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Sen. Kirk Presses for More Scrutiny of Obama's Pick of Turkey Envoy

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  • Sen. Kirk Presses for More Scrutiny of Obama's Pick of Turkey Envoy

    Sen. Kirk Presses for More Scrutiny of Obama's Pick of Turkey Envoy

    Saturday, September 6th, 2014

    by Ara Khachatourian

    Republican senator from Illinois, Mark Kirk

    Seeks Clarity on U.S. Policy on Armenian Genocide and Efforts to
    Secure Turkey's Return of Stolen Christian Church Properties

    WASHINGTON-With the Senate scheduled to resume session on September 8,
    Illinois Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) has submitted five pointed questions
    to U.S. Ambassador to Turkey nominee John Bass in order to bring
    much-needed clarity to U.S. policy on both the Armenian Genocide and
    the growing movement to secure Turkey's return of stolen Christian
    churches and religious properties, reported the Armenian National
    Committee of America.

    The complete text of Senator Kirk's five questions is provided below.

    "We want to thank Senator Kirk for shining much-needed sunlight on
    Ambassador-designate Bass's nomination and, more broadly, for
    requiring that the Administration provide clear responses to simple,
    straightforward questions about the Armenian Genocide and the return
    of stolen Christian church properties by Turkey," said ANCA Executive
    Director Aram Hamparian. "We look forward to sharing the responses to
    Senator Kirk's questions as soon as they are made publicly available."

    In July, the ANCA welcomed the U.S. Senate's decision to recess for
    August without confirming Ambassador-designate Bass as a meaningful
    opportunity for both Senators and American civil society to review
    both his positions as well as the broader issues rapidly reshaping the
    U.S.-Turkey relationship.

    In his formal testimony, Ambassador Designate Bass used inaccurate and
    offensive euphemisms, such as "shared history," to avoid properly
    characterizing the Armenian Genocide, and praised Turkish Prime
    Minister Erdogan's cynical repacking of genocide denial in his April
    23rd "condolence" open letter to Armenians.

    In addition to Senator Kirk, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and
    Ed Markey (D-MA) had questioned Ambassador Bass on U.S. policy on the
    Armenian Genocide, Turkey's ongoing blockade of Armenia and efforts to
    secure the return of confiscated Christian holy sites from Turkey.

    Sen. Mark Kirk: Questions for the Record to
    The Honorable John Bass, U.S. Ambassador-Designate to the Republic of Turkey

    During your testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
    July 15, 2014, you stated: "The U.S. government acknowledges as
    historical fact and mourns that 1.5 million Armenians were massacred
    or marched to their death in the final days of the Ottoman Empire."

    a) Can you clarify and expand on your statement to clearly indicate
    the party or parties responsible for perpetrating the murder of 1.5
    million Armenians?

    b) Would you agree with the European Union and 11 of our NATO allies,
    all of which have officially designated these atrocities as the
    Armenian Genocide?

    c) As Ambassador, would you support the rights of the heirs of those
    killed during the Armenian Genocide to seek compensation from the
    Republic of Turkey?

    During your testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
    July 15, 2014, you stated: "If confirmed, I will encourage the Turkish
    government to follow through on the return of religious minority
    properties and to take additional steps to promote religious freedom,
    such as allowing more religious communities to own property, register
    their places of worship, and train clergy."

    a) Could you expand and clarify on what specific actions you plan to
    undertake? Will you raise this issue at the highest levels of the
    Turkish government?

    b) Are you satisfied with the actions the State Department and our
    Embassy in Ankara has taken to date to convince Turkey to restore
    Christian religious property to its rightful owners?
