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ISTANBUL: A Group of intellectuals condemn anti-Armenian statements

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  • ISTANBUL: A Group of intellectuals condemn anti-Armenian statements

    A Group of intellectuals condemn anti-Armenian statements in textbooks

    A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have
    released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define
    as expressions that include "open hatred and hostility" towards
    Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the
    newspapers Agos and Taraf.

    The two newspapers recently published reports on hateful remarks
    targeting Armenians in the textbooks used in history classes.

    A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by
    historian Taner Akcam, notes that including such expressions as lesson
    material to teach children is a disgrace.

    The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage
    feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred
    towards different religious and cultural groups, Akcam said. He
    further wrote: "Standing with integrity in the face of history is the
    prerequisite for establishing the future on the foundations of
    friendship and peace. I do hope that this signature campaign will be
    taken as a scream from all of us for the publication of textbooks that
    we would like to see."

    The statement said: "The revolutions history and history textbooks
    should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone
    and particularly to Armenian students. This is where the path to
    Turkish-Armenian peace lies, at this time when we are approaching
    2015." Revolutions history classes teach students the reforms carried
    out by the first government of Turkey after the end of the Ottoman

    Next year will be the centennial of the events of 1915, when hundreds
    of thousands of Anatolian Armenians were forced to walk across
    Anatolia into Syria -- a journey that saw most of them perish -- which
    Armenia says was genocide.

    The signatories include some of Turkey's most respected writers and
    journalists. The full list of the supporters of the statement is as
    follows: Adalet Agaoglu, Ahmet Altan, Ahmet Hakan, Ahmet Insel, Ali
    Bayramoglu, Ali Nesin, Asaf Savas Akat, Aydin Engin, Ayhan Aktar, Ayse
    Gunaysu, Ayse Hur, Baskin Oran, Bekir Agirdir, Betul Tanbay, Bulent
    Bilmez, Bulent Kenes, Cafer Solgun, Cemal Usak, Cengiz Aktar, Daron
    Acemoglu, Defne Asal, Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, Deniz Turkali, Edhem
    Eldem, Elcin Macar, Emel Kurma, Emine Ucak Erdogan, Eren Keskin, Erol
    Katircioglu, Fatih Akin, Ferhat Kentel, Fikret Adanir, Fuat Keyman,
    Gulten Kaya, Hadi Uluengin, Halil Berktay, Halil Ergun, Hasan Cemal,
    Hidayet Sefkatli Tuksal, Ibrahim Betil, Ihsan Eliacik, Ihsan Yilmaz,
    Ismet Berkan, Istar Gozaydin, Kemal Burkay, Kenan Cayir, Kutlug
    Ataman, Leyla Neyzi, Mehmet Altan, Murat Belge, Murat Morova, Nilufer
    Gole, Niyazi Kizilyurek, Oktay Ozel, Oral Calislar, Orhan Pamuk, Oya
    Baydar, Omer Laciner, Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, Omer Madra, Perihan
    Magden, Roni Margulies, Samim Akgonul, Saruhan Oluc, Savas Genc,
    Selcuk Gultasli, Selim Deringil, Serra Yilmaz, Sevgi Akarcesme,
    Seyfettin Gursel, Sinan Cetin, Soli Ozel, Sahin Alpay, Sanar
    Yurdatapan, Sebnem Isiguzel, Taner Akcam, Tarik Ziya Ekinci, Temel
    Iskit, Tilbe Saran, Turgay Ogur, Ufuk Uras, Ugur Komecoglu, Umut
    Ozkirimli, Umit Kardas, Umit Kivanc, Ustun Erguder, Vedat Turkali,
    Yasemin Congar, Yavuz Baydar, Zeynep Direk and Zeynep Tanbay.
