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Jehovah's Witnesses Have 19 Applications Against Azerbaijan Pending

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  • Jehovah's Witnesses Have 19 Applications Against Azerbaijan Pending


    15:05 24/03/2015 >> SOCIETY

    Religious intolerance is escalating in Azerbaijan as law-enforcement
    authorities impose heavy fines on Jehovah's Witnesses and imprison
    them. Authorities are criminally prosecuting the Witnesses for meeting
    together for worship and for talking to others about their beliefs,
    the site Jehovah's Witnesses reports.

    According to the article, police investigator criminally charged two
    of Jehovah's Witnesses -- Irina Zakharchenko, a partially disabled
    55-year-old widow, and 38-year-old Valida Jabrayilova, who is the
    primary caregiver for her mother -- with distributing Bible literature
    without "appropriate permission." ôhe charge brought against the
    women was for a crime committed as an organized group, which carries
    a stiff fine, ranging from 7,000 to 9,000 manats (USD 6,675 to 8,583)
    or two to five years' imprisonment. ïn February 17, 2015 the Sabail
    District Court in Baku placed the women in pretrial detention out of
    the concern that the women were likely to commit the act again and to
    "escape and hide from investigation."

    As the article has it, the attorney for the women appealed the
    decision. In the hearing in Baku Appeal Court neither the prosecutor
    nor the MNS (Ministry of National Security) investigator presented
    any evidence supporting the need for pretrial detention. Nonetheless,
    the court denied the appeals, and Ms. Zakharchenko and Ms. Jabrayilova
    were returned to the jail.

    On March 6, 2015, two groups from the MNS obtained court orders
    and searched the homes of Ms. Zakharchenko and Ms. Jabrayilova,
    confiscating their religious literature, personal notebooks,
    a computer, and a mobile phone. On March 10, 2015, the MNS,
    the State Committee for Work with Religious Associations, and the
    police presented court orders to search Jehovah's Witnesses' house of
    worship. Also, the MNS has summoned a number of Witnesses in Baku for
    interrogation in this case. Ms. Zakharchenko and Ms. Jabrayilova have
    prepared a letter to the UN Special Rapporteur and Arbitrary Detention
    Group requesting intervention. A local lawyer is preparing a motion
    in trial court to substitute pretrial detention with house arrest.

    It is also reported in the article that in Ganja, authorities
    have imposed fines of 1500-2000 manats (USD 1430-1910) on those
    attending religious meetings of the Witnesses and have detained some
    in jail. In October 2014, courts in Ganja jailed three Witnesses and
    a man attending their religious services for nonpayment of fines
    imposed upon them for meeting for worship. Though they had made
    partial payments, authorities jailed them from 3 to 20 days.

    "To me, 1,500 manats (USD 1,430) is a lot of money. . . . My initial
    reaction was not to pay the fine because I consider myself innocent,"
    the man worshipping with the Witnesses said. Two Witness men also felt
    that their punishment was unjust and reported that the authorities
    treated them like criminals. The third Witness who was jailed, a woman,
    added that no one took into consideration that her family had a very
    hard financial situation, that she provided care for her disabled
    mother, and that she voluntarily began paying the fine. The four
    have completed their jail sentences, but the court still demands full
    payment of the fines, otherwise it may again order their detention.

    It is highlighted in the article that officials in Azerbaijan have been
    using various methods to obstruct the religious activity of Jehovah's
    Witnesses. Currently, Jehovah's Witnesses have 19 applications against
    Azerbaijan pending with the European Court of Human Rights.


    In Azerbaijan, Jehovah's Witnesses can face up to five years in prison
    for distributing religious literature

    While "Jehovah's Witnesses" were meeting Azerbaijani officials,
    their supporters were arrested

    EurasiaNet: Jehovah's Witnesses just like Islamist radicals are
    persecuted in Azerbaijan
