    minorities, and his admiration of the Canadian-Armenian community.

    Mr. Kenney emphasized that the Canadian-Armenian community and the
    Conservative Party share many priorities such as strong family values,
    a firm belief in the rule of law, in democracy, free enterprise,
    free speech, tolerance, and humanism. Thus cooperation between both
    sides to uphold and promote these cherished values and the traditions
    is a natural development, said Hon. Kenney. He also praised the
    Canadian-Armenian community's strong work ethic and entrepreneurial
    spirit. He touched upon the long history of the Armenian people and
    its resilience to survive under harsh conditions.

    Hon. Kenney also talked about his recent trip to Armenia, his
    impressions of the country and its people, and his visit to Khor Virab
    where the founder of the Armenian Church, St. Gregory the Illuminator,
    was imprisoned in the 4th century because of his Christian faith.

    Finally, Minister Kenney talked about his co-sponsorship of the
    Armenian Genocide recognition resolution in the House of Commons in
    2004 and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's principled stand and moral
    fortitude in making Armenian Genocide recognition Canadian government
    policy. Minister Kenney's speech was received with standing ovation
    and lengthy applause.

    Mr. Costas Menegakis, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of
    Citizenship and Immigration and Member of Parliament for Richmond
    Hill, welcomed the formation of the Association and congratulated
    the Canadian-Armenians for their visionary initiative.

    Other politicians who attended the establishment of the ACCA included
    Members of Parliament Joe Daniel (Don Valley East), John Carmichael
    (Don Valley West), the Hon. Peter Kent (Thornhill), Corneliu Chisu
    (Scarborough East), Patrick Brown (Barrie), and Conservative candidates
    Michael Parsa (Richmond Hill) and Maureen Harquail (Don Valley East).

    Also attending the gathering were Councillor Godwin Chan (Richmond
    Hill), community leaders Dino Sophocleous (PESKA International and
    Cypriot Community), Rev. Majed El Shafie (Founder / President, One
    Free World International), Rabea Allos (Chaldean community), George E.

    Khouri, Harry Tsai (Canadian Federation of Conservative Organizations),
    and Kan Kenga and Roshan Nallaratnam (Tamil Conservative Association).

    Earlier in the day, the Association held its inaugural meeting
    and elected its board. Tamar Minassian, board executive secretary,
    presided over the meeting

    Contact: Mrs. Sevan Hajinian, Vice- Chair Tel. (416) 317-8972 e-mail:
    [email protected]
