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ANKARA: The quality of Turkish democracy matters to us, says US offi

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  • ANKARA: The quality of Turkish democracy matters to us, says US offi

    Journal of Turkish Daily
    April 18 2015

    The quality of Turkish democracy matters to us, says US official

    18 April 2015

    The United States gives importance to the `quality of Turkish
    democracy' not just in political and economic terms, but also as a
    security issue, said Victoria Nuland, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of
    State for European Affairs, following high level contacts in Turkey on
    April 16, ahead of a NATO meeting in May and Turkish elections in
    June. `It matters to us as allies, but also as a security issue,' she
    said in an exclusive interview with the Hürriyet Daily News. `In the
    sense that our NATO alliance is based and built on democratic values,
    we are all societies where the government serves the people, not the
    other way around. So that dialogue between citizens and their
    government, whether it is in the United States, whether it is in
    Turkey, needs to be vibrant, needs to be strong, needs to be free,'
    she said.

    The focus of Nuland's contacts in Turkey was actually on regional
    security matters as well as Turkey-U.S. relations. Before her stop in
    Istanbul where she met with Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun
    SinirlioÄ?lu and other ranking officials, Nuland was in Warsaw. Poland
    hosts the missile sites and Turkey hosts the early warning radar sites
    of the NATO-run U.S. missile shield program which made Russia
    uncomfortable. `With Warsaw we talked a lot about the challenges to
    the East [the crisis in Ukraine], and in Turkey we talk a lot about
    the challenges to the South [Iraq, Syria and now Yemen].

    Both are important NATO allies,' Nuland said. `And it's important for
    all allies to be contributing to restoring stability in both
    directions. So, you know, whether if you're in Istanbul you're going
    talk about both, or if you're in Warsaw you're going talk about both.'

    Pointing out that one of the main topics of the NATO foreign
    ministers' meeting in the Turkish Mediterranean resort of Antalya on
    May 13-14 would be Ukraine, Nuland said the U.S. had expectations from
    Turkey to counter the `pressure' of Russia on Ukraine. `Turkey is
    already making a good contribution. We would like Turkey to continue
    to help us send the message to Moscow that it doesn't have to be this
    way, that if they implement the commitments they made at Minsk,
    normalize the situation, get their troops, get their support out of
    eastern Ukraine, that that will enhance the security of the whole
    region,' she said. Mentioning the report of Turkish trade people
    showing a 35 percent decrease in Russian trade because of the U.S. and
    EU sanctions, Nuland said, `All of us are sacrificing to make the firm
    point to Russia that there are certain rules of the road, global rules
    of the road, you can't just bite off a piece of another country and
    there not be consequences.'

    Ukraine and Russia are just two topics on the busy agenda of
    Turkey-U.S. relations, as Nuland puts it. Other issues range from
    energy security to the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the
    Levant (ISIL), from Iran's nuclear deal to Yemen and Libya. One of her
    aims in Turkey was to have `some sense of the concerns' in Turkey
    before Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt ÇavuÅ?oÄ?lu's visit to Washington
    D.C. next week. That would be a critical week since it coincides with
    the 100th year of the 1915 events and Turkey is under pressure to
    acknowledge the mass killings of Armenians as `genocide.' All eyes
    will be on whether U.S. President Barack Obama says the word
    `genocide' or sticks with its Armenian `Meds Yeghern' with no legal
    consequences. Nuland did not make any comment on neither what Obama
    will say nor the extended use of Turkey's Ä°ncirlik base for operations
    in Iraq and Syria.

    But she said she `did not see' Turkey drift from NATO and the Western
    alliance, as she listed the areas of cooperation, which gives the
    impression that the U.S. would not like to deter Turkey further from
    cooperation under the circumstances. `Look, Turkey continues to lead
    in Afghanistan very strongly; we have just had a conversation today
    about the onward role that Turkey will continue to play and the
    resolute support mission. Turkey is also playing a strong role in
    reassuring the allies on NATO's eastern edge, including playing a
    patrolling role in the Black Sea. From where we sit, the contribution
    that Turkey's making in training in Iraq, helping to support and arm
    the Peshmerga, is an absolutely essential security contribution.
    Turkey's perspective on the region, particularly as we have so much
    tension from Libya, to Yemen, to Iraq, to Syria, the role of Iran `
    it's absolutely key that the U.S. and Turkey stay in close touch on
    all of those issues,' she said.

    Regarding the discrepancy between Turkish President Tayyip ErdoÄ?an and
    Obama on the fate of Syria and its president, Bashar al-Assad, Nuland
    did not agree there was a huge difference in opinion. `We've been
    clear that we think he's a failed leader, that he needs to go,' she
    said. `We continue to talk about the right mix of pressure on al-Assad
    to get back to negotiations. I would say that I think the U.S. and
    Turkey have done more together in recent months on Syria than we've
    done in some time, in the sense that we have worked together on
    Kobane. We've gotten quite bit of appropriate support from Turkey for
    the strikes and things that we've been doing in Syria. Turkey also
    participates actively in all of the coalition working groups. You've
    strengthened your approach to foreign fighters. Your legislative base
    is going after them; that kind of intelligence cooperation is really,
    really important. And also, strengthening Turkey's intelligence
    cooperation has been a priority of ours. So I think we are doing
    better on that as well,' she said.

    Then comes the issue of the `quality of Turkish democracy.' `I was
    privileged to sit just now with a broad group of civil society
    representatives,' Nuland said. `We always take the opportunity when we
    are in Turkey to talk to folks who are working to strengthen
    democratic institutions, strengthen the right of expression,
    strengthen free media. I'll be doing a conversation on Internet
    freedom later today which we think is also really important, not just
    in political terms but in economic terms. The quality of Turkey's
    democracy matters to us. It matters to us as allies, but it's also a
    security issue.'

    Nuland concluded, `I think that the essential element between Turkey
    and the U.S. is always almost constant conversation, and particularly
    now that we're working together, when we have shared interests and
    concerns in so many hot spots. We have to maintain almost constant

    By Murat Yetkin

    From: A. Papazian