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Chair Of British-Armenian All-Party Group To Represent UK At Armenia

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  • Chair Of British-Armenian All-Party Group To Represent UK At Armenia


    16:50, 24 Mar 2015
    Siranush Ghazanchyan

    John Whittingdale, Chairman of the British-Armenian all-party group,
    will represent the United Kingdom at the Armenian Genocide centennial
    commemoration in Yerevan on April 24, UK Minister for Europe David
    Lidington said at the adjournment debate on the Armenian Genocide
    centennial held at the House of Commons on March 23.

    "It was on 24 April 1915 that about 250 leading members of the Armenian
    community in Istanbul were arrested. This marked the beginning of a
    campaign of forced deportations directed against the Ottoman Armenian
    community. From 1915 to 1916 during the course of the deportations to
    the Syrian desert, it is estimated that well over 1 million Ottoman
    Armenians lost their lives as a result of massacres by soldiers or
    irregulars, forced marches, starvation and disease. A number of other
    minorities, such as the Assyrians, also suffered," Mr.

    Lidington said.

    "The British Government of that time robustly condemned the forced
    deportations, massacres and other crimes. We continue to endorse
    that view. British charities, as we look back, played a major part
    then in humanitarian relief operations. The deaths of more than 1
    million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire was an appalling civilian
    loss of life against the backdrop of the First World War, a conflict
    which itself broke new ground in developing international warfare on
    an industrial scale," the Minister added.

    "Today, the centenary of those terrible events has huge significance
    for the people of Armenia and for the worldwide Armenian diaspora. As
    an inseparable part of the tragedy of First World War, it is
    entirely appropriate that we in this country include this tragedy
    in our remembrance of the First World War to honor the dead, and to
    draw lessons from history and hope for a better future. The British
    Government's commemorations this year have focused on how the First
    World War shaped society and touched lives and communities. The
    deportation and massacres of the Ottoman Armenians, and the role
    played by the UK and other allies in reporting the atrocities and
    helping the survivors, are an indivisible part of that story. The
    events and commemorative activities, which the Armenian community in
    the UK will organize on24 April and over the course of this year,
    will help to illuminate further that period of history for British
    people, some of whom may be hearing about it for the first time,"
    David Lidington stated.

    "The appalling nature of the events of 1915-16 were brought home
    vividly to me when I visited the Tsitsernakaberd memorial museum in
    Yerevan during my first ministerial visit to Armenia in 2012. When I
    went back to Armenia last year, I laid a wreath at the memorial to pay
    my respects to those who had died and those who had suffered. In this
    centenary year my hon. Friend the Member for Maldon, John Whittingdale
    as chair of the British-Armenian all-party group, and our ambassador to
    Yerevan will be present at the Armenian Government's commemorations on
    24 April in the Armenian capital," the UK Minister for Europe informed.

    He added that on 24 April, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will
    attend a ceremony in Gallipoli to honour the memory of all those who
    died during the campaign, including soldiers from Britain, Ireland,
    France, Australia, New Zealand, the Indian subcontinent, Canada
    and Sri Lanka, as well as the Ottoman soldiers who died defending
    the peninsula.

    "Those sombre commemorations in both Gallipoli and Yerevan should
    be used to honour the memory of those who lost their lives, whether
    soldiers or civilians, and to reflect carefully on the painful
    lessons we have learnt from history and how to prevent such events
    from happening again," Lidington noted.

    Speaking about the UK Government's policy on the recognition of the
    1915 events as genocide," the Minister said: "The Government's policy,
    indeed the policy of successive Governments, has not changed since
    1988 when this matter was reviewed. We take the view that genocide is
    not simply an expression of a political judgment. It is now a crime,
    and the British Government recognize as genocide only those events
    found to be so by international courts--for example, the holocaust and
    the massacres in Srebrenica and Rwanda. We do not exercise a political
    judgment in ascribing the term "genocide" to a set of events, whether
    in Armenia, the Holodomor in Ukraine or the massacres of the Kurds
    by Saddam Hussein in 1998."

    "In honoring and reflecting upon the past, it is vital that we look
    to the future. The peoples and Governments of Turkey and Armenia need
    to find a way to face their joint history together and forge a new,
    more constructive relationship, and part of the role the UK seeks for
    itself is to support them in finding this path forward. I will not
    pretend that we from London can provide instant answers, but we are
    doing what we can practically to foster people-to-people exchanges
    and links between the two countries to break down stereotypes and
    barriers. For example, we have just completed a successful exchange
    of Turkish and Armenian Chevening alumni who visited each other's
    countries for the first time," he noted.

    According to David Lidington, "the Governments of Armenia and Turkey
    must take the lead in forging and delivering that new relationship."

    "For that reason, the UK Government strongly supported the imaginative
    diplomacy that led to the Turkish-Armenia protocols in 2009. The
    protocols envisaged opening the border and initiating diplomatic
    relations without any preconditions, and it is a matter of great
    regret that the ratification process for those protocols has not moved
    forward. I hope that both sides will continue to consider creative
    ways to re-set their relations and open up new channels for dialogue
    and co-operation."

    "This year, we will reflect with sadness on the nature and horrific
    scale of the deportations, massacres and other crimes in 1915-16
    and on the importance of this centenary for Armenia and Armenians
    worldwide, but we will also renew our commitment this year to promote
    reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey. A genuine step forward along
    that path to reconciliation would take us towards a more peaceful and
    secure future for everyone living in the region. I continue to hope
    that both Turkey and Armenia can find a way to look together towards
    a brighter future."

    From: A. Papazian