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People Cannot And Do Not Want To Live In This Way - Armen Martirosya

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  • People Cannot And Do Not Want To Live In This Way - Armen Martirosya


    11:30 / 22.10.2014 conducted interview with the deputy leader of Heritage party
    Armen Martirosyan.

    Mr Martirosyan the October 10 rally raised a number of talks among
    them not good ones coming from the inside opposition. Why?

    - I consider it normal. The thing is that not only ideological but
    personal fight occurs in our politics. If you are bearer of an idea
    which is being carried out not by you but by others you hit this
    person or force. This is the reality.

    As to the October 10 rally, I would say that the most important
    thing was the participation of citizen, as irrespective of the
    circumstance whether we will succeed in our goal that is the change
    of power, whether we will manage to conduct snap elections, whether
    the authorities will manage to keep the power, one thing is clear
    people can't and don't want to live in this way.

    So, it does not matter who says what the important thing is that the
    citizen is in fight.

    - Does it mean that our political field is degraded and deprived
    of morality? If they are not on the platform should they be against
    those standing there?

    - It was to be so. The political field could not but degrade as after
    the independence we did not have the change of power.

    This fact should have left a corresponding trace and if the political,
    economic and social relations are being formed on unhealthy basis
    the failure and immorality become inevitable.

    - The Heritage has always been for Euro-integration. Was it easy for
    you to put aside the ideas and stand by those who do not think so?

    - We are the bearers of the idea of European integration and continue
    to be so. We are cooperating with the forces who do not share our ideas
    as we are working together over domestic issues. The four forces in
    the parliament started cooperating in December last year over the gas
    tariff and pension funds. Gradually, the circle of cooperation expanded
    and the 12 points were born. Nevertheless, we have a clear approach,
    no matter where Armenia goes it must be together with Karabakh. That
    is to say after recognizing the independence of Karabakh we must
    enter the union. Especially such union like the Eurasian one which
    unlike the European Association Agreement is over state body.

    - Who will be the leader in the end? Is there a sense of political
    jealousness? Is there a fight between Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Gagik
    Tsarukyan and Raffi Hovannisian?

    - The most important thing is the process by which the president
    will be elected in our country. And the important thing is whether
    the elected president enjoys the trust of the people or not, whether
    he is legitimate or not. Moreover, I think after the change of power
    there will be more presidential candidates than you have mentioned. The
    president will be the person elected by the people.
